The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1772: Fish bubble wrapped in blood

The golden nest and the silver nest are not as good as their own kennel. Although they may not be as stylish as the Fang Mansion, it is better for the mother and daughter to have their own footholds than to send them under the fence!

Fang Peiya saw that Gu Xiaowan had helped herself think about everything, and she was grateful. She was so moved that she wanted to let her cry, but when she thought that her sister would not let herself cry, she could only bite her lips tightly. , Try not to let my tears shed.

However, tears were already in the eye sockets, and I couldn't help it anyway, just blinked gently, two lines of clear tears fell on the back of Gu Xiaowan's hand, hot!

Fang Peiya hugged Gu Xiaowan full of arms and lay on her back and cried bitterly: "Sister, thank you, thank you!"

The scene in front of me made people cry.

Upon seeing this, Tan Yushu stepped forward and hugged her in his arms, and said in a choked voice, "Don't cry anymore. If you cry like this, I will cry too!"

"Cry if you want to cry, let's cry here, who would dare to go outside?" Gu Xiaowan said, and the three sisters hugged each other and cried and laughed, and the whole room was full of warmth.

At this moment, Fang Mansion was raging with swords and swords, and there was a dark air, and the people could not breathe.

Fang Zhengxing was standing at the door crooked in the red dress of the NPC, his face gloomy.

"If so, you open the door. Today is our happy day, don't be angry!"

Fang Zhengxing persuaded in trouble.

However, there was no movement in the room, and there was no sound of words.

Fang Zhengxing knows that Huang Ru is angry, can he not be angry?

I'm afraid that it will vomit blood on anyone's head.

First, most of the betrothal gift was carried away by others, and then it was the matter of canonization. It was written on the same imperial edict as the former wife. Fang Zhengxing guessed and guessed. He really didn't know what the emperor meant!

Hasn't the emperor already agreed?

Do you want to give such points?

Indeed, the emperor has already agreed, and has also issued the imperial edict, but

Why did this happen to be what it is now?

Why is Lu Wenxin still canonized as a first-class wife?

what the **** is it?

Fang Zhengxing stood outside the door of the Xi room, thinking and thinking, guessing and guessing, where did he guess what the present-day saint meant.

The most important thing now is to coax the bride inside. Today is a happy day, how could there be any reason for not entering the bridal chamber."If so, I was wrong. Don’t worry, the fifty-eight dowry will be paid. I will ask the people in the house to buy it for you tomorrow. According to the content on the offer list, the original I do the same for you!" Fang Zhengxing advised comfortingly.

However, he was about to say that he broke his tongue, the people inside were not moving at all, and he ignored him at all.

Fang Zhengxing became more and more impatient, causing the current situation. Who did the good thing?

"If so, today is our big happy day. Are there any things we will elaborate on tomorrow? I will definitely give you a fairness at that time!" Fang Zhengxing begged for mercy and posted on the concierge. His voice became deeper and gentler. With a begging: "If so, even if you are pitiful and pity me, we are newly married today, and the bridal chamber is a flower night, will you bear the heart to let me stay outside?"

There was still no movement inside, and Songqin heard the low and low voice of Fang Zhengxing outside, and he was about to become an ant on a hot pot in a hurry.

"Miss, you should say it, let the uncle come in!" Song Qin leaned against Huang Ruye and said anxiously.

She thought that the young lady was still angry with the master, although she was very angry in her heart, but this has already happened, and the lady has been married, and she will become one with the master in the future. If the bridegroom is closed on this wedding night Outside, if this matter spreads out, the Fang family and the Huang family are afraid they will become laughing stocks again.

Huang Ru's face was pale and pale, she clasped her hands tightly, placed in front of her, a pair of small white hands were firmly clasped, still pale.

Immediately afterwards, her face was pale, she suddenly grabbed Song Qin's hand, frowned and said, "Song Qin, does the method you mentioned really work?"

Song Qin was taken aback, seeing Huang Ru's extremely worried look, and then realized that the lady was not angry, but worried.

She was busy comforting Huang Ruye: "Miss, don’t worry, what I am looking for is a stable woman who has believed in it, and that woman said, wrapped in chicken blood in fish foam, and the house on the wedding night is exactly the same as the blood of a virgin. !"

After listening to Song Qin's words, Huang Ru's nervous mood seemed to relax a little: "Is it true?"

"It's true! The wife said that a girl once used this method. On the wedding night, the bridegroom found nothing unusual!"

Huang Ruye nodded, as if made a big determination: "Then you let him in!"

Songqin finally let go when he heard Huang Ruye, rushed to the door and opened it.

Fang Zhengxing was almost desperate, just when he was about to yell at him, the door suddenly opened.

"Uncle, please come in!" Song Qin said respectfully, helping Fang Zhengxing.

Fang Zhengxing hurriedly entered the room and saw Huang Ru is sitting on the big red silk quilt in a big red wedding dress, coquettishly like a peony in full bloom.

The white face, ruddy red lips, thin willow eyebrows, straight nose bridge, such a stunning color, Lu Wenxin can't match a finger, but Liu Nianrou, beauty is beautiful, but less dignified, There is no Huang Ru who is full of poems and books.

Auntie, the bed-warming tool is not from the head, so what to do with such a dignified and elegant knowledge!

Fang Zhengxing walked quickly to Huang Rushi, looked at Huang Rushi greedily, and said obsessively, "Madam, you are so beautiful!"

Song Qin covered his mouth and smiled, and stepped out of the door eagerly.

Fang Zhengxing sat down obsessively next to Huang Rushi. From the beginning to the end, his eyes didn't move away, and he looked obsessively. Then, with a ring of his hands, he hugged the beautiful woman in front of him with his arms and mouth He pouted and moved towards the yellow lips.

A man's masculinity mixed with a pungent smell of alcohol rushed into the tip of her nose. Huang Ru frowned and her stomach was rolling with nausea. She involuntarily turned her head to hide.

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