The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2063: Xu is wrong

The queen empress laughed at herself, perhaps because she had read it wrong. This person's eyes are always black or brown. How could there be red eyes!

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's determination, the princess Lihua was also very surprised, and said dumbfounded: "Sister, what does the person you like look like, so you believe him!"

Gu Xiaowan didn't speak, her cheeks were flushed, she smiled shyly, her black hair ran across her cheeks under the breeze, her white face like snow and black hair like ink made a sharp contrast between the two. Shocking. The faint smile on the corner of his mouth made people feel like a spring breeze. All the anxiety, tension, and fatigue in the heart seemed to be relieved with the effort of raising the head.

A bright yellow corner of the clothes flashed quickly outside the palace, and Father Qi looked at the emperor who was striding forward quickly, a little surprised.

This has obviously entered the queen's palace, how easy it is, I won't go in if I can't say it!

Moreover, if you want to come to the empress empress’s palace, I didn’t say it in advance, just to see the empress empress, now they all walked to the door, how can I not go in?

Father Qi was a little strange, and hurriedly followed in small steps: "My lord, get on the sedan chair, right?"

The emperor waved his hand and shook his head, with a low voice: "No, I will just walk around!"

Father Qi listened, and he was busy following along, suddenly thinking of something in his mind, he was suddenly shocked!

The emperor was the first to give a good comment in the palace, but he just said that Princess Anping and Huguo princess came to see the queen in the palace, and the emperor did not move. Later, after reading two more memorials, he said that he was a little tired and wanted to go to the Queen’s Palace to see the Queen’s Empress. Let's drive, the emperor also said that you don't need to disturb the queen, and you don't need to say in advance, just look at the queen, and then come here by yourself.

But when he came over, no one was allowed to say, he just stood at the gate of the palace for a while, and then he stopped entering!

Why is this?

Father Qi was a little puzzled, and hurriedly followed him. After two quick steps, he passed a corridor, which was a wind-passing hall. Suddenly a gust of wind blew, and a bold thought flashed in his mind.

The thought suddenly surprised him, and the step of stepping out immediately stopped.

Is it

Looking at the emperor striding forward, the bright yellow robe made him a little dizzy.

A cold sweat broke out on Father Qi's back. How could this be!

Shu Tianci walked in front, Xu Shi stopped when he saw that no one was following, and looked back at Father Qi, and when he saw that he was somewhat dazed, he understood everything.

The expression in his eyes was unusually sharp, and he only glanced at it, causing Father Qi to lower his head and quickly followed.

Shu Tianci didn't say anything, only continued to take a deep look at father-in-law Qi, and then strode off again. Father Qi didn't dare to neglect the slightest, he hurriedly bowed his waist and followed forward, without saying a word!

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