The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2073: Attend an appointment

The girl is not much worse than the master, or, among the women, the girl is considered the best!

After hearing this, Zuo said fearlessly: "Then let the master blame, the master let me follow the girl, let me think about the girl wholeheartedly, if the master blames me for what I asked, then I too There is nothing to say! But if there is another time, I will still speak out for the girl!"

"" Ah Mo looked at Ah Zuo, who was not afraid of thinking about the girl, and laughed: "You, you, but I guess, if the master knows, the master will definitely not blame you, who made you now To the girl like this! What did the master do to the girl, but it hurts like the eyeballs, you protect him, he is too happy! I will definitely not blame you!"

Ahmad was just frightening Ah Zuo, but he also understood that the master and the girl, it is the father and the girl, that the father and the girl are not separated, no one will leave anyone!

I've been entangled for a lifetime, that's great!

When Ah Zuo saw Ahmad smile, he pretended to give him an angry look: "Oh, feelings, you were scaring me just now! You beg!"

Zuo made a gesture and stretched out his fist to hit Ahmad. Ahmad smiled and tried to avoid him, but he didn’t really hide far. Zuo’s fist was lifted up and smashed like a stone, but it fell on On the chest, it looks like cotton!

It was soft and hit the chest, as if something suddenly jumped several times!

Ah Mo looked down at Ah Zuo, and saw that her face was always smiling, and she laughed. It turned out to be full of murderous eyes, and now it was full of tenderness!

My heart jumped wrong again!

Gu Xintao soon "created" Shu Lin's chance to be alone in the Wuyun Teahouse, and told Gu Xiaowan back to tell Gu Xiaowan to go quickly, "create" the chance that two people accidentally run into, and then let Gu Xiaowan and Shu Lin talk!

When sending someone to invite Gu Xiaowan, Gu Xintao also specifically urged people that Gu Xiaowan must wear the mutton white jade and gold jewellery head that she sent last time. Remember to wear a complete set.

When Gu Xiaowan heard a message from someone, she ordered Zuo to take the head of the jewelry that Gu Xintao had sent that day, and put it on carefully.

Codan combed her hair carefully, a little curious: "Girl, how do you wear this hoodie today?"

"What's wrong?" Gu Xiaowan asked.

"Kou Dan feels that this hairpin is a bit strange!" Kou Dan asked suspiciously, holding the golden silk hairpin of suet white jade.

Gu Xiaowan: "Why is it strange?"

Kou Dan looked at it carefully, shook his head and said: "I can't tell, but I think this hairpin is not matched with a set of head and face! The other head and face crafts are very luxurious and complicated. Only this set, I think there should be others. One!"

Seeing Kou Dan's worry, Gu Xiaowan smiled: "You can plug it in for me!"

Codan hesitated: "Girl"

At this moment, Zuo took the clothes and came in from the outside. After hearing the words, he said: "Codan, the girl lets you plug it in, just plug it in!"

When Kou Dan saw this, he hurriedly inserted the hairpin into the hair bun and set it up. Gu Xiaowan stood up, looked in front of the bronze mirror, turned and left.

Before leaving, she looked back at Kou Dan and gave her thumbs up: "Yes, you can see such a subtle difference! You deserve to be mine!"

Codan was a little shocked: "Girl"

Zuo followed and walked out, looking at Kou Dan's Zheng Leng appearance, smiled and said: "The girl praises you, why are you so shocked, hurry up and go along!"

Kou Dan was busy several times and followed behind, but she still had some doubts in her heart. She looked at the silent Zuo from time to time, and her heart was full of doubts!

Seeing that she was always weird, Zuo explained in a low voice: "Don't ask, you will know later!"

"The girl knows?" Codan asked back.

"That's natural. The girl found out when she got the hairpin for the first time!" Zuo said, his tone seemed proud!

"Then why?" Kou Dan saw that the girl knew that she was still wearing the hairpin, for fear that the girl would have caught the way of others, and she was already anxious.

"It's okay, the girl is measured. Since someone else has set a trap, how can the girl go out this time, you and I should be careful, Ahmad is in the dark, you and I are in the light, so be careful Protect the girl's safety!" Zuo said.

Codan was a little worried: "The girl is in danger, why go there? Girl"

Gu Xiaowan walked ahead, naturally hearing the conversation between the two people behind her. When she turned her head, she saw Kou Dan frowning and looking at herself worriedly: "Girl"

"Don't worry, you and Zuo are by my side, Ahmad is still in the dark, it's okay!" Gu Xiaowan said relievedly: "Let's go! It's not early, if you don't go, I'm afraid I will call someone to urge you again. !"

At this moment, Gu Xintao was afraid that he might wish to go to Wuyun Teahouse immediately.

The carriage walked quickly and arrived at Wuyun Tea House in a short while.

It seemed that Gu Xintao had already prepared in advance, and there was a small servant waiting at the door in Wuyun Tea House. Seeing the carriage coming, she hurriedly shouted, "But the carriage of Princess Anping?"

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan got off the carriage, the man shouted again: "Princess Anping is here, Princess Anping is here!"

Everyone looked at Gu Xiaowan, and all looked at this side curiously, all wondering what the Princess Anping, who only heard her name on weekdays, didn't see her looked like!

The boss of Wuyun Tea House, Xiao, was walking out of a private room at this moment, and when he saw someone coming, he walked towards Gu Xiaowan excitedly!

"You're Princess Anping?" Boss Xiao rubbed his hands in excitement, came to Gu Xiaowan's face, and knelt down exaggeratedly, with a respectful face, but also exaggeratedly knocked three heads to make Gu Xiaowan twist her eyebrows.

"Princess Anping, this is my shopkeeper!" When the little brother saw this, he explained hurriedly, and went to the boss of La Xiao to get up: "Shopkeeper, get up!"

Boss Xiao got up, but there was still a look of admiration on his face: "Last time you were in my shop, and you said the same thing?"

It turned out that Gu Xiaowan didn't care about what he said last time, and nodded: "Well, I said it!"

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