The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1791: Poor man's home

"But you know why?" Chen Meng asked.

"Who knows!" The old man sighed: "After we rescued her, she was crazy, talking crazy all day long, and wearing thick clothes in summer, wrapping herself tightly, as long as there is When a man approaches her, she will scream, and that girl, she used to be too"

The old man looked regretful: "What a nice girl, she looks so young and looks good, it's a pity! Hey, but" the old man changed the conversation and continued: "Who can't pity me! The women who flee here are all people who have experienced catastrophes. You see that they are no different from normal people, but when you think of the previous things, they will get confused and hurt themselves! Fortunately, the people here are suffering. , But they are all kind, helping each other, and everything is fine!"

Gu Xiaowan looked at those people, stunned.

She never thought that there should be another place like this here.

For those poor people to settle down, there is a warm nest to keep each other warm.

These people were bullied in their hometown and no one was protected. When such a place was reached, there was still no one to protect, but their group of people hugged each other to keep warm.

Chen Meng stared at the scene in front of him in shock. He had never been here before. Although he knew there was a mountain, it was difficult to get in because it was full of poisonous snakes and beasts and poisonous gas barriers. Where can ordinary people come in. .

Unexpectedly, this time, Ding Lun walked in by mistake, and I didn't know if it was a coincidence or something!

However, this mountain is really a mountain of regret?

The mountain of regret that is cursed by people in the legend, and that possessing it will destroy the dynasty and the world?

Just talking about the name of this mountain, Chen Meng felt that his whole body was shaking.

Because of the curse, no one in the past dynasties is willing to incorporate this mountain into the country, and this mountain has become a flower arrangement, no one will care!


Just when Chen Meng wanted to ask anything else, he heard Ding Lun shout: "Okay, okay, no more money, I have no money! Haha"

As soon as the surrounding crowd heard it, the birds and beasts scattered, and the speed was so fast. Soon, Ding Lun stood in the eyes of everyone.

When Gu Xiaowan and others met, their eyes were straight.

Chen Meng pointed directly at Ding Lun and shouted, "Old Ding, what are you doing? You"

I saw Ding Lun’s body, hands, and neck, and there were fluffy rabbits and chickens everywhere. The fluffy ones were all covered with him. Nowhere can I see others. I really thought it was a group of chickens and rabbits. It's up!

Zuo and Kou Dan couldn't help but chuckled. Gu Xiaowan laughed at this funny scene.

Unprepared, the old man standing next to her has been watching her!

"Girl, where are you from?" The old man suddenly asked softly, with a voice that only two people could hear, his voice was low and hoarse, like the dilapidated sound made when he was ruined.

Gu Xiaowan heard this, and when she turned her head, she saw the old man's muddy eyes, as if he had an insight into everything in the world, as well as a scrutiny!

Gu Xiaowan had never seen anyone looking at herself with such eyes, as if she could see through her own heart. Even when Zen Master Huiyuan looked at her back then, she had never been so flustered, the corner of her lips grinned. Trying to conceal the panic: "Old man, I am from Qing Dynasty!"

"Really? A man from the Qing Dynasty?" The old man smiled inexplicably, his muddy eyes, obviously there should be nothing, but unfortunately, after people glanced at it, he seemed to be sucked into the abyss by the light from his eyes. : "The girl doesn't look like a man from the Qing Dynasty!"

Gu Xiaowan's heart tightened, and when she was about to ask something, she saw the old man raising his foot and heading into the village!

With a thin, even rickety body, and gray hair, he walked towards the village alone.

At this moment, Chen Meng caught Ding Lun and walked back, cursing as he walked: "You talk about you, why are you buying so many chickens and rabbits?"

"Eat on the road!" Ding Lun exclaimed.

"Eating on the road? Are you on your way, or play house?" Ahmad returned what Ding Lun had said, coldly snorted.

Ding Lun knew that Ahmad was mocking him, and was not annoyed. He shook the rabbits and chickens on his body, and said, "This is a long way to go. You can't eat dry food every day! With these rabbits and chickens, you can also improve. Food, isn't it?"

After finishing speaking, she looked at Gu Xiaowan with a flattering expression: "Girl, it's time for lunch, or else, let's find a place to rest and have lunch before leaving!"

When Ding Lun said that, everyone was still a little hungry. Just now Ding Lun took them into the mountain. Everyone didn't eat anything in a hurry.

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "Okay, take a break and go!"

Ding Lun's eyes lit up: "Girl, I'm going to kill the chicken, wait for me, wait for me!"

After finishing speaking, regardless of whether Chen Meng was willing or not, he hung all the chickens and rabbits on Chen Meng's body. Those chickens and rabbits were frightened, flopped and flew, and sprinkled Chen Meng. All over.

But Ding Lun ran away with a chicken and a rabbit flying away.

Gu Xiaowan couldn't laugh or cry when she saw him looking like a starving ghost reborn.

This person is thinking about eating barbecue, thinking about it for several days, this time he bought so many chickens and rabbits, I am afraid that he must have a full meal!

Ahmad picked up some firewood, and as soon as he lit the fire, Ding Lun ran over there. I don’t know how Ding Lun was made. The rabbit and chicken were cleaned up and waited to be grilled. Up.

"Girl, clean it up, let's start?" Ding Lun put a chicken and rabbit on the shelf, ran to Gu Xiaowan flatteringly, and smiled eagerly.

Ahmad was eating dry food and said sarcastically: "Oh, didn't you say that you can bake it yourself? I also moved the seasoning, you bake it yourself!"

Ding Lun ignored Ahmad, raised the chicken and rabbit in his hands eagerly and looked at Gu Xiaowan, like a poor worm who was waiting for a big meal but couldn't wait.

"Old Ding, Hugh is rude!" Chen Meng's face sank when Ding Lun really wanted Gu Xiaowan to help him barbecue.

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