The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1930: Sun's grievance

He didn't teach Gu Ziwen, besides, that was the son in his heart. He just wanted to behave. Now, seeing Sun Xi'e rush to the front, his slap has fallen back, and it's really solid. !

Only hearing another "pop" sound, Sun Xi'e's face turned aside, and she only felt a fishy qi gushing out of her mouth!

"You're a woman, you know what a fart!" Gu Chuanlu was still not relieved after the fight, and then pushed Sun Xi'e hard and pushed her to the ground.

Sun Xi'e was pushed aside, and sat down on the ground. Gu Chuanlu just didn't see it, turned back and sat down without looking back.

Sun Xi'e sat on the ground wronged, she wanted to wait for her son or daughter to help her up, but after waiting, no one came.

Gu Ziwen, who she rushed to protect just now, sat there with a leisurely look, motionless.

Gu Xintao squeezed the orchid and drank the tea. For the past few days, she has been training her attitude, how to make herself more elegant. At this moment, she is holding the cup lid in one hand and gently brushing the tea leaves on top with the cup lid. Putting his head, squeezing his demeanor, a peach-colored dress with a thin pink daisy, more and more beautiful and charming!

But she, a daughter who loved her so much, didn't turn her attention at all.

Sun Xi'e sat slumped on the ground and suddenly felt wronged!

When Gu Chuanlu saw that she was still sitting on the ground, he scolded angrily: "What are you doing there? Don't get up quickly, something embarrassing!"

Gu Chuanlu went in and out of the ancient house of Suiyu, and all he saw were the delicate ladies, or the noble ladies with demeanor, no matter how good they were, they were also the charming and graceful firework women. He has never seen any kind of woman now. Seeing Sun Xi'e's bloated figure, unremarkable facial features, and fine wrinkles on her eyes, she became more disgusted, and she didn't even want to look at it again.

When Sun Xi'e heard Gu Chuanlu scolding, she got up and sat on the table obediently, just as if the things had never happened before!

Gu Chuanlu was also willing to hit Gu Ziwen. He hit Sun Xi'e, and his heart calmed down: "Ziwen, take your heart and go back to Wenshu. I didn't pass the exam this time. I will continue the exam next time! Dad believes you. I will be admitted!"

When Gu Ziwen heard that he was asked to read a book, his face immediately collapsed.

During this period, Gu Chuanlu went to Suiyu Guzhai to work. The family's economy has improved a lot. Coupled with the occasional rewards from the Mingdu Princess, their lives have also improved!

When Gu Ziwen saw that he had money in his family, he stretched out his hand to ask for Gu Chuanlu. Gu Chuanlu dotes on his son, and thinks that he will be admitted this time, and when he comes to Beijing, he has to make contact with some friends. .

It's just that Gu Ziwen took the money and said that he was going to make friends, but in fact, he was able to strengthen a few people who usually do nothing, walk around and walk their dogs. Those people saw that Gu Ziwen's father was the shopkeeper in Suiyu Guzhai, and his younger sister was good sisters to the county lord of Mingdu. Who wouldn't go to the pole to favor Gu Ziwen?

So he went out to call five and six, walked his horse and teased the dog, and went in and out of the fireworks alley. These Gu Ziwen had never seen or done it before, and followed those people and did them one by one!

How could Gu Ziwen throw away such a good day like a god, and go back to do the drudgery of uninterested reading!

Gu Ziwen's face was blue, but he knew that he didn't pass the exam this time. If he said that he didn't want to study, he would definitely make Gu Chuanlu upset again, so he hung his head, bowed his head, and said nothing!

When Gu Chuanlu saw him not speaking, he thought he was sad and agreed, and his anger was also relieved: "Tomorrow, I will find a teacher or a school for you. The gentleman here must be Bi Rui. The county is much better! Dad believes that you will be admitted in the coming year!"

Gu Ziwen didn't say a word, sneered in his heart, thinking about where to go later!

The Ruyi Pavilion in the fireworks alley, the Jiaoer girl there, is really amazing!

His waist is soft and his voice is numb. When he is called Wenlang, his bones are about to fall apart!

Gu Xintao put down the tea cup in her hands with dignity, and then folded her hands on her knees. That one looked really dignified and generous!

Gu Chuanlu felt relieved when he saw that Gu Xintao was studying etiquette hard at home during this period: "Xintao, you have worked hard during this period! Now you look like a lady from a big family! Not bad, not bad! "

Gu Chuanlu stroked his beard and smiled in praise.

Gu Xintao has a very good relationship with the county lord of Mingdu. Now I heard that the county lord has been banned, and it has something to do with Gu Xiaowan. Thinking of this, Gu Chuanlu hurriedly said, "Xintao, I heard that the princess is because of Gu Xiaowan. That girl was banned by the emperor? But really?"

Gu Xintao nodded, following the way of Princess Mingdu, raised her chin, raised her right hand to the top of her head, touched the upright carved golden hairpin on her head, and said lazily: "No, no. It’s just being fined and locked up. I heard that the salary for the past two years has been fined!"

The princess has no official position and no source of income. Naturally, it depends on the royal family's salary and the profits of the farms and shops.

The royal family's salary accounted for a large part, which was deducted for two consecutive years! It's really a punishment!

Sun kept holding his face. Her face immediately became red and swollen after being beaten. At this moment, it was even more hot and painful. When she touched it, she felt a distressing pain, and her mouth was a little numb. It's swollen!

This is not what makes Sun the most chilling. Gu Chuanlu is already used to hitting her. Fortunately, Gu Chuanlu finds a job and feels much better during these days. She was not beaten, but today, she was slapped because of Gu Ziwen.

She can't scream, if this slap falls on her son's face, she will also hurt! I can only suffer a dumb loss, but he slapped Gu Ziwen on his behalf. Not only did he not even say anything to comfort or apologize, but even when she was sitting on the ground just now, he didn’t seem to see it, like his slap. Is asking for trouble!

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