The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1940: A lifetime family

Gu Xiaowan picked up the wine glass and said to Gu Ning'an and Gu Xiaoyi: "Ning Ping is not here, I will treat you to this glass of wine for my sister without your careful attention. My sister Xu Ye would have already died! That time, I would definitely not stand Open your eyes!"

Both Gu Ning'an and Gu Xiaoyi thought she was talking about the time she was almost burned to death, but Gu Xiaowan was talking about the time she was blown to death and reborn in another world!

If they had listened to the doctor's words and were unwilling to save her, maybe she would have died too!

The three children did not abandon her, she was born again!

"Sister, we are a family, we live and die together, we share honor and disgrace," Gu Ning'an said.

"Well, we'll be together all our lives! Never leave and never give up!" Gu Xiaowan raised her glass and exclaimed excitedly.

The four of them were about to do it when Tan Yushu on the side suddenly called: "Sister, wait, there is me."

Tan Yushu also picked up the wine glass in front of him, but he took one more wine glass and tried to fill it up. He picked up two wine glasses and raised them.

Fang Peiya was a little surprised at her move, but Gu Xiaowan understood it.

She smiled at Tan Yushu: "Okay, come! For the rest of my life, as a family, we will never give up! We share honor and disgrace!"

When I was about to drink, I suddenly heard Shen Wenjun also say: "There is still me"

I saw that Shen Wenjun also picked up the wine glass and raised it up. With full of expectation on his face, he looked at Gu Xiaowan!

Gu Xiaowan had long understood what Shen Wenjun meant. He was sincere to Gu Xiaoyi. Coupled with the love of Gu Xiaoyi and his wife, Gu Xiaowan had already acquiesced to Shen Wenjun. Now seeing him picking up a glass of wine, he understands him even more. thought!

She picked up the wine glass and stretched it towards Shen Wenjun: "Come on, together!"

Only seeing Shen Wenjun's extraordinary surprise and excitement at that moment, he looked at Gu Xiaowan, who was ignorant, and a blush flashed across his face!

Gu Xiaoyi on the side was a little surprised. She knew why Tan Yushu picked up the glass. One glass of wine was her, and the other glass represented the second brother who was still in the frontier! But why is Shen Wenjun?

Gu Xiaoyi still couldn't figure it out, but she saw her sister and brother already clinking glasses with Shen Wenjun: "Come, together!"

"For the rest of my life, one family will never leave, and we will share honor and disgrace!" Shen Wenjun said.

When everyone was about to toast, Gu Xiaowan suddenly shouted: "No, wait for me."

When everyone looked over, they saw that Gu Xiaowan had also taken a new wine glass, poured a full glass, holding one in each hand, and smiled: "Okay, it's okay!"

Everyone suddenly realized that Zuo and Ah Mo laughed while covering their mouths when they saw the girl's appearance.

Fortunately, fortunately, did not forget the master! Otherwise, the master will come back, I am afraid that he will be angry!

Everyone picked up their wine glasses and said one sentence together: "All my life, a family, never leave, share honor and disgrace!"

Fang Peiya watched them drinking, tears of excitement came down!

Such a family, how can He De, she can get acquainted with!

Moreover, I helped her so much, helped her mother so much!

Fang Peiya secretly vowed in her heart that she must protect Gu's family in her entire life. Gu Xiaowan has given her too much, no matter how much she returns, it won't be too much!

Everyone drank a lot, all of them drank too much. Fortunately, the people of Zuo hadn't drank too much, so they asked Codan, Kou Hai, and Ahmad to send them away separately!

Kou Hai sent Shen Wenjun, and Kou Dan and Ahmad sent Tan Yushu and Fang Peiya.

Shen Wenjun was happy, he drank a little, and his steps were a bit vain, but he was very happy!

Lai Qing was also happy, holding Shen Wenjun's eyebrows open and smiling.

He was very careful when he raised the glass of wine today!

Princess Anping knew what the son meant, but he was afraid that the princess would not agree!

At that time, the son was tense and straight, and the son was also scared at the time!

Fortunately, Princess Anping agreed!

However, looking after Miss Gu's ignorant and bewildered look, I am afraid that the road of "chasing his wife" of the son is still very difficult!

Laiqing was very happy. He helped Shen Wenjun to get out of the carriage and walked towards the house. The Shens have not rested. Hearing that Shen Wenjun came back with a high drink, they hurriedly went to his yard to have a look. Shen Wenjun was so happy that he was drinking now. I fell asleep and fell asleep.

Laiqing recounted what happened in Qingyuan today. When the Shens heard that, Princess Anping meant that she acquiesced that Shen Wenjun was a family member, and now she happily rewarded the next person with a month’s profit. Everyone was happy for a while!

Fang Peiya and Tan Yushu were on their way home. They saw Tan Yushu's blushing face and knew that this person had been drinking too much. However, she was still a little strange and didn't know what Tan Yushu was doing today!

Raising two wine glasses, does it represent two people?

Fang Peiya thought that the Gu family had a young man whom he thought he had never seen before. He heard that the man went to the frontier soon after he came to the capital. I wonder if the glass of wine that Tan Yushu took was the young man?

With this guess in her mind, Fang Peiya was also happy for Tan Yushu!

Everyone in the Gu family is good, and the one whom Tan Yushu fancy is certainly not far behind!

Fang Peiya said with emotion that now they are not young anymore, and when they are about to get married, she is also very happy to see that Tan Yushu can find the person she loves in her heart!

It's just that, pushing others as well as herself, thinking that she is the same age as Tan Yushu, now she should also plan for her future!

Zuo helped the drunk Gu Xiaowan into the room. She was full of the smell of wine, as if she was drinking too much!

The girl usually doesn't drink, she is very cautious, but she was happy today, she opened her belly and drank it, and now she drank it like this, I don’t know if the master will blame them when she comes back?

Zuo carefully helped Gu Xiaowan to go to bed, brought sober soup again, fed it and drank it, and then took a clean veil and wiped her hands and face. Then he stepped aside, but he didn't dare. When I walked far away, I waited carefully at the door, afraid that Gu Xiaowan would have a lot of things in the middle of the night!

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