The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2057: Zhiqin revenge

She dared to murder the queen empress for greed of ink. Although she was unintentional, she almost killed the queen and the prince because of her unintentional and greed. Her heart is shameful, and it can even impinge the nine races!

Gu Xiaowan didn't feel pitiful for this person at all, and dared to be greedy and betrayal. Such a person would die a thousand times and ten thousand times! And framed the mother of a country and the fetus still in the womb, it is even more capable of injuring the nine races!

Everyone begged, the Huanong voice could not be heard at all, Wang Guifei was still standing behind, seeing this, she was a little stunned, looking at the emperor and queen mother blankly, with an inexplicable expression!

The soothing incense was not brought by Gu Xiaowan. It was framed by the flower. That would prove that the mandala pollen was also the culprit who replaced the soothing incense, and someone else!

Hualien also woke up at this moment, because not much pollen was swallowed, and not much incense was inhaled. Although he was not very lucky, it was much better than before!

"Datura pollen, who gave you it?" Gu Xiaowan asked.

Seeing that Hualien looked like a puppet without aura, he said numbly, "It's an aunt!"

Another aunt!

"What benefit did she give you? Let you hurt the empress?" Gu Xiaowan asked.

"Woo, she didn’t give the slave and maid any benefit, the slave, the slave still planned to tell the empress, but the man arrested my family and said that if I didn’t do what they said, I would kill my dad. Mother and my younger siblings! Oh, Hualien replied after regaining her sanity.

"Then why did you jump into a well to commit suicide?"

"The aunt said that after the matter was over, let me jump into the well so that no one would find pollen in my fingernails. She also said that as long as I die, my parents, brothers and sisters, they can I don't want to be alive, but I can't just watch my parents die!" Hualien was crying silently, and the one who was crying on the ground became a tearful person.

"Do you remember the look of that aunt?" Qi Gonggong asked.

"I don’t remember the maidservant. That aunt was a maidservant who came here at night. She wore a black cloak and a black drapery. She wrapped her entire face. The maidservant had never seen her look, but she remembered The way she walks, her legs seem to be a little lame, she walks and turns!"

"Is she the one who walked and turned?" When Father Qi heard that the man was lame, he immediately thought of a person: "The emperor, do you remember that there was a maid who entered the palace with you, the emperor? ——Zhiqin? Because Zhiqin did something wrong, Yushi broke his leg. Because he has been recuperating, he has been limping while walking!"

"Come here, take that cheap maid over here!" Father Qi hurriedly ordered.

Just as the servant wanted to arrest someone, he suddenly heard a voice from outside: "No need to arrest, I'm here by myself!"

When Hualien heard this sound, he looked out and said, "Yes, it's this sound, it's this sound! It's her, it's her who arrested my family."

Gu Xiaowan looked at Concubine Wang, and saw her face suddenly changed!

I saw Zhiqin limping in, because after the death of Concubine You Gui, she stayed in Xinzheku all the time, doing heavy work, one leg, and even more crippled, approached her step by step. , With a sneer at the corner of his mouth, looking shuddering.

"The maidservant! You dare to murder the queen!" The queen mother was furious when she saw Zhiqin.

Zhiqin sneered: "The empress dowager, in order to be able to conceive the emperor's dragonborn, this is the extreme method used by my mother. How can you give my mother to death? My mother is also for successors!"

"Nonsense, murdering the emperor’s body is a sinner who harms the country and the people! I didn’t expect your master to poison the emperor’s dragon body with medicine. You bastard, as vicious as your master, unexpectedly thought of using such a sinister witchcraft to murder the queen. With the prince, it is a heinous crime!"

Roared the queen mother.

After Zhiqin heard this, he suddenly burst into laughter, and he leaned forward and backward, as if he had heard some funny joke: "Queen dowager, you are only allowed to kill, are you not allowed to harm others? How wronged is my mother’s death? I remember that when she was poisoned to death by poison, she couldn’t close her eyes! She had always hoped to be pregnant with the emperor’s child, but it was a pity that she wanted to be pregnant with the man who was pregnant with the dragon son and personally gave her poisonous wine. , I want her life! She can't look down! The servant girl wanted to follow the girl, but the servant girl thought that you are still alive, and the servant girl is not reluctant! I am going to die, and I will give a back! , I got rid of two of them at once. There is spirit under my mother, so I should look down! Haha! It’s just a pity that this **** didn’t get rid of it, and my master also hates you." Zhiqin turned to look at Gu Xiaowan, He shouted hysterically: "If it weren't for you, the You family would not fall apart. You family's big house would be exiled, and a hundred-year-old family would be ruined! Here, you Gu Xiaowan also contributed a lot!"

You Qian and You Fangqin, there is indeed Gu Xiaowan's credit here, but if they don't collude with King Ming to find fault, Gu Xiaowan would not know them when raising geese!

"You did something wrong and used the lives of three people to ruin my Jinfu Tower. Now you are hitting it back. Is your family like this reversed right and wrong?"

Gu Xiaowan retorted, it seems that Zhiqin thought something happened to the empress, she came to show off her power!

"Haha, it's good to be able to back up the mother of a country and the eldest son of the emperor. Under Jiuquan, my maidservant has changed his eyes, and the slave and maidservant have a face to meet my maid!" Zhiqin laughed loudly, inexplicably happy.

Suddenly, an ecstatic voice came from outside: "The emperor, the empress dowager, the empress dowager woke up and shouted that she was going to drink gruel, the minister took the pulse, it's good, it's good! The empress and the womb. My child, safe and sound!"

It was the voice of the imperial physician Hao Lian. Seeing that the queen woke up and said she was hungry and wanted to eat, he was busy and ordered people to prepare gruel. After all this was done, he rushed here to give the emperor and the queen mother. Daxi!

When the emperor and the queen mother heard this, they were overjoyed, but Zhiqin was stunned: "What? She didn't die? How could it be? I clearly used body oil and mandala pollen, how could she not die! Impossible!"

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