The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2055: Admiring the emperor

Someone came over immediately and carried the empress away. Although the emperor was worried about the queen's safety, he still had more important things to deal with now!

"Xiaowan, do you know who poisoned it?" the empress mother asked: "This person is so familiar with mandala pollen and knows how to use corpse oil to refine incense. He must understand the toxicity of these two substances!"

"Yes, it must be someone who knows these two substances very well to think of using this method to harm the queen!" Gu Xiaowan replied: "This person behind the scenes is cruel and wants to get rid of the queen and the prince. His heart is punishable!"


Concubine Wang suddenly laughed. When the empress dowager heard this presumptuous laughter, she couldn't help but frown: "Concubine Wang, what are you doing?"

"Queen dowager, isn't the culprit obvious?" Wang Guifei pointed to Gu Xiaowan with a sneer: "Here, the only person who can see these two things is Gu Xiaowan. She shouted to catch the thief! She knew the poison. She knows how to refining, how to use poison and how to detoxify, she must do this!"

That's right, the only person who knew about corpse oil and datura pollen was Gu Xiaowan. Even the well-informed doctor Hao Lian didn't know these two things, but Gu Xiaowan knew!

All these signs indicate that Gu Xiaowan is the man behind the scenes!

"Nonsense, my sister is very knowledgeable, she saw through the tricks of the thief and saved the empress, but you blamed my sister!" Tan Yushu retorted: "My sister will definitely not do such a thing."

"Princess Anping, Princess Anping, please help me, please help me! Please, let my family go, I have put the body oil you gave me into the soothing incense, the empress is already like this, others It’s none of my business, don’t do my business." Huanong yelled suddenly, kowtowing at Gu Xiaowan, begging for mercy, and hearing what she said, it seemed that

Gu Xiaowan asked her to put the corpse oil in the soothing incense!

Concubine Wang screamed: "I see, Gu Xiaowan is a snake-hearted man. She gave the corpse oil to this cheap maid. It turned out that she arrested her family and was forced to help her frame the queen, the emperor, and the queen mother. You have to distinguish clearly, if such a lone star of the gods stays, Yu Jiangshan Sheji is useless!"

Concubine Wang hysterically insisted that Gu Xiaowan was the one who had poisoned her. Huanong kept kowtow at Gu Xiaowan, every word was made by Gu Xiaowan!

Seeing this Huanong actually said something like this, Gu Xiaowan sneered: "Then tell me, after I gave you the body oil, how did you put the body oil into the soothing incense?"

When Huanong heard this, he said hurriedly: "The emperor, the queen mother, Princess Anping said that she admires the emperor, admires the emperor, and is jealous that the queen has the emperor's dragon descendants."

The emperor was shocked when he heard it, and quickly looked at Gu Xiaowan, and saw a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, just looking at Huanong so faintly.

Her eyebrows are exquisite and picturesque, only sweeping Emei lightly, but they are already beautiful like a fairy coming out of the painting. Her eyes were translucent, like bright colored glaze, exuding a dazzling light. At the moment, she was hanging her head slightly, her thick eyelashes cast a dark shadow on the eye sockets, making her eyes more dazzling!

Gu Xiaowan's eagerness to enter the palace today is only wearing an autumn fragrant yellow dress that he wears outside the palace everyday. The waist that is gripped with a full grip seems to be able to be pinched with just one force!

Her smile is picturesque, and the faint smile at the corner of her mouth makes people feel like a spring breeze. It seems that as long as she looks at that smile, the fatigue all over her body is like being swept away, and she looks refreshed!

The emperor looked at her twice, and became more shocked. He only felt that his heartbeat suddenly accelerated, as if he was about to jump out of his chest. Gu Xiaowan seemed to feel someone staring at her. Gu Xiaowan raised his head, and the emperor moved away when he saw this. Look, dare not look again!

And that faint smile, like a brand, was deeply imprinted on his heart.

Gu Xiaowan felt a little embarrassed when she heard this. She interrupted the palace lady's words and shouted loudly: "There is nonsense, the emperor is the king of a country, and all people admire him. Xiaowan is the emperor's righteous sister, and treats the emperor's brother like a relative. Like a elder brother, the empress is the mother of a country, and Xiao Wan admires her in her heart. How could she do such a damaging thing!"

When he heard Gu Xiaowan say that he was treating herself like a real brother, the emperor suddenly raised her head, glanced at Gu Xiaowan quickly, and then quickly turned her head away. The empress dowager on the side only glanced, her heart was shocked, her head turned The praying beads stopped immediately!

"Huh, who knows! The people outside the palace are telling you that you climbed up step by step on the shoulders of men, Gu Xiaowan, you are a profane woman, you are close to the emperor, don’t you have anything to do with the emperor? Mind? If it wasn't for the empress dowager to accept you as a righteous daughter, I'm afraid that you would have been waiting for an opportunity to approach the emperor with your flamboyant temperament?"

Concubine Wang made Gu Xiaowan unbearable. Gu Xiaowan frowned, and the empress dowager was even more furious: "Shut up for the Ai family!"

"Queen dowager, the concubine is right! This Gu Xiaowan's reputation is so unbearable, you haven't heard of it, but the concubine has heard of it. Gu Xiaowan had a relationship with a family member of her family, and she had a private life with that person. After she came to the capital, the family disappeared. Others said that she murdered the man, but Gu Xiaowan kept saying that she only liked the man, but where did the man go? Empress mother, a little At the girl’s house, I’m telling people that I belong to each other before they are married. How can such a shameless woman be a princess of our Qing Dynasty, and hope that the empress dowager will be aware of it. Don’t let such a shameless woman harm us. Clear statement!"

"Nonsense, you silence me! Silence!" The emperor stood up angrily and pointed to Wang Guifei and shouted: "Is she a prodigal, I know better than you, if you talk any more gibberish, I will call you Into the cold palace!"

"Queen dowager" Wang Guifei heard that the emperor actually spoke for Gu Xiaowan, and she had to put herself into the cold palace for a humble peasant girl. She was annoyed and panicked at the moment: "Look, the emperor actually wants his minister for a humble peasant girl. The concubine has entered the cold palace, the queen mother, you have to be the master for your concubine!"

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