The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2052: I am truly a queen

Upon seeing this, Wang Guifei sneered in her heart. What evidence can Gu Xiaowan have that someone else murdered? how is this possible!

Gu Xiaowan helped her body: "Xiaowan, thank you, the emperor and the queen mother!"

Then I saw Gu Xiaowan walk quickly to the small gilt incense burner and took out the spices in it: "Doctor Hao, please help me look at the spices."

The emperor Hao Lian looked at the emperor, and the emperor nodded. The emperor Hao Lian quickly came to Gu Xiaowan's face, picked up the spice and looked at it and said, "This spice is the same as the spice just now, and there is oil in this spice."

Gu Xiaowan asked: "Could Dr. Hao smell the oil used?"

Madam Hao Lian sniffed it and frowned, "How can this smell be so strange? The burned spices are fragrant, but the unburned spices have a smell."

"Have you ever smelled this kind of smell?" Gu Xiaowan continued to ask.

Imperial Physician Hao Lian shook his head and beckoned to call other imperial physicians to pass. After those imperial physicians smelled it, they all showed disgust, and it seemed very unpleasant.

"what is this?"

"I don't know, it smells weird, I have never heard of it before!"

Seeing that those imperial doctors didn't know what it was, Wang Guifei smiled and said: "Gu Xiaowan, you ask a few imperial doctors with soothing fragrance, how do they know? The smell of soothing fragrance is the same, and you are still delaying time! "

"I didn't delay time, just let them see, this soothing fragrance is not the same as usual!"

Gu Xiaowan explained with a smile.

"The emperor, I said so much about spices, and then there is evidence on the empress's body, and her body!"

"Nonsense, the emperor, don't let her get close to the queen. For such a lonely star, the closer you get to the empress empress, the more her illness will get worse!" Hui Fang said hurriedly.

Gu Xiaowan: "Okay, since I can't get close to the queen, it's the same, Aunt Tingyin and Aunt Tingyan, please untie the collars of the queen's empress!"

"What do you want to do? In the public, do you want to slander the innocence of the queen's empress?" When Concubine Wang heard this, she immediately shouted: "The queen is the mother of a country. How can you allow you to be a presumptuous emperor"

Before Wang Guifei's words were finished, I heard the emperor say: "You two, untie the queen's collar!"

After listening to the words and unbuttoning the collar, Gu Xiaowan said again: "Thank you, the two aunts slightly lifted the chin of the lady"

The two immediately did so, and the dark black marks that were pinched out immediately came into view: "What is this? How can the empress's jaw be like this?" Hearing and Tingyin exclaimed. When the emperor and the queen mother saw this, they were also furious: "This slave is so brave, he dared to hurt the phoenix body of the empress, come here, bring that brave slave!" "Someone jumped into the well"

A terrified voice suddenly came from outside: "Hualien jumped into the well!"

Hualien is the one who just pinched the jaw of the empress and gave the medicine! Hua Nong shouted hysterically, everyone was shocked.

Concubine Wang knelt there with a triumphant face!

Hualien is dead, but there is really no proof!

Gu Xiaowan looked at Huanong who had almost fainted, and asked with a sneer, "Are you sure Hualien jumped down by herself?"

Hua Nong nodded hurriedly, nodding like garlic: "The emperor, the queen mother, the servant maid saw Hualien jump down with his own eyes!"

"You watched people jump into the well, but didn't pull them. You are also a murderer!" Gu Xiaowan threatened.

"Gu Xiaowan, don't confuse you, maybe it's Hualien that she has already jumped off, how can you save her!" Wang Guifei shouted angrily, "What does this have to do with the empress's affairs!"

The angry concubine Wang did not irritate Gu Xiaowan. Gu Xiaowan laughed: "The concubine empress is compassionate, but she is a bodhisattva! This Hualien thought is vicious, and even pinched the queen's jaw with her nails to pinch the blood of the queen. You said, this is vicious. Can you stay here?"

"Definitely you can't stay. Or, people just heard you want to interrogate her, so you can jump into the well. Otherwise, don't jump early and don't jump late. You will jump when you say arresting someone! The culprit should be you!"

Concubine Wang squinted at Gu Xiaowan, and said coldly: "Aren't you going to get evidence? Where's your evidence? Delaying time again and again, do you want the death of the queen, mother and son?"

Gu Xiaowan waved her hand: "No, I just think there is such a coincidence in this matter. Just when I wanted to confront her, she died. It's really a coincidence!"

Hualien is dead. If she is unfavorable to the queen, she commits suicide in fear of sin. If it is all right, it is Gu Xiaowan who spilled dirty water on others, causing her to die!

The person behind this scene is indeed a good method!

No matter which result it is, it is of no benefit to Gu Xiaowan!

"Doctor Hao, please take a look at the wound of the empress, what might you see?" Gu Xiaowan ignored Concubine Wang and directly asked Doctor Hao Lian. When she saw Doctor Hao Lian shook her head: "This wound is very small, Wei Chen"

"It was originally, the wound was so small, maybe it was because the lady of the court accidentally used too much force, and then pinched out the blood. The queen lady was so crazy just now, the lady of the court must have been accidentally!" said Wang Guifei.

"The imperial concubine is just a lady of the court. Even if you are not careful, you can't damage the phoenix body of the empress. The imperial concubine, you have always been thinking about the queen. Why do you see the empress really hurt, but you are justifying others? Isn’t the imperial concubine just talking about it?" Gu Xiaowan sneered when seeing that Concubine Wang had been speaking for the dead Hualien.

The emperor and empress dowager felt something was wrong when they heard it, and looked at Wang Guifei with a look of confusion.

Seeing both the emperor and the queen dowager looking at herself, Wang Guifei quickly explained: "The emperor, the queen dowager, the concubines and the concubines just think that Gu Xiaowan’s mouth is tricky, and it’s not that she really wants to find out who is behind the scenes and is wasting here. Time, wasting the time of the queen empress! Look, the empress is lying here so weakly, the concubines and concubines feel distressed, this is the only way to slander Gu Xiaowan. How did she know that she used such words to slander the concubines, the ministers? My concubine is a queen sincerely, and I hope the emperor will learn from you!"

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