The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1911: Be a baby

Gu Xiaowan still doesn't understand. It seems that the Shen family has taken a fancy to Xiao Yi.

It's just that, looking at Gu Xiaoyi's silly look, she was afraid that it was what Master Shen was thinking in her heart, she was half unclear!

Gu Fangxi heard that the Shen family had arrived, and went to the front hall. Seeing Madam Shen and Shen Wenjun, he hurriedly left them for dinner.

How embarrassed Mrs. Shen to stay, knowing that these are all young people, and an older one of her own is here to join in the fun, so she excuses that something is going on in the shop, leaving Shen Wenjun behind!

After all, Shen Wenjun is a foreigner. After Mrs. Shen left, Gu Ningan took Shen Wenjun back to his yard and went to play chess!

Gu Xiaowan and Gu Xiaoyi returned to their rooms again, talked to Tan Yushu and the others, waiting for Gu Fangxi to call them to eat.

After Qin Mozhi returned to the yard, he washed at will, put on a human skin mask, and returned to his mansion.

When it was time to eat, Gu Xiaowan called people to call him, but learned that he had gone out and knew that he had a lot of business, so she didn't care about him.

Fang Peiya had never seen that Qin Yizhi. Now, there is a lot of news in the capital, saying that Gu Xiaowan's lover has returned, and Gu Xiaowan has been taken away from the court!

He also said that the long one is really too ordinary, and it's ordinary submerged in the crowd, and no one will look at it a second time.

Fang Peiya was curious about Qin Yuzhi, but she didn't see anyone, so she didn't say anything!

Tan Yushu had met Qin Yizhi in Ruixian, and she knew his appearance very well. She also knew that he was wearing a human skin mask when he rescued Gu Xiaowan at the time, and people thought his face was ordinary. .

When Tan Yushu saw that her sister didn't explain, she didn't explain, anyway, one day, what the truth is, it will naturally come to light!

"Sister, I heard that the emperor has banned Shu Min's feet for this matter, and fined her two years of salary!" Tan Yushu said.

Gu Xiaowan nodded.

"She is the cousin of the emperor's brother. In any case, she must be concerned about her hands and feet. Besides, she is just letting people wrong you. The child's premature death was not caused by her." Tan Yushu sneered: "If it really is. She did it all by one hand, and I am afraid that King Ming will cover up the past for her!"

Therefore, no matter what Shu Min does, it will not affect her at all!

After Qin Yizhi returned to the mansion, Yinwei secretly reported the matter to him.

Prince Ming went into the palace to find the emperor, and talked about Shu Min's affairs, so Prince Ming said earnestly that he wanted the emperor to forgive Shu Min's sins.

The emperor became angry at the moment, saying that there were only three princesses in the Qing Dynasty, and the two princesses were played by her in the palm of her hand, so she wanted Shu Min to go to the nun's nunnery to repair for a year. Where did the Ming prince agree? Quarreled with the emperor.

The Ming prince was half threatening and half lure, and Jiang was still hot, suppressing the emperor's anger.

I had to suppress it, and in the end I had to agree to a three-month confinement and a two-year salary penalty, which was already the greatest punishment.

The emperor has no choice but to agree!

And Tan Yexing also went to the palace and chatted with the emperor for a long time. The two chatted and talked for a long time, but no one knew.

All I know is that after the emperor walked in Tan Ye, his face that was almost fainted by the anger of the prince Ming improved a lot.

After Qin Yizhi listened to the report, the human skin mask on his face was held in his hand. A pair of Danfeng eyes contained a sharp look.

This Shu Hao is now openly provoking the emperor!

"Is there any news from Ah You?" Qin Yizhi asked coldly.

"Not yet. However, there was news from Awei, saying that he had recently caught a meticulous work from Nanling who had entered the barracks!" said a man in black clothes who was kneeling on the ground.


"A Mirai Xin said that it was a security guard trained by Nanling, who actually got into the barracks, and he also found a small official position next to Staff Li! If it weren't for the young master Gu to see through, I am afraid that the person did not know that he would intercept How much secret Daqing is!"

"Ning Ping found it?" Qin Mozhi heard this familiar name, and then thought of Gu Xiaowan in his mind, and then felt that the anger of Lieyan had dissipated a lot.

Don't know what she is doing now? Are you tired?

"Yes, I heard that Young Master Gu was reporting the matter with Staff Li. The man behaved strangely. It seemed that he was deliberately eavesdropping on their speech, and his heart became more mindful. Later, he often saw flying pigeons flying by. Let Ah Wei stare at him, where do you know that the man is really a spy, and he is revealing our army's combat plan to Nanling! But fortunately, Young Master Gu found out early that the talent had just started and was caught! Li! The staff officer immediately mentioned Young Master Gu as the commander!"

Hearing that Gu Ningping had done something, Qin Yizhi was very happy.

"Okay, go down and keep staring!"

The man answered yes, and then he saw a dark shadow passing by, and he disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Qin Yizhi squeezed his eyebrows and thought of the report he had just heard. Sure enough, this prince Ming is now unwilling to give his face and directly refutes the emperor's words. If he is allowed to succeed again, he is afraid that he will directly take the position!

The person he was looking for has not been found yet, and I heard that he has not found it either!

Qin Mozhi was a little anxious, his brows frowned tightly, a little anxious in his heart.

I hope this matter can be over soon, he has more important things to do!

When Gu Xintao learned that someone had rescued Gu Xiaowan from the court, she was shocked!

She is already a deadly crime, why can she turn defeat into victory?

Hearing that it was an ordinary man who rescued Gu Xiaowan, Gu Xintao laughed immediately. Did Gu Xiaowan really kick Qin Yizhi away and found an ordinary man?

It's really funny!

While excited, Gu Xintao was a little worried. Now she knows for sure that Gu Xiaowan has driven Qin Yizhi away, but she doesn't know where the others are and how well they are doing?

Her side is already very good now, if she is allowed to see Qin Yizhi again, she must let him stay by her side!

Such a handsome and handsome man, even if he has no power, power or money, she is willing!

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