The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1938: She seems very experienced

A goose-yellow dress was taken off, Gu Xintao wore everyday home clothes. She is now following the appearance of those Beijing girls. You must have clothes for going out, daily home clothes, and clothes for resting at night. There must be!

I saw that she was now wearing a rose-red dress with a bright red face. After listening to what Xing Chunxun didn’t know, Gu Xintao smiled and said, “This man, it’s such a strange thing. Hello, if you accept it all at once, he will think you are easy to pass, and if you keep rejecting, he will think you are difficult to tame!"

"If it's not easy to tame, then he will retreat when he knows the difficulties?" Xingchun naturally doesn't have enough experience with Gu Xintao, or he doesn't understand!

Gu Xintao smiled and said, "Do you know what the greatest strength of a man is?"

Xingchun is young and lives such a big life. Apart from having contact with her father, she has never had any contact with other men. Now she works as a girl in Gu's house and is also Gu Xintao's girl. She doesn't need to serve Gu Chuanlu and Gu Ziwen, even if she has something to do. , I have something to do, I never guess other people’s thoughts, and I am even more ignorant of this man’s affairs and completely ignorant: "Xingchun I don’t know!"

"Well, this man, the biggest advantage is that he faces difficulties. The more frustrated he is, the more difficult it is to tame the hard to get, and the more it will arouse their possessiveness. Just like the wild horse, everyone knows that the harder it is. Tame is often the strongest and best horse!" Gu Xintao explained with a smile.

Xingchun didn’t say a word, she seemed to be thinking about what Gu Xintao meant. Seeing her frowning and thinking all the time, Gu Xintao didn’t mind teaching her: "A man’s sweet words are like dense poison, everything is fake. Yes, on the contrary, it will pull the woman into the abyss. Only the things you hold in your hands are the most real. Do you understand?"

Xingchun nodded as if understanding, Gu Xintao did not reluctantly, anyway, she is still young, besides, she is her maidservant, she bought it herself, I don't need to understand it for the rest of my life!

Gu Xintao changed his clothes and was about to read two pages with a book, when he heard a knock on the door outside: "Xintao, can I go in?"

Xingchun glanced at Gu Xintao, and hurried to open the door. Gu Chuanlu came in and saw Gu Xintao sitting behind the desk, reading with a book.

Those are some books that Ziwen picked for Gu Xintao. Gu Xintao is also studying hard these days. Fortunately, she taught her some when she was a child. Picking it up again is not difficult!

"Xintao is reading?" Gu Chuanlu's face is full of love, like a loving father!

Gu Xintao nodded: "Well, now in this capital city, if you don't have a heart, I'm afraid it will be difficult to gain a foothold in those circles!"

"Yes" Gu Chuanlu nodded, how could he not understand!

Since he started working as the accountant and shopkeeper in Suiyu Guzhai, what he has seen is probably more than the decades he spent in peace in Rui County and Liujia Town!

Those rich and famous women, who can't chant poems and make right, piano, chess, calligraphy, and calligraphy can come in several hands!

If Gu Xintao wants to gain a foothold in this circle, these things cannot be missing!

Thinking of this, Gu Chuanlu gritted his teeth and said: "Ming'er, a father will find a gentleman for you, who will teach you how to read and play the piano. You are good at learning, and you can learn a little! My daughter, surely can't do nothing. meeting!"

Nowadays, among the famous ladies, the piano, chess, calligraphy and painting are already standard, and everyone knows it. If Gu Xintao can't, I'm afraid that the time will not look good! Now that Xintao is already in this circle, she must learn more to have a common topic with those ladies!

Gu Xintao didn't expect that Gu Chuanlu would think this way, but when he thought that Shi Ziye came to see him today, he immediately understood what he meant: "Thank you, father!"

Seeing Gu Xintao's politeness, Gu Chuanlu smiled while stroking his beard: "You kid, what you say, you have always been your father's favorite, and you must be no worse than others!"

Gu Xintao nodded. If her husband comes, she will study hard, but she can only learn a little bit. You know, those noble ladies have to learn painting and calligraphy from relatives since they can talk. They have been studying for more than ten years. Become a habit of going deep into the bone marrow!

She learned, but she didn't make herself so embarrassed!

And, when the time comes, nothing will happen!

Seeing that the relationship between the father and daughter was getting closer and closer, Gu Chuanlu began to ask about her and Lin Lin in the afternoon, and Gu Xintao talked about what happened in the afternoon.

Coupled with some of his own opinions and suggestions, as well as his own attitude when facing Shu Lin, Gu Chuanlu was shocked to hear it from ear to ear!

This daughter, who knows the heart so thoroughly, he restored what he intended to say to Gu Xintao, but now it seems that he has been worrying too much!

"Xintao, okay, okay, you did a good job!" Gu Chuanlu gave a thumbs up and exclaimed with a full face: "The son of the world is a high-ranking man. He has never seen any kind of woman, and how many women are on him. Post, those obedient, well-behaved, honorable and reserved women must have seen a lot of them. Now that they see you, they feel that you are cold and inaccessible, and they can arouse men’s possessiveness. Yes, heart peach, you do a great job Okay! Father is also a man. If you ask yourself for such a woman, I will definitely pay more attention!"

As a man, Gu Chuanlu now teaches Gu Xintao how to tame men. Xingchun is waiting on the sidelines. The more I hear this, the more I feel a little uncomfortable!

The matter of this girl’s family, if you want to say, should be the wife’s talk, how come it has become a master?

Moreover, looking at the young lady's confident and vowed look, it seems

Is she very experienced with men?

Xingchun didn't know what happened to him, so he came up with such a thought. He wanted to erase it, but thought of what the young lady had just told herself about men taming wild horses. She opened her mouth and opened her mouth. It seemed to be an experience from her own personal experience. This

Xing Chun was a little puzzled. He raised his head and glanced at Gu Xintao and Gu Chuanlu. Seeing how intense they were discussing at the moment, what they said became more and more difficult for Xingchun to understand. She couldn't help but frowned, but it was nothing. I do not understand!

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