The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1950: Why are you an official

"Go back, and stare at Liu Nianrou so well! If there is any movement around her, report me immediately!" Fang Peiya didn't even look at the people outside, and the maid Xiaoyue next to her immediately took one. Ingots go out: "This is the young lady rewarding you, doing good things for the young lady, your benefits will be indispensable in the future!"

I saw the old lady, who was surprisingly the grandmother of Fang Mansion. She was licking a face at the moment, looking at the silver in her hand, she seemed to be unable to believe it, and was busy biting with her teeth!

Soft gold and hard silver, this is a real piece of silver!

Mother Wan didn’t expect to say a few words and she was rewarded with a penny of silver. She smiled at the moment: “Well, the old woman must do something for the young lady. The old lady was kind to the old slave, and the old slave will do this thing. Okay! That Liu Nianrou, it's just too bad, and if he can get the retribution this time, he will open his eyes!"

After the woman left, Xiaoyue felt a little strange: "This Huang Ruye's belly is also arrogant. He was pregnant with a child as soon as he entered the mansion. Moreover, he was still a male fetus. If this act is a man, Liu Nianrou's position in the Fang Mansion , I am afraid it is in danger!"

Fang Peiya sneered: "Do you think Huang Ru enters the door, can Liu Nianrou still jump up? What identity is Huang Ru, and what identity is Liu Nianrou, a cloud in the sky, a mud on the ground, do you think Will Fang Zhengxing take care of a half-year-old mistress? You know, Huang Ruye is about the same age as his daughter, a young wife who is so charming, and her identity is so prominent. Liu Nianrou would love her? But Huang is so!"

"Then this Huang Ru is really cruel. It would be too expensive to use a male fetus to get rid of Liu Nianrou, right? The slaves felt that even if this Huang Ru was hating Liu Nianrou again, he would not use a son to kill him. Drop her!" Xiaoyue said in a puzzled manner.

You know, if Huang Ru succeeded in winning a man in one fell swoop, it would be to give Liu Nianrou into the muddy ground, and Liu Nianrou would lose without a fight!

Nowadays, he uses a son to deal with Liu Nianrou, Xiaoyue thinks about it, it is still incredible! That Huang Ru is not a fool, how could he use such a method!

Could it be that she didn't know she was pregnant?

That's impossible!

Xiaoyue’s question fell in Fang Peiya’s ears. She suddenly stood up, frowning and asked: "Go, let's go to the grandfather's side!"

That's right, Huang Ru is not so stupid, how could he be willing to use Fang's eldest son to deal with a lowly aunt!

There must be a problem here!

Then Huang must have a problem!

Fang Peiya said something in Mrs. Lu's room for a long time with Lu Wenxin behind her back. No one knew what the two of them said in it!

Qingyuan, Gu Xiaowan is playing chess with Gu Ning'an at the moment, and she will have a palace test tomorrow. Although Gu Xiaowan knows that Gu Ning'an is not nervous, but there are some things, she still has to explain Gu Ning'an!

Today, this dynasty is different from what she knew before. In the past, after the Juren test, she had to take a test. Only when she was admitted to Gongsheng could enter the palace test. However, this Qing dynasty had no intermediate test project, so it won Juren. People, the top ten can directly participate in the hall test!

"Ning'an, if you are an official, what kind of official do you want to be?" Gu Xiaowan asked if she fell asleep.

"Take good care of your elder sister and younger siblings, so that you will be safe and happy in your life!" Gu Ning settled down and said softly.

Gu Xiaowan knew that this was the answer she heard. Since childhood, what Gu Ning'an said was to protect her, protect the people around him, and prevent them from getting hurt!

Gu Xiaowan smiled: "If the emperor is an official for you, would you just take care of your family?"

Gu Ning'an was a little at a loss: "Sister", he rarely thinks about this problem, but when he was a child, he saw that his sister had worked so hard for this family. He felt distressed, so he kept secretly telling himself that he must be admitted to the fame for his sister. The family shelters the wind and rain, so that the sister can be her princess under her own wings, no need to show her face anymore!

"Can I send a good news to Mr. Fang?" Gu Xiaowan asked suddenly without continuing the topic.

"Sent!" Gu Ning'an nodded: "As soon as the list came out that day, I wrote a letter and sent it back to Ruixian!"

"Okay!" Gu Xiaowan nodded, and suddenly thought of something: "Where is the Xu family?"

For many years, the Xu family has almost become the one she never mentioned in Su Ri, but

They really exist, Xu Xianlin, Mrs. Xu, and

Brother Chengze!

She hasn't seen Xu Chengze for a long time. He left without saying goodbye. Once he left, it was so many years. Now, she has also left Liujiazhen. She doesn't know. Has he ever gone back?

"Unexpectedly!" Gu Ningan also sighed: "Mr. Xu and his wife left Liujiazhen long ago, saying that they were looking for brother Chengze! Now, there is no news, and Ning An doesn't know where they are, so this I didn’t write the letter!"

"If you don't write, don't write it. After so many years, I don't know where Brother Chengze is!" Gu Xiaowan sighed.

Gu Ning'an suddenly raised his head, glanced at Gu Xiaowan, thinking of Xu Chengze, and sighed in his heart.

My elder sister still hasn’t understood what Chengze’s brother thinks, but that’s all. After so many years, my elder sister has also found her own home. Brother Chengze must have a happy family too!

Then let them pass everything in the past!

Gu Xiaowan sighed, and suddenly remembered the scene when she took Gu Ning'an to school.

With a flick of a finger, nine years have passed!

As for Xu Chengze, he hadn't seen each other for several years, and he didn't know whether he could recognize each other after seeing each other now!

Gu Xiaowan didn't struggle anymore, but just based on the reason Gu Ningan said just now that he wanted to be an official, she continued: "Are you an official just for this?"

Gu Xiaowan's voice is very cold, her finger bones are slender and white, and her knuckles are well-proportioned. People can't help but want to touch them twice!

Gu Ningan was a little nervous when she heard what her sister said: "Sister, I"

He had never thought about what he was doing when he became an official!

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