The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2034: Gu Ziwen went to the household department

As the eldest son of the Gu family, Gu Ningan feels that he is shouldering the heavy responsibility of the entire Gu family.

To take care of the entire Gu family, take care of everyone in the family, especially this elder sister who has suffered a lot since childhood, Gu Ningan reminded himself from an early age that he must use his life to protect the elder sister.

For more than half a month, he has been awake at night, and he has been working desperately, not daring to relax, but when he is alone, the kind of loneliness and helplessness, like a vine, has tied him tightly. Tightly, breathing is not smooth.

Now that I see my sister, although she looks the same as usual, she is just a lot thinner, but Gu Ningan knows that it must have gone through hardships for more than half a month. Otherwise, Qin Yizhi is such a calm person who would not take his sister outside for more than half a month!

In the past half a month, my sister must have suffered a lot!

Gu Ning'an felt uncomfortable. Looking at Gu Xiaowan, her eyes were red, she wiped away her tears, her voice choked: "Sister, how are you doing for more than half a month?"

As soon as Gu Xiaowan wanted to say something, she heard Gu Ningan's serious face: "Sister, I want to be honest!"

She wanted to conceal him, but she also knew the harm that this incident had done to him, so she had no choice but to tell the truth: "This is a coma for seven days and seven nights."

Gu Xiaowan said, Gu Ningan's brows frowned more tightly. He didn't dare to imagine how Qin Yizhi was in front of her bed and took care of her who had been unconscious!

When Gu Xiaowan was in a coma, she told Gu Ning'an about what happened after she was sober. The more Gu Ning'an listened, the frown became tighter.

"Ning An, these things are over!" Gu Xiaowan told the truth, carefully comforting: "Sister is fine now! Don't blame yourself!"

Gu Ning'an held his hand tightly, and suddenly said without beginning and ending: "Sister, Gu Ziwen has worked at the Ministry of Households!"

"What are you talking about? How did he go to the household department?" When Gu Xiaowan heard that Gu Ziwen had also joined the household department, she was puzzled: "Didn't he fail the exam?"

"He is the celebrity in front of the Ming Wang Xiaoshizi, the household department recommended by Ming Wang Xiaoshizi, and he is currently doing household registration management with me!"

Gu Ningan's face was gloomy, and Gu Xiaowan was surprised: "What do you mean?"

"Sister, it's too coincidental, don't you think it?" Gu Ning'an held a cold smile at the corner of his mouth: "Whenever you have an accident, he will enter the household!"

Gu Xiaowan let out a long sigh of relief: "I see!"

"Ming Wang Xiaoshizi is going to marry a young lady from the Song family!"

"Who? Master Song Qing?" Gu Xiaowan asked suspiciously.

"Well, I heard that the king was very satisfied with Master Song Qing and proposed to the emperor personally to ask Shu Lin to marry Master Song Qing as his concubine!" Gu Ning'an said.

Two people look at me and I look at you. No one talks anymore. At this time, Gu Xiaoyi shouted outside: "Sister, the food is ready, come eat!"

Gu Xiaowan glanced at Gu Ningan, Gu Ningan's eyes were firm, just looking at Gu Xiaowan, there was unprecedented firmness in her eyes.

In the capital city, two great events came all of a sudden. One was that the chief of Mingdu County was married to Su Ziyue, and the other was that the youngest son wanted to win Song Qingshi, the daughter of the Song family, as his concubine.

The two big things are related to the Ming Palace. During this period, the Ming Palace is very lively.

To marry a daughter all at once, to marry a bride all at once, Ming Wang Shuhao was smiling all day long and his face was red. The people who came forward to cheat are like Guo Jiang Zhiqing, countless!

The other unmarried women are preparing to participate in the draft.

For a while, the entire capital city was immersed in beaming joy and it was very lively.

Gu Xiaowan sat in the wing of Jinfu Building, from the window, looking at the pedestrians wiping shoulders outside, and talking to Li Fan about what he had heard since these days.

Although Li Fan has always been in Jinfu Building, because there are all kinds of people who come to eat in Jinfu Building, he has heard a lot of rumors.

Especially when Li Fan had an accident last time, the guys in Jinfulou did not betray him, and they became Li Fan's confidant!

"Wuyun Teahouse, Mingming is the property of Boss Xiao, but behind his back, it is Mingwang Xiaoshizi. He invested a lot of shares in it and is the largest shareholder of Wuyun Teahouse!" Li Fan said, "And Gu Xintao A few days ago, I had a close relationship with Shu Lin. Many people have seen that Shu Lin brought Gu Xintao to the same place, showing care and love for Gu Xintao. The people in the Wuyun Teahouse all said she was Shu Lin’s new love! "

Li Fan looked around and saw that there was no one around. He approached Gu Xiaowan and said something. Gu Xiaowan's expression remained calm.

When leaving Jinfulou, Gu Xiaowan asked the carriage to go to Wuyun Tea House. Sure enough, when he arrived at Wuyun Tea House, he saw the guests like weaving, which was a prosperous scene.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the words on the plaque and looked at the teeth and dancing claws, but she was not strong enough and there was nothing to say. Gu Xiaowan suddenly smiled and said: "Let me say that I have returned from a trip. Get together! The time is set in three days, by the way, please go to my good cousin!"

Zuo hastily complied, and his complexion was equally unwavering!

However, the invitation has not yet been sent out, the palace has come to a decree, saying that the draft is about to be drafted. Three days later, the concubine of the top five officials in the capital will be invited into the palace. The queen prepared a lotus banquet. Invite all the ladies to enjoy the lotus.

Gu Xiaowan looked around and told Zuo to stop preparing for the party: "Go to the lotus appreciation banquet first, and after the banquet, come and prepare for the party!"

Zuo responded one by one, and went down to prepare the clothes and accessories that Gu Xiaowan would wear at the lotus appreciation banquet.

Three days passed quickly.

Gu Xiaowan got up early in the morning, got into the carriage, dressed as Zuo and Kou Dan, and went to the palace.

Tan Yushu had already been waiting for her at the gate of the palace, and seeing her coming, the two of them shared a soft sedan chair and went directly to the queen's palace.

Queen Leng has been more than four months now, her abdomen is slightly bulging, because she has to eat more, she has a lot of surplus on her face, and she looks like the lotus in the lotus soup, white and white. With matte finish, it looks very charming.

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