The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1840: Take some test dishes

Gu Xiaowan smiled and said: "Ning An has no friends in the capital. It is Ning An's blessing to be able to treat Master Shen with eyesight. If Master Shen does not dislike him, he will come to Qingyuan when he is free. My Ning An is not lonely!"

Hearing that he could come often, Shen Wenjun's face flushed with excitement, his eyes flashed with joy, he quickly looked at the person beside him, quickly moved away, and said, "Yes, this is Wenjun's blessed talent. Yes!"

Several people were talking, and they entered the flower hall, and they saw the table full of dishes.

The smelly mandarin fish that Gu Xiaowan has marinated in the past few days has been eaten by her family and praised the deliciousness. Today, she is on the table.

Although this smelly mandarin fish is smelly, it has a special fragrance when it is eaten in the mouth, which makes people unable to stop eating.

Shen Wenjun is also a person who is accustomed to eating the delicacies of mountains and seas. Now I saw this stinky salmon that I had never eaten before. The taste buds in his mouth were instantly conquered by the taste. It smelled extremely stinky, but it was delicious to make people drool. !

After the mandarin fish was marinated, the meat was very firm, and the inside was very chewy. Coupled with the smell of this mandarin fish, Shen Wenjun almost cleaned up a plate of smelly mandarin fish by himself.

While eating, I did not forget to praise Gu Fangxi: "Aunt Gu, your craftsmanship is so good!"

Gu Fangxi flushed with joy, and said with a smile: "This has nothing to do with my craftsmanship. It's my Xiaowan, who has so many dishes that we have never eaten!"

When I heard that all the dishes were made by Gu Xiaowan, Shen Wenjun was a little surprised. He opened his eyes wide and looked at the beautiful, delicate and timeless woman next to him. He even knew so much food, which was simply a surprise.

Shen Wenjun looked admiringly, and then looked at Gu Xiaoyi, who was opposite to him, and looked at Anping Princess with admiration now!

"Princess Anping is really amazing. Not only is she proficient in poems and songs, but even the food is prepared so wonderfully, which makes people admire!" Shen Wenjun looked envied: "Girl Gu, Master Gu, you are really blessed to have one Such a capable sister!"

Shen Wenjun said it sincerely, and Gu Ning'an on the side saw this and said hurriedly: "If you are free, you can come over if you are fine on weekdays!"

Shen Wenjun heard this with excitement: "Well, well, I must come, I must come! There are so many people here, it is even more lively!"

Gu Xiaoyi laughed when he saw his serious look, "Master Shen, are you alone in the meal?"

Shen Wenjun shook his head hurriedly: "No, when I'm at home, I mostly eat with my father and my mother! My father and my mother are extremely harsh to me, and they can’t talk to each other, let alone laugh, even I dare not say two ordinary jokes that can no longer be ordinary!"

Gu Xiaoyi heard this and said, "Master Shen, you can come to eat next time when you have time. Although our food is not as good as your expensive mansion, it is the most innovative place!"

In order to prevent Shen Wenjun from being under psychological pressure, Gu Xiaowan also smiled and said: "If Mr. Shen is free, you can come over often. As long as you don't care, I will take a few of them to test dishes!"

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