The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 2016: Set her words

Those maids waiting outside waiting for instructions heard these words, their eyes widened, their ears pricked up, and their faces were puzzled.

Miss has an accident? What's the matter?

Song Qin on the side guarded it tightly, not even paying attention to Liu Nianrou, who was pregnant.

"Aunt Liu, no matter how rude you are, if something happens to the child in your stomach, don't pour dirty water on me again!" Huang Ruyi yelled, just in time for everyone in the yard to hear clearly .

When the group of servants and servants waiting outside heard this, they all concluded that Liu Nianrou was fine looking for trouble!

Now she came to see her with a big belly to settle the account. The wife said that she had to go back to recuperate. She herself was reluctant to stay here, so excited and so angry. If she accidentally hurts something, the child in her belly is not that Can't keep it!

The wife has done her best to Liu Nianrou. This Liu Nianrou still doesn't know how to be grateful, and she is still cursing the street like a poppi rogue here. It is simply too deceptive!

Song Qin was in front of Huang Rushi, and Liu Nianrou wanted to rush in Huang Rushi's direction. When she heard Huang Rushi's "warning" halfway down the road, she was shocked and sweated.

Huang Ru's face was cold, with a sneer at the corner of his mouth, as if waiting for him to come forward!

The force Liu Nianrou rushed over suddenly decreased a lot.

Songqin opened his hands to protect Huang Ruye, and he couldn't get close to Huang Ruye at all!

But in my stomach, I have been pregnant for more than six months!

If such a big belly rushes towards Songqin, Songqin can push herself up and down with a casual wave of her hand, and she can also clean up the mistake of pushing herself to the ground by protecting Huang Ruye. net!

If I really fall to the ground


The kid in this belly? If you want to win a man with this birth, regain your master’s attention, and want to regain your respect in Fang Mansion, then

Then everything will be in vain?

Liu Nianrou's body stiffened, her rushing movement stopped abruptly, and she stopped halfway along the way!

Huang Ru saw that she stopped, the smile on the corner of her mouth was always cold, but a trace of contempt flashed across her eyes.

Liu Nianrou looked around. There were a lot of maids in the room, all of them staring at him, and the corridors outside were also full of slave women, and the servants outside were even hand-held sticks. Staring at yourself glaringly!

She stood in this main hall, alone, with no one to help herself!

"Xia Yu Xia Yu" Liu Nianrou's palms were cold, and only then did she realize how wrong she was when she rushed out! No one answered, and Xia Yu, who had been following behind her, made no sound at all!

Huang Ru sneered: "Aunt Liu, are you calling the heartfelt maid beside you?"

"What about her? What did you do to her?" Huang Rushi's face was too cold, Liu Nianrou felt a little bit in her heart, and she saw Huang Ru playing with her Dankou, and said lazily: "Nothing. She picked up her aunt and rushed to my main courtyard. Auntie is pregnant with Liujia. I can't take you! She is a maid who violates my majesty, but it is reasonable to take her down!"

"What? You caught her? You give it back to me, you give it back to me!" Liu Nianrou was scared now, and hurriedly shouted.

Now that she still wants to regain everything that belongs to her in this Fang Mansion, how can there not be a loyal maid beside her!

"Aunt Liu, you are really funny!" Huang Ru sneered: "I didn't hire you or mess with you. You sent it to the door by yourself. Now that you have no one, you are taking care of what I want. I just want to ask you. In this mansion, is it your wife or me?"

Liu Nianrou gritted her teeth: "Huang Ruye, you bitch, if it weren't for you, I would have been the wife of this Fang Mansion! I managed to squeeze Lu Wenxin away. It was all you, shameless bitch, and couldn't enter the palace by myself. Come to seduce my man! You have to be shameless!"

"Aunt Liu, look at what you said!" Huang Ruyi suddenly raised his eyes, looked outside, and saw the familiar corner of the clothes that ran across the corner of the room, and immediately swallowed what he was about to say, and his expression began to begin. She became fierce: "Aunt Liu, why can't I ask for such a good man? The old man is in the prime of life and is in a high position. I am afraid that every woman in the world wants such a good man! I can only blame it, it was many years late, and I didn't catch up with the good time of the master's prosperity!"

"Fenghua Zhengmao?" Liu Nianrou laughed when she heard these words: "You don't want to think about it. When the master was Fenghua Zhengmao, he was just a little little editor, if it weren't for Lu. As the support of the family, do you think he can make progress? What you see now is nothing more than the achievements cultivated by another woman! In the past, only the indifferent person like Lu Wenxin could see it!"

"Aunt Liu, the master has treated you so much, why did you pour dirty water on your master? For so many years, the master has treated you like a madam in the house. The former madam treated you not as good as you, so you still slander the master. But it's right from the master's heart to treat you!" Huang Ruye's face suddenly changed, pointing at Liu Nianrou and cursing.

Seeing Huang Ru being irritated by herself, Liu Nianrou smiled contemptuously: "Why? I got it right, didn't you? I can tell you what the master was like more than ten years ago! He is just a small official, even a rank. No, just relying on Lu Wenxin’s dowry and contacts, begging for Lu Wenxin, Lu family, Lu family only then find him an official position, let him enter the official career, Lu Wenxin heart is lacking, the Lu family They are all following the lack of heart. Then Lu Wenxin is like a pearl in the palm. The Lu family will give him what he wants. In order to make Lu Wenxin live in Fang Mansion better, a lot of money is given to Lu Wenxin, which is above the court. , Find him one by one. Whenever there are problems, Master Lu will teach him hand in hand! You talk about it, so hard to support, and finally put Lu Wenxin off! You said, the Lu family are not stupid, yes What? Just ask you Huang Ruye, if it were you back then, did you do it?"

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