The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1762: This is my mother's

It’s not that no one from the Fang Mansion came forward. It’s just that all of the dozen or so people looked like a practising family, and they turned around the people who beat the Fang Mansion’s family. After two hard work, no one dared to step forward anymore.

No one dared to come forward, and the guests who came to congratulate them would not come forward to take care of this matter. At most, they would watch the excitement twice and say a few words.

"That is the betrothal gift my father prepared, but it's all my mother's dowry. Now, I'll take my mother's things back and return them to the original owner!"

Fang Peiya shook a piece of faded red paper in her hand, with a sneer at the corner of her mouth.

In the quiet little garden, Liu Nianrou held a soup lady in her hand, and she leaned her back comfortably on the soft couch with her eyes closed.

"Auntie, Auntie" Dongxue came back from the outside, all in a cold sweat.

"What's the matter? I was shocked!" Aunt Liu saw her panicking, and she opened her eyes dissatisfiedly.


"What's so big? What's it like in a panic!" Liu Nianrou gave her an unpleasant look.

Dongxue took two long breaths, and then said in one breath: "Auntie, Missy is back."

Dongxue couldn't believe her eyes. If it wasn't for the girl who pretended to be the eldest lady, she also showed the mole behind her ears, otherwise, who knew it was the eldest lady!

The changes are too beautiful, where are the fat and ugly ones at that time!

"She's back?" When Liu Nianrou heard that Fang Peiya was back, she immediately got up and took her seat. She also didn't want the Tang lady in her hand. She stood up, her brows and smiles became a ball: "Miss is really back. What is she doing now?"

"She's grabbing Madam's dowry!" Dongxue was also relieved at this moment, and hurriedly reported to Liu Nianrou about what had happened before.

This is not strange to her. After all, the gift list for marrying the new wife was given to Mrs. Lu!

"Apart from her, who else is in the Lu family?" Liu Nianrou asked excitedly.

Sure enough, the Lu family still couldn't sit still.

In the eighty-eight betrothal gift, fifty-eight is Lu Wenxin's dowry, no one can sit still!

No, let's make trouble!

"No one in Lu's family came, it was the eldest lady who came with a dozen family-like people alone!"

"When did this cowardly eldest lady be so courageous, dare to come to the master for a dowry alone?" Liu Nianrou sneered.

Dongxue frowned.

Not only has the courage increased, the whole person has changed!

"Yes, Missy, she has changed a lot!" Dong Xue said in a daze, looking at Liu Nianrou with a little fear.

"People die for money, and birds die for food. How could this fearful young lady see that her mother still has so many dowries? Don't look at those things that are old, but everything is old and antique! If not! There are so many things that I want to give this new lady off. I can't bear it!" Liu Nianrou said fiercely with a fierceness in her eyes.

Dongxue: "Auntie, Miss, she really changed!"

Liu Nianrou didn't want to know where Fang Peiya had changed. Can it stay the same? The mother was driven out of the Fang family by Heli, and her eldest daughter of the Fang family became the cousin under the fence of the Lu family. If it remains the same, it is afraid that even the bones and scum will be eaten and wiped out!

Liu Nianrou was in a very good mood and waved her hand and said, "No matter, you don't need to stare in front of you. Let them make trouble. The worse the trouble, the better!"

At that time, the Lu family took away fifty-eight betrothal gifts, leaving the remaining thirty, and the Huang's dowry 20, but only fifty were left.

Hey, a second-grade imperial wife, marrying is so shabby, if I say this, I am afraid that I will laugh off how many people's teeth!

Back then, the master welcomed his concubine into the door, and he gave him a gift of thirty-eight, and married a second-grade wife to enter the door, only to give thirty-eight to the door, haha, think about it, Liu Nianrou was very addicted.

"But my aunt, Miss 2 and Miss 3 are still in front of the eldest lady, do you want them to come back?" Dongxue asked anxiously.

The eldest lady has changed so much, she has an intuition that the second and third misses absolutely cannot match the current eldest today.

"Let them make trouble, the new lady suspects us when the time comes! I still wish the two children would make trouble!" Liu Nianrou said dismissively.

Lan Xin and Zhu Yun didn’t know, and I’m afraid they must be arguing with Fang Peiya at this moment, or if they quarrel with Fang Peiya, the two children are arguing with Fang Peiya for the sake of their father and mother’s reputation. Bad sentence!

