The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2109: Stimulate Gu Ziwen

Gui Chun froze for a while: "What did you say?"

"If you are willing to do me a favor, I will redeem you, and I will go to the government office to get you a new identity, give you a sum of money, let you go to a place where no one knows you, and start again. Be a good girl and protect you from food and clothing for the rest of your life!" Gu Xiaowan said lightly.

Originally, Gu Xiaowan had no prejudice against Gui Chunjiao. Gui Dongmei was a vain woman, but Gui Chunjiao was okay. Although she wasn't necessarily kind, she never harmed her.

Seeing a struggle appeared on Gui Chunjiao's face, she moved her lips, trying to say something, but did not speak, lowered her head, thinking for a long time, then raised her head and asked, "You will really help me? "

"You and I have no big grudges. The changes in your family back then. If you hated me, I think you hated the wrong person. If it wasn't for your greed, you would not end up like this. , Self-inflicted, cannot live, so many years have passed, the ups and downs of the world, you must have seen through, if you really think that those things are to blame on me, I am afraid that you have already scolded me in the whole capital, but what are you You didn’t do it, just when you didn’t know me, it means that you know in your heart that you shouldn’t hate me! Are you?” Gu Xiaowan’s eyes were very clear, like an ancient well without waves, deep and clear. Qi also dissipated and became empty.

"I know that I hate you, I hate the wrong person. If it weren't for Dongmei, my family wouldn't be the culprit. Everyone else is dead. Who else do I hate? I only hate myself. Why? I don't know good people! Follow Dongmei and my mother to do evil and hurt myself!" Gui Chunjiao couldn't control her crying, and her crying body began to shake.

Gu Xiaowan was afraid that she would fall, so she quickly looked at Zuo who was on the side, and Zuo knew it, and hurriedly stepped forward to help Gui Chunjiao: "Girl Jiaoer, sit down!"

Gui Chunjiao heard the voice and looked at Zuo with a little surprise. Gu Xiaowan smiled and said, "This is the maid by my side, the girl is disguised as a man!"

Gui Chunjiao nodded, stopped crying, wiped away her tears, and looked at Gu Xiaowan: "What you just said is true?"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Naturally it is true!"

"Okay, how do you want me to help you?" Gui Chunjiao wanted to leave this Ruyi Hall a long time ago, but she didn't save enough money. The new and strong Grandpa Gu is not a rich man at home, except for paying for his mother. Besides, there is very little money that can give oneself!

"I heard that you were walking very close with a young man named Gu recently?"

"Master Gu?" Gui Chunjiao nodded hurriedly, "Yes, why, do you know him too?"

"Of course!" Gu Xiaowan smiled, Gui Chunjiao's eyes rolled and she immediately remembered: "He is your cousin, Gu Ziwen?"

"Well, did you just remember it now?" Gu Xiaowan asked with a smile looking at Gui Chunjiao who stood up in surprise.

"No, I've never thought about it!" Gui Chunjiao was surprised and hurriedly said: "I don't want to think about the past, so naturally I don't want to ask too much. If it weren't for you, I would never I can't remember, he will be your cousin! The man who rarely appeared in the village before, even if he appeared, is still above the top, now he has become my benefactor. Things in this world are really amazing!" Gui Chunjiao smiled helplessly, with bitter tears.

She sneered a few times, then looked at Gu Xiaowan: "What do you want me to do?"

Gu Xiaowan looked at the woman who still had clear eyes in the fallen brothel, nodded and said: "What I asked you to do is actually very simple, just need to say a few more words."

When she left the Ruyi Pavilion, Hua's mother's happy mouth was grinning. Gu Xiaowan gave her another one thousand taels, saying that she liked the voice of Jiaoer and wanted to see Jiaoer every day. .

When Mother Hua heard that there was nothing else she could not agree to, she immediately agreed with a smile, and stuffed the one thousand taels of cash into her clothes, for fear that Gu Xiaowan would repent, "You can rest assured, you can rest assured, as long as you come, I promise that Miss Jiaoer will be free and be there on call!"

Gu Xiaowan triumphantly, like a dude, shook the jade fracture fan and left with a smile. Gui Chunjiao was in the envy and jealousy of the sisters. Her body was erect and straight. The body that was originally as weak as a willow is now as strong as As poplar, high and upward.

Back in the carriage, Zuo was a little worried: "Girl, what if this woman turns over? Then she will tell Gu Ziwen what you have instructed her to do. Wouldn't it be a surprise?"

Gu Xiaowan listened to the voice of Yingying Yanyan outside the car curtain getting farther and farther, and even the surrounding air became fresher, and then said quietly: "She won't, based on my understanding of her, I have fallen into the dust. , It’s better to return to the sky in a different life experience, only her choice! Whether to choose me or choose Gu Ziwen, she has been in the brothel for so many years, it is always clear!"

Gu Xiaowan was right. Gui Chunjiao thought about betraying Gu Xiaowan and told Gu Ziwen about her plan. However, she had had enough of the inhuman treatment she had experienced in the brothel over the years.

She knew this was her last chance, if she could help Gu Xiaowan, she would definitely take herself away!

Gu Xiaowan promised herself that she would have no worries about food and clothing, she believed her!

Gui Chunjiao soon had a new acquaintance, and the fact that the person had spent a lot of money on Gui Chunjiao soon reached Gu Ziwen's ears.

Gu Ziwen was even more furious when he heard it. All his money was thrown on this woman. She was well, and the time had not arrived, so she had already found the next benefactor.

The more Gu Ziwen thought about it, the more disgusting she thought that this woman was still fighting with another man at the same time, especially when she complained from time to time that he was not tender enough and rich enough.

The more Gu Ziwen thought about it, the more angry, the dignity of a man was trampled on nothing in front of this woman!

Immediately ran away angrily.

Gui Chunjiao looked at Gu Ziwen, who was rushing out angrily, and knew that the stimulation he had received in the past few days had succeeded.

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