The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1993: Who is Shi Lang

Xu Shi's eyes were too hot, and Fang Lanxin could see that there was surprise, admiration, and strong attachment in that person's eyes!

Is this person the same as himself?

Love at first sight?

Before he finished thinking about it, the man let go of himself again and knelt down: "The slave should die, shouldn't be overstepped!"

"What have you arrogated?" Fang Lan felt a little lost in her heart: "You saved my life twice, and I feel grateful to you too late!"

After she finished speaking, she stepped forward and had to help the man up. She didn't know that the man seemed to be scared, and she hurriedly shrank back: "The slave is humble, the lady who can't afford to do it herself!"

Seeing him always say that he is humble, Fang Lanxin was a little angry: "You are not humble, you are my benefactor, I said you are not humble, you are not humble!" After finishing speaking, he could not help but step forward and drag the man. Hands will help him up.

The man's hand has long joints, Bai Yingying, and I don't know what it's like to hold it in the palm of his hand!

Fang Lan's heart was a little anticipating, a little trembling, and gently pretending to touch the man's fingertips gently, only to feel that Xiao Lu bumped into her heart, making her blushing even more: "You What's your name? Why have I never seen you before!"

The man lowered his head obediently, unable to see his expression clearly, but he heard the extremely respectful voice: "Minion Shi Lang is the new guardian in the mansion!"

"Then what do you do on weekdays?" Fang Lan asked eagerly. She had walked the garden several times in the past few days, why didn't she find him!

"The minions usually patrol the mansion to protect the safety of the masters!"

"Oh, did you visit here today? That day, you visited the lotus pond, otherwise, there is such a coincidence that saved my life both times! You are really my great benefactor!" Fang Lan Xin said cheerfully.

Shi Lang handed his hands over: "Miss, please don't say that. The minions are the guards of the house, just to protect the safety of the masters in the house. It is the duty of the minions to save the young lady, and definitely not the words of the lady's great benefactor!

Fang Lan listened to her heart, and was not annoyed, and said, "Then how do you patrol in Su Ri? Can you go to a fixed place at a fixed time? My yard, you also go to patrol?"

Shi Lang nodded: "Yes, but they were all inspected in the middle of the night. In the day, I was afraid to disturb the young lady!"

"Don't you sleep in the middle of the night? How hard it is!" Fang Lan said distressedly.

"It's not hard work. In order to support my family, I still have a 60-year-old woman who is waiting for me to raise it! Although things are a bit tiring here, the mansion has given me a lot of benefits, and the minions are already satisfied!"

Fang Lanxin was a little moved when she heard: "You are a filial piety!"

After the two spoke for a while, it was obvious that the relationship between the two of them had improved a lot, and Fang Lanxin had something else to say when he heard the magpie shouting: "Miss, where are you, miss!"

Fang Lanxin found out that when the two of them didn't know what happened, they rushed to the back of the rockery by the lake, where the people are off the beaten path, how could the magpies find it.

It's hidden and safe here, thinking about the two of them staying together so close, and having said such a long time, Fang Lan thought about her own thoughts, and felt more ambiguous, and her face flushed: "My maid. Come to me!"

"Well," Shi Lang seemed a little bit reluctant, and hesitated to speak! Seeing him like this, Fang Lan was overjoyed and asked courageously: "Are you still patrolling here at this time tomorrow? Can I see you again?"

Fang Lanxin used all his strength, said such a sentence, her face was like a drop of blood, looking at Shi Lang, waiting for him to answer.

Shi Lang kept his head down. At this moment, after listening to Fang Lanxin's words, he suddenly raised his head, and saw his eyes flashed with joy and surprise. Those eyebrows were eyebrows, and the eyes were eyes. Lan Xin, the longing in her eyes is like a magic barrier that can attract people's hearts and souls, nodding her head involuntarily, her voice a little hoarse: "Okay!"

After receiving the promise of the person in front of him, Fang Lanxin only felt that there were a hundred fawns running wild in his head: "Okay!"

After speaking, he glanced at Shi Lang with affection, and then went away lightly.

When she turned her head out of the rockery, she saw Shi Lang still looking at herself dumbfounded, with strong expectations in her eyes. Fang Lanxin smiled back at him, and Shi Lang's eyes flashed with surprise.

Fang Lanxin went out of the rockery, and saw Magpie holding the teapot in her hand anxiously looking for her: "Miss, where have you been! Scared me to death. I thought it was like that day when you almost fell into the lake. ! This place can't come again next time!"

Fang Lanxin smiled, never mentioning what happened just now. There was a faint smile at the corner of his mouth, and his eyebrows were about to fly with joy.

When did the magpie see a young lady like this, she was a little confused, but she didn't dare to ask anything. He poured a glass of water for her to drink, and then the two of them walked away!

At this moment, the people behind the rockery have just walked out, and there are still surprises and expectations in their eyes, adding a touch of pride. With an icy smile on the corner of his mouth, he seemed to be waiting for the scheming hunter who watched the ignorant deer fall into his trap, grinning openly, extremely complacent.

That night, Fang Lanxin was like a young girl who was in love with her. She giggled all night, looking forward to the whole night, a night of excitement, and finally closed her eyes, her mind was full of the way that person was smiling and talking. The look of saving yourself!

Fang Lanxin was full of expectations for the meeting on the second day. Xu Shi did not rest all night, and the next day was a little trance.

Where do you know, Fang Zhuyun is the same, the eye sockets of the whole person are blue, the spirit is trance, and it is as if Hao didn't sleep all night!

Huang Ru thought that these two people were ill, so he wanted to ask the doctor to come and see them. The two only said that they didn't rest well last night and their health was fine. Huang Ru, seeing the two of them, couldn't bear it, so he won't go to class today, and told them to leave early and go back to rest well!

Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun thanked them, and they are leaving now!

When you reach the three-way intersection, you will see your yard ahead, the lotus pond to the left, and the garden to the right.

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