The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1783: Go to the frontier

When Gu Xiaowan opened the brocade box, there was a green jade hairpin in the brocade box. The style was very unique, but it was also common. The rest were no different.

Gu Xiaowan looked at this hairpin and felt that Tan Yushu would actually give it to herself. There must be a mystery, so she opened the brocade box to see if there was nothing. The only thing that can't be removed is the hairpin in his hand.

"Sister, is there something wrong with this hairpin?"

Gu Xiaowan thought of the jewelry that Qin Yanzhi gave to herself, most of which were hidden secrets, so she tried to move the hairpin, and sure enough, at the place where the hairpin and tail meet, Gu Xiaowan discovered the mystery.

She carefully unscrewed the hairpin, and sure enough, she found a note in the hairpin.

"There really is something!" Gu Xiaoyi exclaimed.

Gu Xiaowan opened the note and saw a few simple words written in it-I went to Ning Ping.

Gu Xiaowan clenched her hand, and the note in her palm was clenched into a ball.

She went to Ninh Binh!

"Sister, how could she be?" Gu Xiaoyi was also stunned. This place is thousands of miles away from the frontier. She is a weak woman, how can she go?

Tan Yexing was taken aback when he saw the words on the note, and immediately understood it.

"She went to Gu Ningping!" Seeing Tan Yexing's face changed, Gu Xiaowan explained hurriedly: "Since I know what she's going to do, it will be easier to handle. I will send someone to pick her up now!"

Tan Yexing shook his head: "I blame the old man, I blame the old man!"

"Blam you?" Gu Xiaowan was surprised: "What is the blame for you?"

"Hey, I won't hide it from you anymore!" Tan Yexing said quietly at this time: "Your brother, in the army, something happened!"


As if a thunderbolt suddenly flashed on a sunny day, Gu Xiaowan couldn't even stand in shock, and she faltered: "General Tan, what are you talking about?"

Deputy Chen, who had been standing by the side, spoke at this moment: "Princess Anping, we got news from the army a few days ago. Because we knew that Gu Ningping was your brother, the general asked one more question. Then we learned that Ling Brother, was seriously injured in a small battle!"

"Seriously injured?" Gu Xiaowan and Gu Xiaoyi exclaimed in unison. The two sisters' faces were pale in shock: "How is he?"

"When the general got the news a few days ago, he knew that he hadn't recovered yet!" Vice General Chen said. Gu Xiaowan sat down in the chair in surprise, where he heard other words.

No wonder, no wonder!

No wonder I can’t wait for any news from Ningping during this period. It turns out that he was seriously injured. He had a long journey from the frontier to the capital for more than a month. Once there, it was more than two months. The person who delivered the letter, I'm afraid that Ning Ping was injured only after it was sent. This delay, isn't there no news for months!

"Yu Shu should have heard our conversation and learned about Ling's situation!" Tan Yexing said in a deep voice.

Gu Xiaowan was startled by Tan Yushu's disappearance and couldn't sleep at night. At this moment, hearing the news that Gu Ningping was seriously injured, it was even more painful to scratch her ears.

"General Tan, since I know where Yushu has gone, I will set off to the frontier now!" Gu Xiaowan said firmly.

Tan Yexing heard this and looked up in shock and saw Gu Xiaowan's firm look: "The border is thousands of miles away from here, and it has been more than two months back and forth. Are you really going to go?"

She is a weak woman, how can she withstand the bumps and sands along the way?

"If Yushu can go, so can I! General Tan, please prepare a map for me, I will pack my things and set off!"

Seeing that she must go, Tan Yexing said: "That's it, the old man will send you some people to follow you all the way! Yushu often walks this way back and forth, she is very familiar with it naturally, you have not been there once, so bring a few more people. If you find a jade book, please trouble Fei Ge to pass the book to me, so that I can be relieved!"

"Don't worry, General Tan, I am going to prepare things now. We will gather at the gate of the city from time to time!"

When packing things, Gu Xiaoyi said, "I want to go with you, and go with me! My brother is seriously injured, and I am worried about him!"

Gu Xiaowan was also anxious to die in her heart, but she pretended to be calm: "If there is no news from there, it means that there is nothing wrong with Ning Ping. Don't panic. Wait for me at home, and I got the news. , Will tell you the first time!"

"Sister, I want to go too! Why are you going on such a long road? I accompany you. You stand in front of me and this family. When I grow up, I can too I'll share your worries for you!" Gu Xiaoyi cried anxiously when seeing her sister disagreeing to go.

Gu Xiaowan Tan sighed, took Gu Xiaoyi's hand, and said softly: "Xiao Yi, this is a long journey to the border. I don't know when I can come back. You are in the capital, take good care of this home for me. Our shop, when I come back, is to help my sister, do you know? I also bring Ah Zuo Ahmad with me and the old subordinates given by General Tan. This time, there will be nothing wrong, that is. Tired. I'm busy outside, you are busy inside, let's do our own duties for this family, okay?"

Gu Xiaowan said softly.

There was a faint judgment in her heart, Gu Ningping, there is no news, it is the best news.

Gu Xiaoyi nodded: "Sister, you must take good care of your body when you are outside, you know? Brother, if you have the news, please tell me as soon as possible. I'm not worried, okay?"

"Okay, my sister will definitely! You and your aunt are at home. Keep your home and look after the store. When the time comes, your sister will bring good news to you, and you will bring good news to your sister. Let's work hard for this family!"

Gu Xiaowan said earnestly, the two sisters hugged each other and separated for a long time.

Because Gu Xiaowan could not keep the news about his departure, Gu Xiaowan still had to tell Gu Fangxi before he planned to leave. However, she said she was looking for someone outside, and she didn't say who she was looking for. The news of Gu Ningping's injury was not revealed at all.

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