The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1945: Choose husband and wife

"Sister, you really know that woman!" Fang Peiya thought of Liu Nianrou, and said with disgust in her heart: "She is a profitless person who can't afford to take care of her early. As long as she is good, she must do something! If Huang Ru is looking for her daughter I'm a good husband, I won't say anything, but if I don't find it well, I am afraid that Fang Mansion will be lifted by her!"

She has been with Liu Nianrou for too long, she knows exactly what Liu Nianrou is like!

Gu Xiaowan patted him on the shoulder and said, "Don't worry, her abacus can never hit you. If your father is really confused, Yushu and I will go to the Queen Mother! You and Don't worry, we will never let you marry someone you don't like!"

Gu Xiaowan's words were like a reassurance for Fang Peiya. She was grateful. Looking at Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu, she was moved and couldn't say anything else, so she could only say thank you!

At the moment in Fangfu, Huang Ru was very happy. He pointed to several portraits and said to Fang Zhengxing: "Master, look, this is not bad, look, the features are good, the appearance is good, and the key is that his family is also good. It's very good, but the practitioners are!"

Fang Zhengxing looked at the portrait, and it was indeed as Huang said, with good looks and good family background, more than enough for his two daughters!

His two daughters are only concubines, and they are not qualified to marry the important court official's house! Besides, he now has the help of Huang Mansion and Ming Wang, and he doesn't need to rely on his concubine to pave his way!

"Master, look at this again. You are a talented young man. Think about it. If in a few years, he will be admitted to Juren. At that time, after he has also embarked on the official career, there will be a master, you and Huang. Isn't the family's supporter a rookie from the court? This candidate is also very good. The key is that there is no in-laws in the house. If Zhu Yun is married, she will directly be the mistress of the house! "Huang Rushi continued to take a portrait and said.

Fang Zhengxing didn't even look at it. He nodded and said with a smile: "They are all excellent. The few people selected by the lady are all good, good!"

"Master, there are more here. I'll show you the ones in the back. The ones in the back are better!" Huang Ruye saw Fang Zhengxing looking at him, busy to get the things behind, and said with a smile: "Master, Lan Xin The two children and Zhu Yun have grown up, but they have to choose women for them. The most important thing in this life are two things. One is to be reborn in a good family, and the other is to marry a good family! Lan! Xin and Zhuyun have picked the first good thing, and the other one, you can't be sloppy!"

Fang Zhengxing was enraged by Huang Ruhe and nodded: "Mrs., do you think the two things you picked are okay?"

Huang Ruye saw Fang Zhengxing staring at him with scorching eyes, and his face immediately flushed with shame: "Naturally it is very good. If you can marry the master in this life, it is such a blessing! If it is just a little regretful"

"What are you sorry?" Fang Zhengxing asked in a hurry when he saw this.

"I'm not born, and I'm old. If I can be born more than ten years earlier, and I'm encountering the period of the master's hard work, if I will be the master's right arm and protect the master's stable official career, I will also replace The master gave birth to a few sons, and let the master go back home and enjoy the fun of father and son!” Huang Ru said, and in the end there was some choking in his voice: “If I only hate myself for giving birth too late, I didn’t catch up. The master's grace is magnificent! Now that the master has everything, it seems useless!" Huang Ru is sobbing low, his face moved, as if he really regretted that he was born too late, and he also sighed for not helping Shang Zhengxing!

When did Fang Zhengxing ever hear a woman say such things in front of him!

Lu Wen admired him in his heart, but this tongue has always been clumsy and would not say anything nice to please Fang Zhengxing at all, and Liu Nianrou has always been a shy interpretive flower, but she is just an ordinary girl. In his official career, he can't help him at all, as long as he doesn't cause trouble, he will thank her, let alone ask her for help!

But at this moment Huang Ruye actually said something like this. It was false if Fang Zhengxing didn't touch him. His heart was excited as if there were 10,000 fawns jumping wildly in his chest!

Huang Ru's words like this are more convincing.

She is young and beautiful, and has a prominent family. The Huang family is even more prominent than the Fang family. With such words, there is no reason for Fang Zhengxing not to be excited.

He took Huang Rushi into his arms and said movingly: "If so, you really are my favorite in my life. I can marry you as my wife in my lifetime. I must be now. He died, and I am satisfied!"

When Huang Ruye heard it, he hurriedly stepped forward and blocked Fang Zhengxing’s mouth. The two of them lingered for a while, and then heard Huang Ruye’s slightly emotional voice saying: "Don’t say that, sir, if you still have to give birth to you Ten or eight children, you will grow old with you, you will definitely live a long life!"

When Fang Zheng listened, he hugged Huang Ru into his arms, which was another kind of affection!

This night, Fang Zhengxing wanted to rest on Huang Ruye’s side, but he was blasted away by Huang Ruye. He also said that he has been with him all this time, and he should also visit Aunt Liu. By the way, let him take it with him. The portraits of several men he selected were given to Fang Zhengxing and asked him to take them to Liu Nianrou to see!

Seeing Huang Ru being so sensible and looking like a virtuous mistress, Fang Zhengxing was very happy and sighed that he had married a virtuous wife!

When he left, Song Qin was a little puzzled: "Madam, the master went to Liu Nianrou. If you tell her the few people you have chosen, what should you do?"

"I told it, what else should I do?" Huang Ru sneered. The child in his stomach has not been removed yet. If he waits, his stomach will get bigger and bigger.

"Has the man's medicine been prepared? How long have you been waiting for this!" Huang Ruyi said angrily.

Song Qin said hurriedly, "The man said that it will be soon, and that it will be delivered immediately in the next few days!"

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