The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1917: Dress up in the palace for a banquet

When Gu Xiaowan felt dizzy, she heard a low voice: "Wan'er, you were given to me by the heavens. You are the most precious and beautiful in the world!"

Gu Xiaowan took a rare breath, and exhaled like a blue: "Brother Xizhi, so are you!"

How dear is she, she can get someone who cherishes her so much in this life, maybe, in that lifetime, she has indeed done a lot of good deeds, and this will give her a good reward!

The two stayed warm for a long time, until Qin Mozhi left, Gu Xiaowan was still a little dizzy, her complexion was ruddy and her lips were a little red and swollen.

When Zuo came in, he saw the girl's face like a peach and plum. He knew what had happened just now. He hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Girl, it's late, it's time to dress up!"

Gu Xiaowan glanced at Zuo with her blurred eyes, and then gave a soft "Oh", even she didn't notice it. That sound was full of coquettishness.

Zuo couldn't help being a little surprised. He couldn't help but smile at the thought of Qin Mozhi's footsteps when he left just now.

This happy event, I am afraid it will be near!

Gu Xiaowan's mind was still blank, a little dizzy, but she didn't forget the business, she asked Zuo to pick some valuable and thoughtful things, and let Kou Dan help comb her hair.

Zuo went to get the dress and jewelry. Gu Xiaowan saw it, but she was a little surprised: "Where did this come from? Why didn't I wear it?"

There is also the peacock hairpin with gold thread, with rare purple pearls hanging on the top, not only that, but also a bunch of them, even in size, glowing with a purple lustre.

There is also a pair of purple pearl earrings, which are strung with gold threads, which are more and more enchanting.

Gu Xiaowan looked curious, these things are not hers! Moreover, she didn't let anyone prepare anything for this banquet!

Zuo replied: "Girl, Brother Qin brought me just now, and said that it was the clothes. Let the girl wear it to enter the palace at night!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded naturally, and suddenly thought that when he was leaving, he didn't promise to follow him into the palace, and he kissed himself, so that he had forgotten what happened, and he couldn't help but feel a bit resentful.

"This person also doesn't tell me clearly!"

Gu Xiaowan muttered.

Seeing that she seemed to be angry, Zuo hurriedly put her dress aside, and said: "Big Brother Qin said just now that he is on duty tonight, it seems that he is outside the Huayin Hall where the girl is attending the banquet!"

When he heard that he was on duty outside the palace, Gu Xiaowan's face immediately brightened: "Really?"

"Well, it's just that, he said, the girl may not see him, but he can see the girl. I hope that the girl will not be afraid and just attend the banquet at ease!" Zuo said busy.

Gu Xiaowan was a little disappointed when she heard that she couldn't see him. However, this is his job, and he shouldn't be affected by it!

After all the dressing and dressing were done, I saw a woman standing in front of the bronze mirror, wearing a long rose and purple skirt, covered in white palace gauze with silver silk.

The rose-purple skirt is embroidered with a few white plum blossoms, and a dancing butterfly is embroidered on the plum blossom, which seems to be dancing among the flowers.

Yingying's waist is tied with a wide white belt that is the same as the palace yarn. The snow-white color complements the rose-purple long skirt!

Three thousand ebony-like green silks have turned into a flying cloud temple, a pair of willow-leaf eyebrows, curved like crescents, and the tip of the eyebrows is slightly deserted. A pair of beautiful eyes like glass are as dark as ink, deep and bright.

Plum blossom tin is pasted on the forehead, which makes the face even more peachy. There was a peacock hairpin with a pinched gold thread on the hairpin, and a string of purple pearls was held under the peacock's mouth. The purple pearl earrings swayed and gave birth to light, making the woman in front of him more graceful and calm.

Everyone was amazed when they were dressed up!

Gu Xiaowan's dress in Suri is very simple and elegant, but the dress and jewelry that Qin Yizhi sent this time are all graceful and luxurious. In order to match the clothes and jewelry, she painted a bright makeup. Now look. The person in front of you is like a banished immortal coming from the sky!

The noble temperament makes people afraid to look directly, but there are waves in her heart, such a woman, whoever sees it, who doesn't love it.

After Ah Zuo Jian was dressed up, he was still a little excited, even a little nervous!

The master has never seen a girl dressed up like this, I am afraid that after this battle, the master is still willing to be like a girl!

When I walk into the palace like this, I'm afraid I don't know how many people's hearts will be upset!

Everything was set up, Gu Xiaowan took Zuo and Kou Dan into the carriage and went into the palace.

The sun was sinking, there were few pedestrians on the street, and the carriages did not go fast. They walked on the streets paved with bluestone slabs, and the majestic palace in front of them was right in front of them.

At the gate of the palace, there were already many carriages on the road. All those who entered the palace had to get off at the gate and walk into the Huayin Hall.

The carriage stopped. Zuo and Kou Dan helped Gu Xiaowan get out of the carriage, and they heard a voice from outside: "But the carriage of Princess Anping?"

Ah Mo responded, and he heard Father Qi's voice: "Princess, you are here!"

Gu Xiaowan hurriedly stepped out of the car, and saw Father Qi standing under the car, looking at herself.

But when Gu Xiaowan came out, Grandpa Qi was surprised by her graceful and luxurious dress!

He has never seen Gu Xiaowan wearing heavy make-up, but now she is shocked!

Such a look, I am afraid that no one in the entire capital can match it?

After a brief astonishment, Gong Gong Qi resumed as usual and pointed to the sedan chair beside him and said: "Princess, please go on the sedan chair."

Gu Xiaowan looked at the luxurious sedan chair on the side and asked, "Father-in-law Qi, don't everyone get off the sedan chair in front of the palace gate? Why?"

Why, let her go in again in a sedan chair?

Qi Gonggong smiled and said: "The princess is a guest specially invited by the emperor and the empress dowager today. Naturally, we have to treat it differently! The princess, please get off the bus."

As soon as Grandpa Qi put his right arm forward, he placed it in front of Gu Xiaowan. It seemed that he was going to help Gu Xiaowan get out of the carriage by himself.

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