The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2082: Why don't you want me

It's just that Gu Xintao didn't speak, and just looked at the man like this. The man kept his head down and shrank and didn't speak, and Gu Xiaowan stood aside in time, as if it didn't matter to her at all.

"It's me and me, I'm back! Wan'er, Wan'er, do you still want me?" The man Xu Yi summoned his courage and finally opened his mouth, and when everyone heard what she said, their eyes lashed out. She brushed the floor and looked at Gu Xiaowan.

Wan'er, do you still want me?

There is too much meaning in this sentence!

Who is this man!

Gu Xiaowan looked calm, but sneered in her heart, what a trick, so many people, if the person just pressed herself under her body, she would have a hundred mouths and couldn't tell, and at this moment, this man shouted so affectionately. My name, I'm afraid, I am very familiar with myself!

Call yourself so, look at yourself so, everyone will think, what is the relationship between this person and himself! Gu Xiaowan guessed that this person might be very familiar with herself!

Codan yelled: "Who are you? You dare to call my princess's maiden name, as a disciple, be careful I cut your tongue!"

When the man heard this, he lowered his head in fright, his body shaking more severely, Gu Xintao saw it and hurriedly shouted: "Girl Kou Dan, this is Qin Yizhi. At that time, you were not by Xiao Wan's side. Knowing that there is such a person, he is your girl’s sweetheart! Qin Yizhi, a childhood sweetheart, and a little guessing!"


As if there was a thunder in the flat ground, everyone looked at the little-known Qin Yizhi in surprise, and their eyes widened in shock.

Is this ordinary Qin Yizhi the sweetheart of Princess Anping?

The short and fat man is not ugly for the time being, but with such a virtue, how could he be the sweetheart of the fairy-like Princess Anping in front of him!

Some people don't believe it anymore: "It's nonsense, look at this man's virtues, how can Princess Anping look at him!"

Someone still believes: "Why don't you look down on it, don't forget, this Princess Anping was not a princess before, but the poor peasant girl who couldn't even open the pot at home was poor! I heard she later Picking up a beggar, the beggar lives in her house and has done a lot for her! Her life has gradually improved!"

Gu Xiaowan's face was calm as a pool of stagnant water, no matter what others said, the pool of stagnant water did not have half ripples.

She wanted to see how this "Qin Yizhi" who appeared suddenly would frame herself!

I don't know who found this person, but he would find such an ordinary almost ugly man to identify himself!

Is it Princess Mingdu? How could she find such a man in good order!

Gu Xintao looked at Gu Xiaowan secretly, and saw that she didn't say anything, and she had no expression on her face. She was a little anxious, and hurriedly gave the "Qin Yizhi" a color, and saw that Qin Yizhi was so strong. Courageously opened his mouth and turned towards Gu Xiaowan, and said affectionately: "Wan'er, how long hasn't seen you, do you want me? I know, I have no identity, no status, no money, no rights, and me. I am no longer worthy of you now. But, we grew up together since we were young. You said at the time that you want to marry me and be my wife and my life. Have you forgotten?"

The man talked with deep affection and seemed to evoke Gu Xiaowan’s memories: "Do you remember? One time we went to the mountain and accidentally ran into a wolf. The wolf was going to eat us. At that time, I wanted to save you. , I was hurt all over. I was hurt. You were in front of my hospital bed and guarded me in undressed clothes for days and nights. After seeing me healed, I felt relieved. Have you forgotten? And that **** Taoist said You are a disaster star. If it weren’t for me to save you, you would have been buried in the sea of ​​flames. Have you forgotten all this? You told me before that no woman is allowed to be seen by me, and no woman is allowed to be touched by me. I can only like you and love you for the rest of my life. I did it. I don’t love anyone. I only love you. But why don’t you want me anymore? Wan'er"

"Qin Yizhi" was heartbroken crying, and while talking, the tears fell one by one like a broken wire. The heartbroken appearance made people feel distressed.

Gu Xiaowan didn't move, she just stood there calmly.

Everyone was shocked from the beginning, and they all recovered at this moment. After hearing the man's words, he immediately believed. It turned out that there was so much past between this man and Gu Xiaowan.

I rescued Gu Xiaowan from the fire and rescued Gu Xiaowan from the wolf's mouth. With such a great kindness, is this Gu Xiaowan a wolf-hearted thing? Why don't you repay others? Still chasing people away?

Someone was embarrassed for "Qin Mozhi": "You said you are Princess Anping's sweetheart? Are you Qin Mozhi?"

"I am Qin Mozhi!" The man wiped his eyes when someone asked him, and said firmly: "Qin Mozhi!"

They had never heard of this name, and they never knew the name of Gu Xiaowan's sweetheart. However, seeing someone come to Gu Xiaowan to tell her old love, people had a hunch that this person must have a great relationship with Gu Xiaowan.

But, I didn't expect Qin Yizhi to grow up like this! So ordinary, looking at that shrunken look, he is a clown who can't stand up to the table, no wonder Princess Anping doesn't want him!

Someone said at the moment: "I am now Princess Anping, you are just a small handyman, how are you worthy of others, you go quickly, don't insult yourself!"

This means that after sitting down, Gu Xiaowan has an adulterous relationship with this person!

Gu Xiaowan glanced down her head coldly. The person who spoke just now felt Gu Xiaowan's cold eyes, and immediately shut her mouth and stopped talking.

Gu Xintao also stood aside, without saying a word, just looking at Qin Yizhi like that, her face was a little moved.

Qin Yizhi saw that Gu Xiaowan didn’t speak, and then said: “Wan’er, we haven’t seen each other for a long time, don’t you miss me? I’m thinking about you day and night, thinking about your appearance, and thinking about everything I want Dead! You said that as long as I go there for a while, you will marry me, but why don’t you let me come back? You still hide from me everywhere, if you don’t know what you are here today, then Qingyuan is so strict, how did I find you!"

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