The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1803: To rectify the name of the sweetheart

Tan Yushu and Gu Xiaoyi didn't say anything to refute when they saw that their sister was actually trying to block the Iceman. Although they thought it was a bit too much, their sister and Brother Qin were in love with each other, and there was nothing to blame, so let them go!

Sister is not such a person anyway!

It's just that Gu Xiaowan drank the tea in her hand and swept her brows as far away as possible. The tea cup in her hand was gently put on the table, her voice was as deep as water: "I feel strange. , How come Gu Xintao is like I will go to Fujinlou!"

As soon as the voice fell, the people in the carriage were shocked!

After Gu Xintao, the Fang sisters and others had done their sarcasm on Gu Xiaowan, the Fang sisters and Liu Siyi also left. Gu Xintao did not leave the Fujin Building, and went back to the private room again. There was a private room directly above it, standing there. The luxuriously dressed women are standing by the window with their backs to them.

"Princess, the woman is gone!" Gu Xintao hurriedly stepped forward and said flatly when seeing the woman above the wing.

I saw that man slowly turned around, but saw Huan Pei Dingdong, with gorgeous makeup, not who was the Princess Mingdu!

Shu Min turned around, and the painted eyebrows flew into the temple with a sullen smile: "It seems that Gu Xiaowan really taught and accepted privately before coming to the capital!"

"Back to the princess, it’s true. Six or seven years ago, Gu Xiaowan rescued a beggar, and the beggar stayed in the Gu’s house later on. From that time on, Gu Xiaowan’s good luck couldn’t stop her, she made money first. Silver, later gained fame, and now he is the princess, he really is rich and glorious!"

"Huh? Rong Xian?" Shu Min snorted coldly, his eyes flashed with mockery: "It's just a toad who jumped on the counter, and he really doesn't think he has become a tribute toad! A toad is a toad. One day, Ben The county chief dragged her off the altar to see who else fell for her!"

"What the princess said is extremely true, the princess is the golden branch and the jade leaf, and Gu Xiaowan is just a figure of dregs, how dare she compare with the princess!" Gu Xintao hurriedly praised.

Shu Min was extremely satisfied, and put his fingers painted with big red Dankous and said, "You are still on the road. Compared with the two useless things in the Fang family, you are much more capable!"

Hearing Shu Min complimenting herself, Gu Xintao felt complacent. However, after spending some time with Shu Min, her own glory and humbleness were between her flips. No matter how proud Gu Xintao was, she wouldn't be careless!

So, he knelt down and said: "The princess has a rebirth for Xintao. In this life, Xintao is willing to go up and down the sea of ​​fire for the princess, and he will die!"

"Well, if you can think about it like this, this princess will certainly not treat you badly!" Shu Min was very satisfied when he saw Gu Xintao's such updoing, "When I stumbled on Gu Xiaowan, Ling Luo silk, silk and silk Food, prosperity and wealth, I guarantee you will enjoy it in your lifetime!"

When Gu Xintao heard this, she frowned, and kept kowtow to thank: "Thanks to the princess, thank you to the princess!"

Thinking of Gu Xiaowan's lack of speech today, it seems that to deal with Gu Xiaowan, we must use the people around her to deal with her!

Gu Xintao had known her a long time ago. Gu Xintao knew all the things she had done before. No, I didn't expect to have dug up such old things.

Gu Xiaowan's hiding is deep enough, but if she thinks that everything will be fine if the beggar is driven away, then she is really wrong!

Shu Min snorted coldly, and said to Caiyue behind: "Compile today's affairs into a paragraph and chant it everywhere. The more you say, the better!"

Best, Ziyue brother will know right away, that's it!

A sad girl who loves the poor and loves the rich, and always abandons, you are like this, so why make Brother Zi Yue like you!

Gu Xiaowan came home with his front feet, and Gu Fangxi rushed out from the inside. As soon as he saw Gu Xiaowan, he immediately seemed to lose his soul, crying, holding her hand and asking, "What happened? You go out. What's wrong with the trip? How could Xiao Qin's child be kicked out by you so well, and why did he break the marriage contract?"

Gu Xiaowan raised her eyebrows: Did it reach her aunt's ears so quickly?

Seeing Gu Fangxi’s eyes filled with tears, she knew that if she didn’t say anything about it, the tears might be pouring out!

Busily holding Gu Fangxi's hand, he seemed to be pleased with a smile: "Aunt, where did you hear these words? Why do you hear them inexplicably?"

