The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1827: A woman

Relying on this relationship, Master Song Qing followed her father to the palace from time to time to see the emperor's brother practicing martial arts. He occasionally handed a veil to serve tea or something. The relationship with the emperor is deep. Although the two cannot be said to be childhood sweethearts, but this Seeing every day, the feelings are also extraordinary.

These are not the most important things. You must know that Concubine You’s lessons learned are there. She has damaged the national body, and no matter how her childhood sweetheart is, she won’t die in the end!

The most important thing is the attitude of the emperor!

Hearing from Tan Yushu, the emperor was very fond of this Master Song Qing. No matter what she did, the emperor would always close one eye.

This time Master Song Qing went to Minshan to learn tea art, because the emperor said that he liked Master Wen Yan's tea making skills, Master Song Qing went to Minshan to learn tea art. With such thoughts, the emperor was not a fool. He could not have known it!

Thinking that the wolf in front hadn't rushed away, the tiger in the back had come again. Hey, there are so many things in the capital. After she waits for her brother to return, she should return to Liujia Town!

Basking in the sun and planting flowers every day, that day is simply a fairy life!

It's much better than the fine clothes and jade food in this capital!

Gu Xiaowan’s slightly invisible sigh fell into Zuo’s ears. Zuo tilted her head and carefully glanced at Gu Xiaowan, who was still closing her eyes and rested. Knowing that the girl was tired today, she thought of being in Suiyu Guzhai just now. That Song Qing slapped her wildly, she couldn't wait to step forward and slap her!

The girl has good temperament and is unwilling to argue with others, but unfortunately, these people think that the girl is a deceitful person!

Zuo's eyebrows moved, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes, but the moment he lowered his head, it was fleeting, as if it had never appeared.

On Tan Yushu's side, A Qing had taken care of Tan Yushu. Tan Yushu was also a little tired at the moment. Seeing A Qing had been by his side, frowned, and said, "You also go back and rest. You are also tired today!"

Ayu has been ill for some time, and Aqing has been waiting by her side for some time, but she always can't get used to it.

A Qing nodded: "The slave and maidservant are out there. The princess can call the slave and maid at any time if he has something to do!"

"No, you go back and rest, as long as there are other people here!" Tan Yushu waved his hand and said.

A Qing lowered his head, a hint of resentment flashed in his eyebrows, but it quickly disappeared, and he answered and went down.

When I went outside, I told the maid guarding outside that those people heard that the princess actually let Sister A Qing go back and rest, and they all envied them: "Sister A Qing, the princess really loves you, and even asked you to go back to rest. !"

A Qing sneered in her heart, but there was a decent smile on her face: "Yes, the princess is a painful person. Look, sister Ayu is sick, and the princess has hired a good doctor! Let's look at what Ayu sister eats. The princess always chooses things to give away!"

The maid nodded frequently.

A Qing said: "We have followed a good master, so you all have to be quicker and take care of the princess!"

Then, in the enviable eyes of the maids, she left the courtyard and went to the room.

It was said that it was in the room, but it was also in the courtyard of Tan Yushu, so that the maids could take care of the master.

However, there is a difference between high school and low class in this room. When Ayu was there, she lived in the largest and best room, and it was also the closest to Tan Yushu's main room.

But after falling ill, she moved from the nearest room to the furthest room. The doctor said that her illness needed to be recuperated, and she needed a quiet place where no one was disturbed.

And next to the big house she used to live in, there is a slightly smaller one, which is Ah Qing's residence.

With the two houses close to each other, Ah Qing naturally knows where the two houses are different except for their size!

Ayu is very much liked by the princess, and there are always a lot of good things in this weekdays. Ayu doesn't put it away, just put it out so that people can enter it, as if it was a lady who had entered. Boudoir is average.

A Qing stood at the door of the largest room, looking at it blankly.

This house has been unoccupied for a while, but it’s neat and clean, and a maid will clean it regularly every day.

Becoming the princess’s favorite maid, even if he cleans his own room, there will be servants coming to help him. How smooth is this maid’s job?

A Qing stood motionless, and suddenly a sarcasm sneered at the corner of his mouth.

What the princess likes him is all lies!

Those maids didn't know that as another personal maid of the princess, she knew clearly!

You know, when Ayu was there before, if she was tired, she slept directly at the foot of the princess' bed!

Sleeping on the same mattress with the princess, how much I like that girl Ayu!

And her?

Seeing the faint expression in the eyes of the princess looking at him, Ah Qing understood that if he wanted to replace him with Ayu, it would take a long time!

Ah Qing stood for a while, afraid that someone would come next to him, and hurriedly walked to her room. After entering the room, after a while, she came out again, in a hurry, as if to do something!

She was vigilant all the way, and walked sneakily out of the general mansion through the back door, and saw a woman in ordinary clothes next to the general mansion who was carrying a basket and selling there. Seeing someone coming out, the woman looked towards the door. Go, and after looking at each other with Ah Qing, she saw the woman carrying the basket, turning around and walking towards a secluded alley.

A Qing closed the back door and looked around cautiously. After seeing no one, he followed the selling woman and walked into the alley.

I saw the two walk into a secluded house, and the woman's voice was rough: "What's the news?"

"Mrs. Wang reported back to the master. The slave servant heard something very important today. Mrs. Trouble must tell the master!" A Qing said hurriedly and respectfully.

"You said!"

"Today, the two maids of that man were whispering, saying yes" Ah Qing said, stuttering a bit, saying that they were talking for a long time, but they couldn't take it anymore!

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