The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1902: Gu Fangxi's blame

Gu Xiaoyi and Shen Wenjun left the office with excitement on their faces.

Shen Jianshen and Kuang were waiting for them at the door. Seeing them happily coming out, they naturally guessed that Princess Anping was okay this time, and they were relieved.

Kuang didn't even look at his son, and went straight to pull Gu Xiaoyi's hand, and said with relief: "Okay, good boy, your sister is okay, it's okay!"

Shen Wenjun smiled and said nothing, but looked at Gu Xiaoyi with gentle eyes.

After Tan Yushu left the yamen, Tan Yexing looked at her pale face, thinking she was uncomfortable because of Ah Qing’s affairs, and hurriedly comforted him: "Yushu, this kind of person who sees benefits and forgets righteousness, you should not be sad anymore. After we have found the black hand behind the scenes, people will brighten their eyes in the future!"

"I know, grandpa, thank you, thank you for helping sister Xiaowan!"

"Between our children and grandchildren, why do you say thank you? It stands to reason that I haven't thanked Princess Anping well for what happened last time!" Tan Yexing said, "Go back to the palace, I have to go to the palace to meet the emperor. , I told the emperor about today’s affairs. This Shu Min deceived people so much that he stretched out his hand to my house. It’s totally unreasonable. This time Grandpa enters the palace, he will definitely seek justice for you and Anping County Lord. !"

Tan Yexing was sent away, and Chen Meng and Ding Lun also escorted Tan Yushu back.

Where did Tan Yushu still have the heart to go home, so he asked them to send themselves to Qingyuan.

At this moment, Gu Xiaowan was lying in the Qingyuan. A royal doctor had already come to see her. She only said that it was not a big problem for the past few days, and she prescribed a prescription and went back.

Qin Yizhi stayed by Gu Xiaowan's side and never left for a moment.

Gu Xiaowan held Qin Yizhi's hand tightly, never letting go. Qin Yizhi didn't dare to leave, she stayed by her side, fed her medicine, and coaxed her to sleep!

Gu Fangxi was cooking shredded chicken porridge in the kitchen. Seeing Gu Xiaowan's thin look and thinking about the bitterness she suffered during these days, the tears fell with the broken beads.

She thought for a while, and finally felt that she couldn't swallow a breath in her heart. Seeing that the porridge in the pot was cooked, she brought a bowl into the room.

Seeing Qin Mozhi looking at Gu Xiaowan without blinking his eyes, his heart was angry and angry!

She put the tray on the table, the bowl was put down vigorously, and she accidentally made a "bang"!

Qin Mozhi heard the sound and didn't even lift his eyes, but looked at Gu Xiaowan on the bed affectionately.

Gu Fangxi looked at Gu Xiaowan’s pale and thin face, feeling extremely distressed in her heart. She lowered her voice and said angrily: "Xiao Qin, I don’t like you very much! Xiao Wan has suffered so much, you Where? Think about it, when she encounters those things, when she is in a scorched brow, where are you? You can't show up for a few days and days. In the house, in the shop, she is taking care of it! She was carrying the matter alone! She didn't even explain her heart to slander her this time. She also said that if others think of her like this, she will save you the idea that others will hit her in the future, and you will save you worry! Look at her, everything is for you, but what about you? What have you done for her?" Qin Mozhi didn't speak, his face was calm.

And Gu Fangxi continued: "I used to think you were a good person, and I thought you liked Xiaowan. After all, you grew up with her, childhood sweethearts, you saved her life again, you treat her well, I can see. Here, but what about the time in Beijing? Did you cherish her? When she was in trouble, were you by her side? When she was in a bad mood, were you by her side? I told her , But she said you have your own business, and I don’t care about it, but this time, Xiao Wan was alone in jail and everyone was thinking about her business, where were you? Do you really love her? I know, you are definitely not an ordinary person, if you already have other people in your heart, then please let Xiaowan go!"

When Gu Fangxi said that, tears had just drained, and at this moment she fell down again. She sat on the stool boringly, looking at the steaming bowl of chicken porridge in front of her and cried.

Qin Yuzhi was speechless for a long while after listening.

After Gu Fangxi vented the anger in his heart, he also felt that what he said just now was too heavy!

Xiao Wan didn't say anything, what did she say?

That is to say, looking at Xiao Wan so bitterly, and there is no one around her who can speak and rely on. In her heart, Xiao Wan is especially worthless!

Gu Fangxi didn't hear Qin Mozhi's words, so he wiped his tears and stood up all at once, turned his back to Qin Mozhi, choked up and said, "Xiao Qin, I just said that when Xiao Wan was not awake. If you let her know, you must blame me! However, saying these things, I don’t regret it! Xiaowan is a good boy, if you don’t cherish her, I will definitely not let you go! She is good Girl, you are not good to her. I believe that there will be other men in this world who will treat her like gems!"

After Gu Fangxi finished speaking, he was about to leave. Qin Mozhi, who had never spoken, said in a faint voice: "Auntie, wait."

Gu Fangxi paused when he heard Qin Yizhi's words, and did not turn around.

Qin Yizhi's voice was very soft, as if he was afraid of disturbing Gu Xiaowan's rest. He said quietly, "Don't worry, I only love Wan'er in my life, as long as she is alone! What you said today will never be in the future. Happened again! Aunt Xie Zhi reminds me!"

Gu Fangxi didn't seem to say a word, she seemed to sigh lowly, and she opened the door of the room and went out in the blink of an eye.

Only a bowl of steaming chicken porridge was left on the table.

But Qin Yizhi still looked at Gu Xiaowan without blinking his eyes, his eyes dripping with a deep, untouchable affection!

Wan'er, sorry!

When Tan Yushu arrived in Qingyuan, she went to see Gu Xiaowan first, but Gu Fangxi told her that Gu Xiaowan was still in a coma, so she didn't go in, and later went to see Ayu.

In the days of recuperation in Qingyuan, Ayu's body has been well adjusted, and there is no big maid beside Tan Yushu now, but she is not in a hurry to let Ayu go back!

"My sister is sick now, so you can wait for her in Qingyuan for a while!" Tan Yushu said.

Ayu nodded in agreement!

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