Gu Fangxi looked solemn: "You answer me, what is going on? There were a lot of children at the door just now, singing and dancing, and it took a long time to hear them. Then what are they singing!"

Gu Fangxi blinked his eyes, tears filled his eyes like this, falling on Gu Xiaowan's hand, it was hot!

What are those children singing!

What Gu's daughter, Bai Jiaqiu, was originally kicking old people for new ones.

The little beggar, the servant of the family, worked hard to enrich the Lord.

Gu's daughter, a thin lover, has a new person for the old person. The poor little servant, cheated his heart and deceived money. Gu's daughter loves money!

"What is this singing!" Gu Fangxi was angry and anxious. Seeing Gu Xiaowan's indifferent appearance, his heart and liver were trembling with anger!

After hearing this joke, Gu Xiaoyi cursed immediately: "Auntie, it's not Gu Xintao. She was in Fujinlou and wronged her sister, saying that her sister had used Big Brother Qin. Then when he saw Big Brother Qin was useless, she kicked it away. !"

That is so!

Gu Fangxi was shocked: "Is this Gu Xintao crazy! How can she say such shameless words!"

Gu Xiaoyi's small snow-white face was even more pale with anger: "She also said that she was even more ugly, saying that her sister and Qin had an affectionate relationship, and because of poverty, she had a relationship with Qin, and she became well-developed. Kicked Big Brother Qin away! Said that my sister is a person who has always been chaotic and abandoned!"

"Nonsense, nonsense! This is obviously nonsense!" When Gu Fangxi heard this, he was annoyed to go out to find Gu Xintao's theory. Gu Xiaowan hurriedly stopped her: "Aunty, don't go, if I want Retort, I just replied in Fujinlou!"

Gu Fangxi was very anxious: "You stupid boy, this is obviously not true, why don't you refute it! Look at those people, what do you think you are!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled and comforted: "Auntie, don't worry about this. Just say what they like to say!"

"You stupid boy, this is your good reputation!" Gu Fangxi almost jumped up angrily when he heard that Gu Xiaowan didn't care, "What do you make the people in Beijing think about you? You are not such a person at all. What do you do when these people say you so badly!"

"Don't do anything!" Gu Xiaowan smiled faintly, and while laughing, she patted her aunt's hand to calm her down: "I was thinking about how to reject these ice men. I have always struggled with not knowing what to do. Well, I got such a title, so no one would dare to come to propose a marriage!"

"You are actually using your own reputation to block these ice men?" Gu Fangxi heard Gu Xiaowan's meaning and was speechless in surprise.

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "I would never marry them. With this reputation, there is nothing wrong with it!"

"You" Gu Fangxi was speechless.

"Let's take a look. Starting this afternoon, there will be no more icemen coming to the door. The previous information about marriage proposal will soon disappear. The threshold of my clearing garden can be stopped!"

Gu Xiaowan was proud of her face!

It seems that I am complacent about finding a way to refuse.

Gu Fangxi was speechless.

But, is it really good to use your reputation to stop it?

"What about the people in the palace? If this matter spreads to the palace, what will you do?" Gu Fangxi was still a little worried.

"I will go to the princess to explain this matter. I believe she will not believe these remarks casually!" Gu Xiaowan said.

Gu Fangxi could only agree.

What can we do?

The person involved has already decided to use this method to solve these rotten peach blossoms, what can she do!

I also hope that this matter will pass, no iceman will come to propose marriage, and Gu Xiaowan's reputation will not have much impact.

And Zuo heard these remarks, and his heart was as excited as he had eaten a piece of twice-cooked pork today, girl, you are giving love to the master in capitals!

The sprinkling of this wave of love dog food is simply unexpected!

Sure enough, they wrote to Qin Yizhi. Without writing anything, they wrote a few words, saying that the girl, in order to protect her master, allowed Gu Xintao and Fang’s sisters to insult at will, and also the little poem circulating in Beijing. The nursery rhyme was written to show the girl's love. After finishing writing, the flying pigeon passed the book.

Qin Yizhi was processing the official document, and saw that the carrier pigeon that usually communicated with Azuo Ahmad came, and he opened it to look at it.

Looking at what was written in it, I was both happy and sorry, but I was still a little bit angry!

After eloquently wrote a few words, he made the pigeon go back again.

When Qin Yizhi saw the letter paper in his hand, and saw Gu Xiaowan let them insult and never return a word, he only felt warm in his heart. Even the tiredness of running around these days was a lot less!

His sweetheart, this time she should be rectified when she returns!

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