The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2089: Someone jumped off the building

The hairpin on Gu Xiaowan's hand is engraved on the end of the hairpin. There is another hairpin for comparison. People who have seen it immediately said that the hairpin on Gu Xiaowan's hand was made by Master Zhou!

But obviously not, Master Zhou did what she had!

Gu Xintao wants to tell everyone that the hairpin in her hand is real, but what can be said? If he said that, Gu Xiaowan would question herself again, why he was so sure!

Yeah, why are you so sure?

Gu Xintao blurted out what she wanted to explain, and swallowed it back. Now that she saw Gu Xiaowan's self-sufficient appearance, she understood. At the beginning, Gu Xiaowan had been warning herself that she had already known the hairpin on her head. , Everyone will think it is true!

Could it be that the hairpin in her hand was really made by Master Zhou? how is this possible? Master Zhou will not make any two identical hairpins unless

Gu Xintao was surprised when she thought of this!

Then he immediately said: "I remember that I went to Dian Cuifang to buy this hairpin. The shopkeeper of Cuifang said that this hairpin is the work of Master Zhou. This is the only one in the world. I bought it at that time. I liked this hairpin very much. At that time, I looked from left to right and I knew what this hairpin looked like. Then I saw that I liked it, so I wanted to give it to my sister, and asked my maid to find someone to engrave it! I remember Qianzhen Wanquan, this hairpin must have been made by Master Zhou!"

Gu Xintao was still saying that the hairpin must be real. Everyone looked at Gu Xiaowan questioningly. When they looked at Gu Xintao, they were very curious: "This week, the master will only make the same hairpin. What he did, this There is no second thing in the world that is the same. Since you said that yours is real, and the princess's hands look real, then who is the real? Who is the fake?"

Everyone looked at Gu Xiaowan and Gu Xintao, as if they wanted to see who was lying from the faces of these two!

At the moment someone opened his mouth and said, "Isn't it easy? Go to the master next week, don't you know?"

"Yeah, isn't it all right to go to Master Zhou? Master Zhou will know which one is true and which one is fake!"

"Yes, yes, go find Master Zhou!" Gu Xintao also said loudly, her expression relaxed.

She was sure that the hairpin in her hand must be made by Master Zhou, and the one in Gu Xiaowan's hand must be fake!

Gu Xiaowan didn't say a word, lowered her head, and held the hairpin tightly in her hand, as if she had a guilty look. When everyone saw it, they were a little confused!

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's expression, Gu Xintao became more proud and more certain that the hairpin in Gu Xiaowan's hand must be fake!

"Xiao Wan, just tell the truth, if Master Zhou comes then, it won't look good to anyone, right?" Gu Xintao said.

"" Gu Xiaowan didn't say a word. After taking a look at Gu Xintao, she immediately lowered her head and looked a little scared.

"Qin Yizhi" on the side saw this and began to say: "Wan'er, how did you become like this? Is the thing you gave me fake? This hairpin was given to me by you, how could it be? It's fake! You make me so cold, I treat you with my heart, but you treat me like this, how I supported this family back then, how I treated you, have you forgotten it? How could you do this cruel?"

"Qin Yizhi" yelled at Gu Xiaowan hysterically. His expression of pain, despair, and grief was shocking: "Gu Xiaowan, I'm so good to you, how can you be so cruel? You want I do what I do, I give you everything I have, why are you so cruel?"

"Qin Yizhi" roared: "Gu Xiaowan, you bitch, you dare to lie to me, you lied to my feelings, lied to me to do things for you, lied to me to make money for you, now that you are so prosperous, you want to kick it I kicked it away, the beauty you think, the beauty you think, in front of so many people today, I will tear off your mask, let everyone see, what a fickle woman you are, play with me, use I just want to kick it away, the beauty you want!"

The man looked at Gu Xiaowan savagely, full of anger, and rushed to Gu Xiaowan hysterically, his face savagely terrifying.

Gu Xiaowan saw him rushing towards her, and she couldn't help but stepped back two steps. When Zuo and Kou Dan saw this, they hurriedly stopped in front of Gu Xiaowan: "Bold!"

But how could the "Qin Yizhi" rushing up like a mad dog be willing to give up? He saw the two women stop in front of Gu Xiaowan, and simply ignored him, exhausted his whole body and rushed towards Gu Xiaowan!

A Zuo and Kou Dan rushed forward desperately when they saw him. They winked, and saw Kou Dan suddenly back a few steps, grabbed Gu Xiaowan and backed away.

And Zuo was waiting, her whole body was very tight, like an arrow that could be shot at any time!

Gu Xiaowan saw that the man rushed forward regardless, and Zuo was ready to go, and immediately felt that there was something wrong with her intuition. When she glanced at the corner of her eye and the eyebrows were proud of Gu Xintao, she suddenly understood.

Seeing Zuo had raised his leg, Gu Xiaowan was shocked.

Zuo Wugong is very powerful, she knows that if she kicks this kick, she will get rid of half her life if she doesn't die. Then, in that case, she might be fooled by Gu Xintao!

Thinking of this, Gu Xiaowan shouted: "A Zuo, don't hurt him!"

Zuo had already stretched her leg. Seeing that the rushing man was about to hit her leg, and hearing Gu Xiaowan’s yelling, Zuo suddenly turned around and turned around. After she turned, she suddenly flew into her body. He immediately retreated a few steps away.

However, the man was too fast and couldn't control his body. He kept rushing forward. There was a fence in front of him. Seeing him leaning forward, the wooden fence was smashed by him, making a creak.

The people in the lobby watched this scene in astonishment, and they were shocked. I watched the fat body rush out of the fence and planted under the hall!

Everyone was stunned, only to hear the man utter a terrible cry, the man fell!

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