The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1798: Cast snow bud

In the carriage, Zuo always saw Ding Lunna's appearance like an old naughty boy, and said with a smile: "Girl, this guy is fun, as long as there is food, he looks like a military teacher, but like a naughty boy!"

"You can't look good. This person has been able to stay by General Tan's side for so many years, and General Tan has honored him very much. This person must be extraordinary!" Gu Xiaowan sighed.

After returning to Qingyuan, I saw Gu Fangxi, Gu Ningan, and Gu Xiaoyi standing at the door after getting the news.

As soon as Gu Xiaowan got off the carriage, she heard the voice of a message coming from outside: "Sister, sister, you are finally back"

Before I looked up, I was hugged by a small person, with a familiar fragrance: "Sister, sister"

Gu Xiaowan reached out and hugged the person in her arms: "Xiao Yi"

"Woo, elder sister" Gu Xiaoyi cried pear flower with rain, and kept rubbing against Gu Xiaowan's body, like a little cat.

Seeing a familiar home and a familiar person, all the unsafe departments in Gu Xiaowan's heart fell to the ground.

"Well, didn't I come back? Don't worry!" Gu Xiaowan comforted.

"Sister" suddenly heard the voice of a man, Junya.

Gu Xiaowan looked up and saw a taller figure standing in front of him, wearing a lun scarf on his head and an indigo blue robe on his body. He looked elegant like a handsome young man.

After a short astonishment, Gu Xiaowan said in surprise: "Ning'an"

"Sister!" Gu Ning'an stepped forward and took the two women in front of him into his arms.

I haven’t seen each other for nearly a year. Gu Ning’an, who hadn’t been taller than Gu Xiaowan, was half a head taller than Gu Xiaowan. He hugged the two women together like a mountain, holding them tightly. Protected in the arms.

Gu Fangxi was sobbing with joy at the moment, and said with a choked voice: "Okay, okay, just leave Ningping to reunite the family! Don't stay outside anymore, your sister is finally back, don't let your sister tired, hurry up go in!"

When they hugged and returned to Qingyuan, they saw the white snow when they left, and their eyes were desolate. When they came back, they saw the spring, greenery, and greenery.

Gu Xiaowan followed everyone to the main hall, and saw that the inside was still the same as before, as if she hadn't left in the past few months.

Several people sat together and said things for a long time, as if there were endless words. Gu Fang was pleased to see that everyone was there, and Gu Ningping was missing. He was emotional, but such a good scene would add to everyone's attention. Worries, I have to hide in my heart.

Sitting on the sidelines listening to them, then I heard that Gu Xiaowan was going to the border area this time. When he went to the border area with Tan Yushu to visit Gu Ningping, Gu Fangxi stood up with excitement.

"How is Ningping? Okay?" Gu Fangxi asked anxiously.

Gu Xiaowan nodded, still did not tell him about Gu Ningping's injury, only to say that Gu Ningping is well.

He also brought a lot of letters. Gu Fang was pleased to hear that the stone in his heart finally fell to the ground.

"It's all right, it's all right!" Gu Fangxi said hurriedly: "Bless the Bodhisattva, Bless the Bodhisattva!"

After talking for a long time, Gu Xiaowan got tired and went back to her yard.

The past few months have been like a dream. After the dream wakes up, everything is restored to its original state!

After dressing and washing, she returned to her previous attire. Looking at the familiar boudoir and the familiar furnishings, Gu Xiaowan felt relieved.

For several days, Gu Xiaowan had been resting, except that Gu Xiaoyi and Gu Ningping came to accompany her to talk, and did not disturb her.

In the past few months, Gu Xiaowan was tired on the road, so she didn't bother.

Gu Fangxi came every day to ask Gu Xiaowan what to eat, and by the way told Gu Xiaowan what had happened during these days.

And what made Gu Xiaowan most delighted was that he received Qin Yizhi's letter again.

Moreover, there were also a few boxes of Lanxue tea that were sent together.

Seeing this tea, Gu Xiaowan was greedy at the moment, so she went to the tea room to make tea, and saw Tan Yushu also coming over there.

Tan Yushu also recovered and did not spend a moment idle. When he was done, he ran to Qingyuan, and saw Gu Xiaowan sitting alone in the tea room, in her snow-white spring clothes and long hair like ink, sitting there quietly. The eyebrows look like a painting.

