The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2029: Bitten by a snake

And the other person, obviously has kung fu, seeing that Gu Xiaowan actually has a hidden weapon in his hand, he was also surprised: "You actually have a hidden weapon!"

Gu Xiaowan stood up tentatively, in a quick figure, and at this moment, she wished to use all the escape skills she learned from Qin Yizhi.

She ran out of the house quickly. Where did she know that the other person was good at kung fu, and she followed: "Grandma's, I didn't expect that a little girl who knows martial arts was tied up. I knew it was supposed to be done. about you!"

Gu Xiaowan was not moved by the man's mouth, and just ran out.

This is indeed on the mountain.

There were dense forests everywhere, and Gu Xiaowan didn't care about where she was, and ran directly down the mountain after leaving the wooden house.

Gu Xiaowan didn't know how long she had been running, but knew that she had been walking in circles on the mountain, and just couldn't get out of the dense forest. He felt a little strange right now.

No matter how big this dense forest is, it should have an end. Moreover, she always ran in the same direction. How could she still not go out until now?

The sound of the mountain wind whispering in my ears, and the sharp branches scratching her body. She was already thin in summer. Gu Xiaowan’s clothes have been torn, and some branches have cut through her skin and her skin is torn. Place, it made her hot and painful.

But she didn't care, in order to get rid of the people behind, she had to run forward desperately!

The footsteps behind him followed all the time, and the man's fierce shout was still behind: "Stop, stop"

With the whistling mountain wind and sharp branches, Gu Xiaowan ran forward desperately. Fortunately, she had followed Qin Yizhi for so many years, and she had learned a lot of escape skills.

She drilled into the dense woods, there was no moonlight tonight, and the dense woods blocked the thin moonlight overhead almost completely.

Regardless of it, Gu Xiaowan ran wildly in the dark night.

The person behind him no longer knew where he was left, and no footsteps came from behind. Gu Xiaowan was really tired and couldn't run anymore. She rushed into a dense jungle and hid.

Gu Xiaowan hid in the jungle, panting carefully, for fear that if she was too loud, she might find herself out.

After a while, Xixi Suosuo's footsteps came from behind, as well as the person's violent breathing: "Mother, where did that little lady go? It's really enough for a running lady, I'm exhausted!"

Gu Xiaowan didn't dare to get out of the air, so he nestled in the dense jungle.

Gu Xiaowan was nestled in the dense jungle, only to feel the sharp branches poking on the flesh, making it hurt.

The man turned left and right, the thick leaves creaked when they were stepped on, Gu Xiaowan didn't dare to move, hiding inside like a wooden person.

She covered her mouth and nose with one hand, while the other hand was placed on the ground motionless, listening to the movement outside her ears, waiting for the person to leave quickly. However, with the hands on the ground, something slippery suddenly climbed onto her arm. Gu Xiaowan felt a cold and greasy sensation on the back of her hand, and only felt her scalp numb.

There are snakes!

Gu Xiaowan was most afraid of this kind of greasy things in the past and this life. At this moment, the whole person's hairs are standing up.

She wanted to scream, but pressed her lips hard.

The greasy snake crawled up around her arm, she didn't dare to scream, because the person outside, she knew how terrible she would be if she was discovered!

With her current effort, she could not subdue the tall man outside.

The man wandered outside, cursing while wandering, Gu Xiaowan was in the jungle, enduring the slippery snake, climbed up her arms, and onto her shoulders. Finally, the snake stopped in front of her.

The snake, with its head high and a pair of eyes, stared straight at Gu Xiaowan.

The snake's eyes glowed red in the dark night, and Gu Xiaowan's heart grew furry when she was watching.

The snake can perceive the existence of an object through heat sensitivity. Gu Xiaowan knew that the snake must have discovered her.

The snake spit out the letter, screaming, Gu Xiaowan wanted to scream in fright, and her body was shaking involuntarily. The snake was shaking with Gu Xiaowan's shaking, and suddenly the snake spit out the letter. Swish" and bit at Gu Xiaowan all at once.

Gu Xiaowan's body was slanted, and a sharp pain pierced her skin and flesh immediately came from her shoulder. The snake and sharp teeth bit her shoulder.

After the snake bit Gu Xiaowan, it slid down and left. Because the night was too dark, Gu Xiaowan didn't see the snake at all. She only felt that the snake had left, and she let out a long sigh of relief.

But then, she felt it was difficult to breathe, her head was covered, everything in front of her seemed to have escaped into the darkness, she could not see or hear anything, before fainting, the only thing in her mind was

That is a poisonous snake!

She fainted in the bushes, but didn't know that Qin Yanzhi was almost crazy to find her!

When Kou Dan sent the news to the palace, Qin Yuzhi was dealing with official duties. Hearing the news that Gu Xiaowan had disappeared, his blood almost flowed back!

Looking at Azuo and Ahmad who were kneeling on the ground, he was holding a sword in his hand, and he almost wanted to pierce both of them with a sword.

"This king trusted you so much and took care of Wan'er for you, but you told me that she was gone. That's how you took care of her?" Qin Yizhi rarely gets angry and has always been happy and angry. Knowing that Gu Xiaowan had disappeared, and after searching for it in the middle of the night, Qin Mozhi only felt that his heart was being pulled hard.

"Let me find it again. If you can't find it, you two don't have to come back!" Qin Yizhi's voice was as cold as ice, and he left without looking at the two kneeling on the ground.

Suddenly, a loud voice broke through the silence of the night. Qin Yanzhi looked at the red signal, turned on his horse, and left!

Zuo and Ahmad hurriedly ran behind. The red signal just now was in a mountain range to the east. When Qin Yizhi arrived, the dark forest was densely packed, and there was no movement at all.

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