The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1749: Unbearable ex

Gu Xiaowan squinted her eyes with a smile, her eyes gleaming, she looked at Huang Ruye, who was in a bright red dress, and said auspicious words of congratulations: "Miss Huang is so beautiful today! I am afraid that the beauty of this world is in front of Miss Huang. To be overshadowed!"


Huang Ru is looking at the woman who is standing in front of him, wearing lotus root pink clothes, with silk-like hair, smooth forehead, straight nose, rosy cherry lips, and the girl standing there, free and easy. temperament.

Even Huang Ru looked at it, and couldn't move his eyes. Gu Xiaowan's appearance became more and more outstanding.

She looked at the young ladies next to her, and looked at them with envy and jealousy.

Gu Xiaowan's beauty is not like the feminine and cowardly women raised in deep boudoirs. On the contrary, the temperament between her eyebrows is beautiful and refined, and she has a clear understanding of the world and a broad and free mind.

For such a woman, even a woman would lose her mind when she saw it. After that, she was envy, and afterward, she was deeply jealous and deeply disgusted.

Nowadays, Gu Xiaowan wears ordinary lotus root pink clothes, and she has a faint tendency to cover herself with a red happy dress.

Such a stunning beauty, if one day, she also put on such a red wedding dress, what would it look like?

After being shocked for a while, Huang Ruyi let out a soft cough, and when she heard Gu Xiaowan complimenting herself, she snorted proudly and immediately got rid of the embarrassment.

She is the proud child of heaven, she is the proud child of heaven at all times, unlike some people. Once she has achieved the Tao, the chicken and dog will ascend to the sky, and one day, she will fall down from the altar.

"Of course, I am a elder sister but a bride today. She is not beautiful, who is beautiful!" Someone complimented, but her eyes drifted between Gu Xiaowan and Huang Ruye. Just now, she looked at Gu Xiaowan’s eyes. It can't be moved at all.

"Thank you, Princess Huguo and Princess Anping, for coming to add makeup, but I am in a happy suit now, so it is not convenient to please the two princesses, please forgive me!" Huang Rushi looked embarrassedly Looking at the luxurious Xia Lai on her body, she raised her right hand and touched the phoenix crown on her head, and smiled helplessly, "This phoenix crown is too heavy, and I can't get up even if it is pressed!"

Although Huang Rushi was asked to be appointed as the second-ranking madam, but because she has not married, the imperial decree will declare the decree on the day of marriage, that is to say, she is still just an ordinary official lady, see You still have to bow to Gu Xiaowan and others, but

I haven’t gotten married yet, so I’m not polite here because of my own position. If I really become a second-grade wife, it’s not bad. I’m afraid it’s in the capital, except for those in the palace. Mrs. Xinfang is afraid to walk sideways!

Xi Niang on the side listened and hurriedly said three times, "Miss, the heavier this phoenix crown is, it proves that the bridegroom officer pays more attention to you!"

The young ladies on the side heard this and stepped forward to compliment.

"Yeah, yeah, I heard that Master Fang has prepared eighty-eight dowry gifts for her sister. There are so many. This is the first time I have seen so many dowry gifts!"

"Master Fang is so kind to sister!"

"That said, you don’t even look at the beauty of the elder sister, who is as beautiful as a flower, beautiful and beautiful. Whoever marries, who doesn’t hold his hands, feels a headache! Then eighty-eight betrothal gifts, the second-class madam’s position It should be our sister! It's not like some people, have you heard of it?" One of the young ladies deliberately lowered her voice and whispered something when she saw that there were no other people around.

"What did you hear?"

Seeing that there were secrets, the young ladies on the side leaned their heads to listen to the words of the hanging lady, "I heard my mother say that Mrs. Ren Fang was married to the Fang family, but she didn’t even pay the offer. , The former Mrs. Fang brought the dowry to the Fang's house with the dowry!"

"Oh my God, there is such a thing? Isn't that a man on the pole? How could there be such a woman? It's really shameless!" One of the young ladies heard this, clutching her blushing face, tsk Three times, his expression was full of contempt.

Fang Peiya glared at the group of people who were slandering her mother, her face flushed, and she suddenly stepped forward to find these people to reason.

"A bunch of barking dogs, pay attention to what they do?" Gu Xiaowan stretched out her hand to hold Fang Peiya, shook her head at her, and signaled her not to worry.

Tan Yushu also said hurriedly, "Yes, don't worry, there will always be retribution!"

