The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1964: I heard that she is going to be drafted

"Madam, Madam" Songqin's hand was severely gripped by Huang Ruei, and the trimmed sharp nails could not wait to be pinched into the flesh. She suffered from pain, but did not dare to cry: "Madam, madam, you What's wrong? Don't scare the servants!"

Huang Ru didn't say a word, his face was as pale as paper, and his body was shaking like chaff, making people panic when he looked at it!

At this moment in the Qingyuan, the tea smell in a tea room, Gu Xiaowan was making tea, laughing and talking with Tan Yushu, it was so lively.

"Oh, we are going to start drafting women?" When Gu Xiaowan heard this, she was taken aback: "Isn't there a queen and concubine Wang in the palace? Why do you want to draft women?"

However, as soon as she finished speaking, she laughed herself mockingly.

How could it be possible that there are only two people, the Queen and Wang Guifei!

"Sister, the emperor's brother has only two women. This is considered to be a small number. If it weren't for the empress dowager three years ago, because the emperor's brother was still young, she would have pushed this matter away. Otherwise, the palace would have been very lively. That's it! The royal heirs are withered, and the queen mother has always been distressed. No, it's time to start drafting girls again!" Tan Yushu said with a smile: "I heard that there are not so many rules for drafting girls this time. It is the tone set by the queen mother. As long as the prostitutes of officials of Grade 5 or above, and the daughters of officials of Grade 3 or above, as long as they are not married or married, they must participate in the draft. Now, I don’t know how many people want to squeeze their heads to enter the palace!"

Gu Xiaowan shook her head and cried and laughed. There are more women, and I'm afraid that after a few years of cleanness in the palace, it will start to be lively again!

However, these are all things in the palace and have little to do with her!

She is now the righteous daughter of the Queen Mother, and naturally she is not in the ranks of the draft. Tan Yushu is also the same, because she has been raised in front of the Queen Mother since she was a child, and she is like a brother and sister to the emperor, which is not that interesting!

It’s just that the remaining Fang Peiya

Gu Xiaowan asked: "If the draft is decided, will Peiya also participate in the draft?"

Tan Yushu nodded: "Well, it's not just her, but the two concubines from Fang Mansion will also participate in the draft together!"

"Hey, I don't know what she thinks!" Gu Xiaowan took a sip of her tea, shook her head and smiled bitterly: "If she is willing to enter the palace draft, then that's fine, if she doesn't want to, she doesn't know the head of her family. How are you looking for her!"

"Sister, if Peiya doesn't like it, and doesn't want to enter the palace, what should you do?" Tan Yushu said with some worry, "This time it is for the emperor to draft a girl. It must not be foolish!"

"You give her some news first and see what she thinks. If you need our help, we must help to the end!" Gu Xiaowan said firmly.

Tan Yushu had no choice but to answer, still a little afraid.

Fortunately, I don’t need to run for the election, and my sister doesn’t need to run for the election. Xiao Yi is not an official woman, so I don’t need to run for the election. It’s great!

Speaking of Gu Xiaoyi, Tan Yushu thought of Shen Wenjun, and asked a little amusedly: "Sister, Xiao Yi and that son Shen, what progress are there now?"

When Gu Xiaowan asked about their progress, she shook her head and said amusedly: "My sister is learning embroidery, but she is a clever one, but when it comes to love, she is an elm bump, the son of the Shen family, some Busy!"

"That son of the Shen family is really good. Although he is only a first-class merchant, his reputation in the capital for so many years is excellent. The key is the affection between Master Shen and Mrs. Shen. I don't know how much I envy. People! The Shen family has a big family and has countless wealth. How many people want to squeeze their heads to share a piece of the pie. I heard that for so many years, I don’t know how many people are playing the idea of ​​the Shen family, but the Lord Shen is Unmoved, Mrs. Shen was the only one by his side, and that Master Shen was still an extremely short-sighted man who loved Mrs. Shen quite a bit. Outsiders looked at him and laughed and said that he was a strict wife, but he was proud of him! Tsk tsk, If a woman can get such a man, then Mrs. Shen will be enough in her life!" Tan Yushu said with emotion.

There is one double for one lifetime, Master Shen uses practical actions to interpret his love for Mrs. Shen!

Gu Xiaowan had also inquired about this, and was very touched.

It’s said that as soon as a man gets rich, he goes bad, but the old man who has more money is only a number, but he still doesn’t change his original aspiration. He only loves Mrs. Shen. With a family property of two people, there is only Shen Wenjun a child. , This kind of relationship, even she is a little envious!

"Who said no!" Gu Xiaowan also sighed: "The two husbands and wives of Mr. Shen are very affectionate. They are really envious of others. Mr. Shen grew up in such a family, and Bi Ding is also an excellent one, besides. , The Shen and his wife love Xiao Yi extremely, and treat Xiao Yi as her biological daughter. If Xiao Yi can get the hang of it, this marriage must be very good!"

The people in the tea room nodded when they heard it.

Everyone can see the character of this son of the Shen family. If the young lady can open up her mind, it will definitely be very good!

"Where did Kou Dan go?" Gu Xiaowan didn't see Kou Dan when she got up this morning, and she didn't know where she was!

"If you go back to the girl, the lady had no silk thread yesterday. Early this morning, I asked Kou Dan and Kou Hai brothers and sisters to buy silk thread!" Zuo replied on the side.

"Where is the lady?"

"Miss is in the kitchen, I don't know what she is doing!" Zuo shook her head. Early in the morning, she saw Gu Xiaoyi and aunt muttering together, and she didn't know what she was doing!

"What is she doing in the kitchen?" Gu Xiaowan felt a little strange, and stood up: "Are you going to the kitchen with me?"

Tan Yushu finished the tea in front of him, nodded, got up and said, "Go, just to see if Auntie has anything delicious, I'll try it too!"

Gu Xiaowan chuckled. This Tan Yushu doesn't treat herself as an outsider at all, but that's fine. Anyway, it's a family sooner or later, and a harmonious life together is better than being alone and lonely at home. too much!

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