Moreover, when the two children are quarreling, Huang Ru wants to doubt, but cannot doubt them.

What more Dongxue has to say, Liu Nianrou has been sleepy from time to time since she had a body. At this moment, she was covering her mouth, haha, and said lazily: "Go down, I will sleep for a while! Don't call me if there is nothing important. !"

"Yes!" Dongxue took the order, helped her lower body, and guarded at the door.

However, there is some worry in my heart. Miss No. 2 and Miss No. 3 are in the front yard, will they suffer?

Looking at the fierce appearance of the eldest lady now, although it has become more and more beautiful, the coldness in her eyes is like an evil spirit climbing up from hell, and it is coming!

Dongxue shuddered involuntarily when she recalled the sharp eyes.

In the front yard, the fifty-odd dowry gifts were all filled with other boxes, and they were placed aside. The fierce family members stood there with wide-eyed eyes to prevent others from approaching.

At this wedding banquet, someone came to grab the dowry halfway through, which is really rare.

What is even more rare is that it is even rarer to use the dowry of the former wife as a dowry!

Everyone craned their necks to see that the Fang family was really a good show, one after another, making people memorable.

"Ni Nu, what are you doing?" Suddenly, a voice exploded, and everyone turned around, and Fang Zhengxing came back from the backyard, dressed in a bright red dress.

He had just entered the bridal chamber, and when he had calculated the time, he had to let the boy press and pick hipa. Before these things were finished, he heard the report from the next person that it was the eldest lady who was making people grab the new lady. Dowry!

After asking the reason, Fang Zhengxing was furious: "It's unreasonable. All of Lu Wenxin's things have been sent back to Lu's home after He Li. Where does she have anything left at Fang's house, I can't say that. It's just to save her face, it's totally unreasonable for her to mess up with her daughter who doesn't know what to do!"

Huang Rushi naturally didn't hear the voice of the next person. She had just been picked to cover her head, and she was sitting in the wedding room with a shy face, waiting for Fang Zhengxing to return.

Seeing Fang Zhengxing went out with an abnormal expression on his face, Huang Ru was not a fool either, so he hurriedly asked a maid on the side to follow him to the front yard!

It just so happened that when Fang Zhengxing arrived at the Pian Hall, all the gift forms written on the offer list had been withdrawn.

A full fifty-eight lifts were all empty.

At this moment, Fang Peiya’s reloaded box was also being picked out.

The dowry that was full of dangdang in the Fang Zheng Xing Jian Pian Hall was half empty. The empty boxes were randomly stacked in one place. The red silk tied to the top of the box was randomly torn and thrown on the ground, a mess.

This is not harmful to people's marriage, and troubles at other people's marriage ceremony, which means that their marriage will go through several twists and turns in the future, and they will not end well!

Fang Zhengxing is a person who believes in cause and effect and has a very good face!

Otherwise, he would not go to a Taoist fortune teller before getting married.

The Taoist priest said an auspicious day, and said that if he could have a bridal chamber on that day, he would surely have a son.

And, to be on the safe side, be sure to pick two three- or four-year-old boy presses. In this way, you can be sure of everything.

He marries Huang Ruye, asks Huang Rushi to give Huang Rushi the position of second-class imperial wife, and gives Huang Ruyi eighty-eight betrothal gifts, all for the sake of face.

He is now a second-ranking member of the imperial court and married his second wife. This marriage ceremony must be lively and not to be taken lightly.

Therefore, he always did this for fear that others would think his marriage ceremony was shabby.

Unexpectedly, the eldest daughter would come to make trouble.

"Father, come and take care of it. The eldest sister is going to take away all the mother's dowry! The daughter can't stop it!" Fang Lan saw that Fang Zheng was out, and hurriedly stepped forward and pulled Fang Zhengxing's sleeves aggrievedly. Cried.

When Fang Zhuyun saw her sister doing this, she also cried: "Father, the eldest sister brought a lot of people over, saying that these things are her mother's, and she wants to take all of them, but these things are obviously prepared by father!"

Fang Zhengxing finally understood.

This Fang Peiya is here to get things, and feelings are here to get those dowry gifts!

After figuring out what was going on here, Fang Zhengxing became more and more angry.

"Have you had enough trouble?" The dowry and dowry were all messed up, and the surrounding guests craned their necks to watch the show.

Some people who are at odds with each other usually look at themselves with a gleeful look.

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