The more Tan Yushu looked at it, he only felt that his heart missed a beat. She watched so dumbly. Gu Xiaowan made a pot of tea. She had already seen Tan Yushu coming. She raised her eyes and smiled, and said, "I can't come."

Tan Yushu came back to his senses, and immediately ran into the tea room and said excitedly: "Sister, I have never seen you sitting here, but what good tea!"

Gu Xiaowan didn't laugh, she only brewed a cup of tea and brought it to Tan Yushu: "I got an ordinary tea. It suits my taste. I don't know if you like it or not!"

Tan Yushu held the tea right now, first smelled the taste, the taste was elegant, and then looked at the color, the color was clear, and when he tasted it again, he only felt the smell and fragrance.

"How?" Gu Xiaowan asked seeing her drinking.

"This tea tastes very good, it's like a kind of tea I've drunk before! Sister Xiaowan, what is the name of this tea?" Tan Yushu asked with satisfaction while drinking the tea in the cup.

"This tea is delicious, but it is a very cheap tea, but I think it is delicious, so I will share it with you!" Gu Xiaowan said truthfully.

Tan Yushu took another sip, his brows frowned: "This tea has the same taste as the tea I used to drink, and the way it is brewed is the same. This tea has no name?"

"Well, no, I named it Lanxue Tea. You see, after brewing it with boiling water, the white fluff on it looks like Lanxue!" Gu Xiaowan held the cup and pointed to the inside of the cup. Tea said.

Tan Yushu took a closer look, frowning deeper, and took another sip: "No, I must have drunk this tea! Although it is not very impressive, this tea is too unusual, so I still remember its taste. Xiaowan, where do you come from?"

Seeing that Tan Yushu was still asking about this tea, she seemed to be very interested, Gu Xiaowan didn't intend to hide it from her: "This tea is sent by Brother Yizhi!"

"That's the one you're married to?" Tan Yushu asked some thief as soon as he heard Qin Mozhi's name, ridiculing his face.

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Well, it's him!"

"Where did he get it?" Tan Yushu continued to ask.

"I passed a tea garden and bought it!" Gu Xiaowan only heard him say that he bought it on the road.

Seeing that Gu Xiaowan didn't know too much, Tan Yushu gently stretched his head over, and said mysteriously, "Sister Xiaowan, do you know what kind of tea this is? Who drinks this tea?"

Didn’t everyone drink tea together? Then how does she know who drank it.

"I don't know!" Tan Yushu looked a little solemn, and Gu Xiaowan was also a little curious.

"Sister Xiaowan, if I guess it is right, this is not Lan Xuecha at all, this is Zhu Xue Bu!"

"What cast snow buds? What is that?"

"Well, Zhu Xueya, this tea is very expensive and priceless!"

Priceless and no market?

Gu Xiaowan thought that Qin Yizhi had bought it at random when he saw a tea farmer on the side of the road, and said with a smile: "You must be mistaken. Maybe the two teas taste very similar."

"Impossible. The taste of this tea is completely different from other teas. I won't be mistaken!" Tan Yushu replied earnestly, "Sister, what kind of tea is this is not the point. The point is, you know that this tea only lasts a year? How much does it produce? Can anyone drink it today?"

"Who?" Gu Xiaowan thought tightly.

"The Regent of the Qing Dynasty today!"


The one who has never heard of him or seen him is famous, he has already won the title of Jade-faced Shura on the battlefield at a young age, and he has also assisted the current little emperor in the high position.

I heard that no one has seen this person before, not even many important court officials, and occasionally I can see a tall and brave person sitting behind a thick bead curtain when going up the court.

"My grandfather once fought with the regent. I heard from my grandfather that the regent is extremely handsome and handsome. He is a rare beautiful man in the world, but he is also a rare hero in the world. It is the blessing of the Qing Dynasty, the blessing of the people, but it is a pity that I have been a princess for so many years, and I have never seen this regent, and I have never even heard the voice!" Tan Yushu said with some regret , His eyes were full of curiosity about the mysterious regent.

"However, it is also possible that these two things may taste the same, but there is a world of difference, sister, you know, that thing is only a few catties a year, and ordinary people can't drink it at all!" Tan Yushu said with a smile.

"This thing is only bought by the tea farmers on the side of the road, which is definitely different from what you said."

Although Tan Yushu was puzzled, he could only believe it.

This tea was given by Qin Yizhi. Perhaps it was a coincidence. The taste was similar, so Tan Yushu didn't care!

Even Gu Xiaowan didn't take it to heart, only that Tan Yushu had made a mistake.

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