The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2093: My family is quite rich

The person who was called out to give the hairpin carefully held the hairpin in his palm and handed it to Master Zhou.

Zhou Mingxuan picked up the hairpin, only glanced at it, and pointed at one of the hairpins and said, "I made this hairpin. This other hairpin is the same as mine, but it must not be mine!"

Master Zhou resolutely put one hairpin back, took out another hairpin and said, "This is what I did!"

Master Zhou took out the hairpin in his hand, and saw a mark on the bottom of the hairpin, which was obviously the name engraved on the tail of the hairpin.

"How is it possible? I bought this hairpin and that set of jewellery heads together at Diancuifang!" Gu Xintao hurriedly said when seeing this, "That set of jewellery heads cost nearly ten thousand silver, it is true!"

Gu Xiaowan said: "Sister, why are you so sure that the hairpin he holds in his hand is yours? What? Does Master Zhou never know what you do? I feel strange, why are you so sure about his hands? Is the hairpin on your hand real? Or is it because you gave him the hairpin in his hand, so you are so sure?"

Gu Xiaowan asked, Gu Xintao was speechless!

What should she say? Said that she personally gave this hairpin to Liu Guiyong to slander Gu Xiaowan?

How could Gu Xintao say, she dare not say it!

Due to Gu Xiaowan’s questioning, and Gu Xintao’s silence, the lobby was silent at this moment, and no one spoke.

First, I was concerned about the reputation of Princess Anping, and second, Su Ziyue was here, always feeling that the relationship between these two people was a little unpredictable.

What Su Gongzi said just now

On the ninth day of September, Su Ziyue is about to win the princess of the famous capital, so why are you still saying such a thing here now!

The arrival of Master Zhou made Gu Xiaowan the one who had hairpins, and the hairpin in Liu Guiyong's hands was suspicious. Gu Xintao didn’t speak, but Gu Xiaowan took advantage of the victory, and asked Liu Guiyong instead: "You said that I gave you your hairpin, but this set of jewelry hairpins is still in my hands. How can you be sure that it is me? Hairpin?"

Liu Guiyong clearly knew that the hairpin in his hand was the real one. Where did he know that a master suddenly appeared to prove that the hairpin in his hand was fake!

He was stopped by Gu Xiaowan's question. He quickly glanced at Gu Xintao, and saw that Gu Xintao also lowered his head at this moment, and his body was shaking slightly. It was obvious that she hadn't answered what Gu Xiaowan asked just now!

Now there is no thought to see how he answers!

Liu Guiyong panicked all of a sudden, sweat dripped from his forehead, and even his back was wet.

Gu Xiaowan saw the panic in Liu Guiyong's eyes. Even when he went to Gu Xintao as if calling for help, Gu Xiaowan also saw the confusion in his eyes.

Gu Xiaowan furrowed her brows and thought about it.

Gu Xiaowan said again at this time: "Since you don't want to say where your hairpin came from, it doesn't matter. I just want to ask you, where did you and I meet?"

As soon as Liu Guiyong heard it, he immediately replied: "My family is poor and I am living in your house. When you see me being pitiful, you gave me a bowl of rice. Later, when I saw that I had a little strength, he took me in and let me stay. Doing things at home! I, Qin Yizhi, is not a person who does not want to repay me. I will always remember that meal forever!"

"In this case, do you know what I ate for you?" Gu Xiaowan asked.

Liu Guiyong first had a meal, and then he said loudly, "What can be there? It is the food that everyone eats on weekdays!" After Liu Guiyong finished speaking, he seemed to be afraid that everyone would not believe it. He meditated for a while, and then said: "I remember very It is clear that there is still a piece of meat in that bowl! It was because of that piece of meat that I was determined to stay!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "Really? At that time, my family was so poor that there was still food to feed to a beggar, and there was still meat. Then my family's conditions were fine, so why should I keep you? It's so good, what do I leave you for?"

After Gu Xiaowan had spoken to the man, she said languidly: "Everyone is from Beijing. Naturally, I don’t know the hardships of the country folks. I vaguely remember that the four of my siblings and I were eating meat. I can’t even fill my stomach. I often eat the last meal and not the next. I have to worry about what to eat tomorrow. I’m surprised that you remember so clearly that there is still meat for you in my house. You remember so clearly. , It is incredible, then you are a beggar, if you can go to the home of a beggar who eats meat, then you are going to enjoy the blessing!"

