The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2078: Hairpin as token

That indifference and arrogance, Gu Xintao hated to death in her heart, but she was a maid, and she still had such a big tone, and she wanted to let her go!

Gu Xintao was angry, scared, and hated, so she could only squint at Zuo, and had no time to care about them. After seeing them out, she hurriedly locked them up!

Then it was a whole lot of turmoil, and then Shu Lin and the other person were dressed.

From top to bottom, the two big men didn't wear a single piece of yarn, so the hidden places were unobstructed.

Gu Xintao's ears were not red, her heart was not beating, and she dressed the two of them calmly and tremblingly. Then she dragged the other person aside and put Shu Lin on. After all this, she also sat beside Shu Lin's bed, quietly waiting for Shu Lin to wake up.

Shu Lin soon woke up. After waking up, when he saw Gu Xintao beside him, he was a little confused: "Why are you here?"

When I saw myself sleeping in bed, it was a little strange: "Why am I here?"

"Sir, you passed out just now!" Gu Xintao said hurriedly: "When I came in just now, you were lying outside, not knowing what was going on, Tao'er was afraid that you might catch a cold, so she helped you here. Rest!"

"What about Qin Yizhi and Gu Xiaowan? Shouldn't they be here?" Shu Lin frowned and asked.

"I don't know either! When I came in, I didn't see Gu Xiaowan and Qin Yizhi!" Gu Xintao said hurriedly.

"I didn't see it?" Shu Lin snorted coldly, "Why didn't you see it? There is nodding of ecstasy here, shouldn't the two of them have a friendship inside? Why I am here, but they didn't see it. Here!"

"Tao'er doesn't know either. Xu is Xu is the cunning Gu Xiaowan. She left after seeing you fainted! Tao'er was always outside and didn't see her leaving, so Tao'er never knew!" Gu Xintao only said that she didn't know anything. Shu Lin stared at Gu Xintao, trying to see what she could see in her eyes, but she was always calm, only worrying about herself in her eyes, nothing else could be seen. flaw.

Gu Xintao has always lowered her eyebrows, and when she occasionally raised her eyes, when she looked at Shu Lin, her eyes were filled with love.

Shu Lin got up, only thinking that he was a little strange, but he didn't pay much attention to it, but Gu Xiaowan had some regrets: "That Gu Xiaowan let her escape again!"

"No regrets!" Gu Xintao said: "My son, since she has come today, it is white, we can all say it is black!"

Gu Xintao was confident in her heart, but now, she is a little bit out of it.

After hearing this, Shu Lin nodded hurriedly. That's right, so many people saw the incident about Gu Xiaowan's visit to Wuyun Teahouse today. This is a good thing, a good thing!

At that time, as long as the person came out to be a witness, Gu Xiaowan would just open her mouth and couldn't explain it clearly!

Shu Lin was proud, but he was always puzzled. At that time, Gu Xiaowan could no longer stand, and he had always been sane. Why did he suddenly faint when he got inside?

However, Gu Xintao said that she had fainted outside, and when she was last awake, she was clearly inside! Shu Lin was puzzled, but after thinking about it, she couldn't figure it out. Gu Xintao's face was always calm and she didn't see any clues!

This happened!

After Ah Zuo and Kou Dan left the Wuyun Teahouse, they saw Ahmad driving a carriage at the door. He was overjoyed, jumped into the car, and saw that the girl had already made a pot of tea. Enjoy tea!


"It's finished?" Gu Xiaowan asked with a smile.

"It's done!" Zuo said with a smile: "It was so enjoyable to watch Gu Xintao's nervous look at the time! The two big men slept together, if Shu Lin knew about it, I was afraid that she would peel off Gu Xintao. !"

Kou Dan pushed Zuo a little, his face a little red: "You are not ashamed, those two big men, stripped clean, you are too embarrassed to open the quilt to see! Every bit of privacy of others is sapped by you. Up!"

Zuo Hun said nonchalantly: "What privacy, I want to harm the girl, but also find out what kind of Qin or something, just like that, it's better than our master."

When the words were still in her mouth, she realized that she had said the wrong thing, and hurriedly staggered the words: "You didn't see it, and you don't know where they found Qin Yizhi, just like that. Brother Qin can't match a single strand of hair!"

Gu Xiaowan had a cup in her hand and turned her head to look at Zuo. She was a little surprised when she heard the word she just said!

She clearly heard Zuo say

Also better than our lord

Lord what?

She should be Qin Yizhi, so why did she call the Lord?

Gu Xiaowan was very puzzled, but seeing Zuo busy staggering the topic, thinking that she might have said something wrong, she didn't take it seriously.

"I've seen that person too. I'm afraid it was Princess Mingdu and Xiao Shizi who specially came to frame me. After all, I always said that there was someone in my heart, but the brother Huizhi never showed up in front of the world. If someone finds someone to frame me and tells a lot of my past with my brother, many people will believe it!" Gu Xiaowan said with a sneer.

Zuo and Koudan nodded: "They didn't achieve their goal today, they will next."

"Today we went to the Wuyun Teahouse, but I was stopped by the boss for a long time!" Gu Xiaowan pulled out the hairpin made of mutton fat and white jade from her head. She looked at the pinch of gold wire on the top and was very unprofessional, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth. "Today's jewellery head and face, I am afraid that many people will see it. This mutton fat white jade jewelry head face is the only one in Beijing, and only I, Gu Xiaowan!"

After Gu Xiaowan finished speaking, she threw the white jade hairpin in her hand onto the table, and made a clear "dingdong" sound. The gold wire on the white jade hairpin of mutton was not pinched at all, so she just threw it away. Some gold threads were taken off and flashed out, looking at the handwork is very cheap!


Zuo and Kou Dan looked at the hairpin made of goat fat and white jade, and suddenly realized: "Girl, you mean, this hairpin"

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