The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1752: 嫡不溶庶

The smile on Fang Lanxin’s face became more and more serious, and a glimmer of imperceptible pride flashed on her face. In order to prevent others from discovering, she quickly covered her face with a veil, but, no matter how fast she moved, the corner of her eyes Gu Xiaowan's pride was still clearly seen by Gu Xiaowan.

Fang Zhengxing's reconciliation with Lu Wenxin was not known to everyone in the capital, and even Fang Peiya, the prostitute of the Fang family, did not care about Fang Zhengxing, and left it to Lu Wenxin.

It is a remarkable thing to let her and her mother go back to her mother's clan without keeping the original prostitute.

What does this show?

This shows that in Fang Zhengxing's mind, this prostitute is not necessary.

I have seen and left before, but they are all from the Hui mother's family, and the child is still with her father. This time it was Fang Peiya going back to her mother's family with her mother. This is the first time we have seen such a thing. The head is clear, this Fang Zhengxing, how disgusting that prostitute.

Everyone knows that Fang Peiya is fat and ugly. It is a question of whether she can marry or not. Fang Zhengxing is not stupid. What would she do to leave a useless prostitute beside her?

There is no good thing to say, and she will worry about her marriage in the future. Who will make trouble for herself!

Except for a few people who resented Fang Zhengxing's ruthlessness, most people agreed with what he did.

After all, Fang Peiya is not young anymore, not much older than Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun.

Fang Peiya has reached the age of marriage, but there are almost no ugly and fat prostitutes who come to Fang's family to propose marriage, unless for the sake of those who climb up through Fang's family, who will propose marriage?

Besides, Fang's family also has two beautiful and incomparably favored concubines. Everyone's eyes are not blind, and everyone can carry their weight.

However, Fang Peiya was in front of the two concubines, who would propose to Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun?

It's alright now, Fang Peiya is not there, only two flower-like concubines are left. Fang Zhengxing's power, plus the degree of favor of the two concubines, will definitely be the threshold for Fang's family in the future. Trampled.

Just like now, Fang Lanxin's and Fang Zhuyun's luxurious purple clothes, brightly dressed and elegantly treated people, many women are thinking silently in their hearts.

Fang Zhengxing is powerful and powerful, and now he has become one with the Huang family, if he can form the Qin and Jin Dynasties with the Fang family

Thinking of the fact that before I came this time, the elders in the family and myself told me that many wives with concubines in their homes also had a little nine in their hearts.

There are even some people who are silently observing the marriage of their first-in-law sons.

As soon as Tan Yushu's words fell, Fang Lanxin covered her lips and smiled lightly, "Princess, you said a laugh, sister, she has now stayed at Lu's house with her mother."

Facing the tricky words of the Huguo Princess, he has a degree of advance and retreat, a decent manner, and a concubine demeanor, yes, yes!

After Fang Lanxin finished speaking, she glanced lightly at the whole women's seat, and saw that many women nodded approvingly at her, feeling very proud.

My mother told myself, no matter what others say or do, don't forget your identity and your own duty. As long as they don't deviate from these, they won't be wrong!

Fang Zhuyun followed and didn't speak. She knew the meaning of her sister's glance just now, but she was just unhappy in her heart.

Because, as soon as the peasant girl appeared on the stage, she attracted the eyes of non-female people. Even the high-ranking women who were still talking to them just ignored them and looked at the peasant girl.

Fang Zhuyun didn't expect that a high-ranking official's wife would lose to a farmer's daughter, and she was very angry. Then she said something like that. Although she was a bit petty, there was no problem.

When others listen, there is a sense of pride and pride.

Tan Yushu let out a cry in surprise, and said in a puzzled manner: "What? Staying at her mother's house, isn't she the daughter of Fang's family? What is she doing at Lu's house?"

For what?

My dear princess, don’t you know that Lu Wenxin has been divorced by my father?

Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun looked at each other, and they saw the sarcasm in each other's eyes, but the moment they raised their heads, the trace of sarcasm disappeared immediately. On the contrary, the expression of humility and affection made everyone secretly applaud.

This Tan Yushu and Anping Princess and Fang Peiya are not friends, neither of them knows Fang Peiya's situation.

"It seems that Master Fang has stopped the matter of the wife in front, the two princesses don't know yet!" Suddenly, a familiar voice came.

Gu Xiaowan looked up slightly, and she saw a familiar person standing not far away, with a melon-seeded face and a lovely face, but no matter how you listened to that, she didn't think this lady was a good-natured person.

The speaker was naturally the second young lady of the Su family-Su Qianyue, the loyal follower of the Mingdu Princess.

Su Qianyue came over and stared at the woman next to Tan Yushu intently. I don't know why, the fire of jealousy in her heart grew more and more!

Gu Xiaowan stood there indifferently, and had already attracted the attention of all the ladies in the audience, like a unique lotus, independent from the world.

Such a woman is beautiful and makes women envy and jealous, and even more hate it!

Men can't look away, and his brother is obsessed with such a woman.

Fang Lanxin and Fang Zhuyun had been on good terms with Su Qianyue. Seeing her coming, the first words they spoke were to support themselves, and the smiles on their faces became more and more serious.

Su Qianyue walked all the way to the two princesses, and asked for peace at will. She stood up straight without waiting for the two princesses to speak, and she looked complacent: "It's not that Miss Fang and the two princesses are A good friend? Miss Fang had such a big incident, and the two princesses didn’t even know about it. From that point of view, the statement made by this close friend of her boudoir is nothing but sorrow!"

"Oh, this princess only heard about the two people and Li, I heard that Master Fang sent all of Mrs. Fang's dowry back to Lu's house, but he didn't expect that even his own flesh and blood returned to Lu's house!" Tan Yushu He said, and sighed with a full face: "Oh, it seems that Lord Fang really loves the two, Peiya, the prostitute, is not as good as the two little fingers!"

Some women suddenly became stiff when they heard this sentence.

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