Gu Xiaowan’s words resonated with some people. Not all of the Wuyun teahouses are those of high-ranking officials and nobles for several generations. There are some. Counting up, many of them were born from poor people. The older one also felt deeply. He followed Gu Xiaowan’s words to reconcile: "Yes, I remember when I was in the country, where there was meat, I didn’t even have to eat rice, I ate wild vegetables every day. A bowl of soup, no oil or salt, can be a mirror!"

Some people present were sighing. Su Ziyue looked at Gu Xiaowan, his eyes filled with distress and unbearable. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything. He saw Liu Guiyong whose face was flushed and white. He was 100% sure that he was lying in his heart. Angrily, he hurried forward, and pulled Liu Guiyong's arm with one hand, and shouted angrily: "Who are you? Who told you to frame Princess Anping! If you don't To be honest, just wait for Zhulian Nine Clan!"

Following Su Ziyue's anger, Liu Guiyong was stunned, and even his arm was about to be removed by him without any pain.

He was scared to death in his heart, but thinking that someone had told him the identity and things of this person, thinking of what the person taught him, he tremblingly opened his mouth: "What? Su Gongzi became angry and angry? He was looking at you. My sweetheart is dirty, are you feeling distressed? I tell you, how many times such a woman has chanted under me. Do you still like this dilapidated flower?"

Su Ziyue's face instantly turned blue-gray: "Bad son!"

With a loud shout, I saw Su Ziyue raising his arms high, and punching Liu Guiyong far away. A burst of sweetness surged up. Liu Guiyong looked up and saw Su walking like a purgatory ghost. Zi Yue said in his heart that he was not afraid that it was fake. He tremblingly wanted to get up, but when he saw Su Ziyue see him, he kicked Liu Guiyong away again.

The body slammed on the beam and slammed to the ground with a "bang".

A mouthful of blood spurted out, Liu Guiyong wiped his mouth, then looked up: "Remaining flowers and losing willows, don't think about it for the rest of your life!"

Su Ziyue's footsteps suddenly stopped after hearing this.

He glared at Liu Guiyong, who was still hard-mouthed until he died, and suddenly felt that he heard that strangely familiar. Then, his eyes spit fire, and his fists shook uncontrollably.

The anger in those eyes was more like destroying the world, and Liu Guiyong was panicked now.

That person clearly said it was OK, as long as he angered Young Master Su, he wouldn’t be so good, but now

Su Ziyue clenched his fists with both hands in front of his chest, and the blue veins on the back of his hands violently, looking at Liu Guiyong like a dying prey.

Liu Guiyong panicked. He hurriedly looked at Gu Xintao, but Gu Xintao turned his head and didn't look at him at all. He seemed to look forward to it like that.

Su Ziyue's fist was already raised, and the stone-sized fist was raised high, if it hit him, he would spend the rest of his life in bed if he didn't die!

Liu Guiyong was anxious and hurriedly shouted: "No!"

Gu Xiaowan saw Su Ziyue's angry look at this moment, she secretly said that it was not good.

Killing pays for life is justified!

If Su Ziyue really killed the man today, his life would be ruined in full view!

Thinking of this level, Gu Xiaowan didn’t care about men’s and women’s defenses. She rushed forward, took Su Ziyue’s hand and shouted, "Master Su, no!"

How could Su Ziyue allow outsiders to slander Gu Xiaowan like this? Even if Gu Xiaowan is really such a person, he doesn't care! He would not allow others to slander him!

Gu Xiaowan's hand was soft like a ball of cotton, and she held Su Ziyue's hand.

Su Ziyue seemed to be electrocuted, and his raised hand stopped. A pair of petite hands were attached to his head, not only holding his hands, but also his heart.

Su Ziyue only felt that his breathing had stagnated. There was still the softness in his hand. Because of the closeness, the faint scent on Gu Xiaowan's body was a bit rich at the moment, but not pungent, like a nice scent, which came in. The tip of his nose stopped his whole person, including his body, including his thoughts!

After Gu Xiaowan stopped Su Ziyue's movements, she quickly removed her hand: "Master Su, you must never kill this person. For such a person, it is not worth getting your hands dirty!"

The softness on the back of the hand quickly disappeared, and even the scent faded a lot because of her distance.

Su Ziyue was lost for a while, but was a little excited because of Gu Xiaowan's concern just now: "Princess"

But thinking about the relationship between this person and Gu Xiaowan, thinking about whether she was unwilling to touch him, the excitement in her heart quickly disappeared, and she was full of loss!

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