After hearing Gu Xiaowan's words, Fang Peiya glared at the group of self-righteous ladies, suppressed the anger in her heart, and hid behind Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu.

"Isn’t that right? Ten years ago, the lady in front fell in love with Lord Fang and she was going to get married! Look at Fang Peiya’s appearance, tusk, fat and ugly, I heard her mother is just like her Well, it doesn’t look good at all. She, she was bullying at the time, looking at Master Fang as just an ordinary official, she was surprised that she wanted to marry Master Fang because of her family’s relationship!"

Relying on the family relationship, do you want to marry Fang Zhengxing if you bully?

Hearing this, Fang Peiya grinned bitterly, but in her heart she felt sorrow for her mother's love that moved her life and never married.

Mother, your self-confident love is oppressive in the eyes of others.

Someone who seemed to know the inside story kept babbling and talking with a smug expression: "So, in this world, heroes are all saddened by Beauty Pass. Don’t Master Fang still bow down under our pomegranate skirt? A man, it’s not good to a woman, not because a man is bad, but because he doesn’t love this woman at all! You see, Master Fang likes to be like an older sister, not just buy everything for that older sister!"

"Yes, I have never seen such a shameless person! The Shangganzi family is really shameless!"

"Who said no! Both mother and daughter feel shameless, haven't you noticed? We haven't seen the fat pig for a long time!"

"Haha, where does she have the face to go out, she's not the eldest of the Fang family anymore, and her mother has been divorced again. It is estimated that the two of them are hiding in their arms and crying! In this life, where do they have the face to go out? !"


Those vicious words after another, like steel needles, fiercely inserted into Fang Peiya’s heart one by one, the pain in her heart was violent, as if she was torn apart, she stared blankly. The inch of the ground in front of him swayed and he was about to fall over.

Fortunately, after listening to those words, Gu Xiaowan looked back at her and saw that she was about to fall down when she saw her dangling body. She hurriedly reached out and supported her dangling body.

Fang Peiya looked up and saw the worried eyes of Gu Xiaowan and Tan Yushu, and a wry smile appeared at the corners of their mouths, "I'm fine!"

She stood up, her eyes were miserable, her head hung slightly, her gloves were in her sleeves, and her fingertips were about to be pinched into the flesh.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the group of ladies who pretended to be famous and wealthy, and chewed their tongues one by one. What was the difference between them and those street women.

Gu Xiaowan suddenly felt dull for the red of the room and the noisy voices, and immediately went out.

Gu Xiaowan and others left the wedding room and came to the front yard. Zuo and Kou Dan had already been waiting in the front yard for a long time. When they saw the girl coming, they hurriedly greeted her, "Girl, we have all listened. All the dowry and dowry are also registered."

"How's the verification?"

"The dowry was intact and sent to the Fang family for the dowry, eighty-eight, and the Huang family bought another twenty!"

"That is to say, in this one hundred and eight dowry, there are fifty ones, or is it the same as before?" Gu Xiaowan asked.

"Yes, the contents are exactly the same!"

Gu Xiaowan grinned, her eyes radiant as stars, and she looked back at Fang Peiya, who was filled with indignation, "Go, we have heard so many ugly words, so naturally we are going to give them back!"

"How to pay it back?"

"Go to the Fang's house, didn't the Fang's family invite us to have a wedding drink? Just right, I will give them a big gift at that time!" Gu Xiaowan looked at Fang Peiya, thought about it, and asked, "If you do this, then , Will your father be embarrassed? Do you still want to do this?"

"Do, why not do it?" Fang Peiya smiled bitterly. If she had the slightest hesitation before she came, the words she had just heard in Huang Rushi's boudoir had completely made her give up.

"My mother is because of love. Back then, he loved my mother, and my mother loved him even more. My mother didn't care for him to accomplish nothing, and didn't want to be her own lady. She fought hard to marry him, but in the eyes of the world, she became persecution. , Go on the pole to marry him, huh, my mother has given everything for so many years, but now, she has gained such a reputation." Fang Peiya shook her head and smiled bitterly, her eyes were dead and indifferent, and she was even more fierce, "This justice, I want to ask for my mother!"

"Okay, it's good time, let's go to Fang Mansion too!" Gu Xiaowan saw that Fang Peiya insisted on doing it, so let her go.

When the time comes, those who come to issue the imperial decree should still have another imperial decree. Even today, give Madam Fang and Peiya an explanation ####I’m going to catch the train, okay, it’s getting colder, Baby wear more clothes.

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