The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1747: Let's add makeup

"You mean, Fang Zhengxing took your mother's dowry and went to Huang Ru as a dowry?"

After Fang Peiya's wordless confirmation, Tan Yushu stood up, "How can there be such a shameless person in this world! It's so shameless!"

Tan Yushu scolded vigorously, and inadvertently glanced at Gu Xiaowan's gaze, only then was shocked that he was too impulsive just now, and the person scolding was actually the father of his friend. He consciously failed to speak, blushing, Peiya said sorry: "Peya, I'm sorry, I'm just too impulsive!"

"It's okay!" Fang Peiya did not blame Tan Yushu's scolding.

Now, Fang Zhengxing is really inferior to a stranger to her.

Moreover, the words Tan Yushu scolded, she had already scolded countless times in her heart.

"He himself is that kind of person. Over the years, what he has done is not shameless or the first time!" Fang Peiya said bitterly, and all his eyes were blamed on the other side's righteousness. And complain.

Gu Xiaowan was not as impulsive as Tan Yushu, she looked at the list in her hand, "Peiya, do you have any plans?"

"What can I do?" Fang Peiya smiled helplessly, "I want to bring back my mother's dowry. These are all my mother's things. Even if I feed the dog, it can't be cheap. Huang Ruye and Fang Zhengxing !"

Having said this, Fang Peiya's eyes flashed with resentment.

"These are the dowry that my grandparents' family worked hard to prepare for my mother. Everything in it was prepared by my grandparents' family. Fang Zhengxing didn't prepare anything!"

"That's even more to get it back!" Tan Yushu was very angry when he saw it, "This thing is your mother's, how can you give it to others casually!"

"Where did this dowry list come from?" Gu Xiaowan looked at the list in her hand, "It stands to reason, how could this dowry list come out casually?"

Looking at Tan Yushu and Gu Xiaowan, they both asked themselves curiously, Fang Peiya told them the fact that Liu Nianrou sent her maid to deliver the order.

"Then you mean that Liu Nianrou specially sent someone to give you this thing, what does she mean?" Tan Yushu asked, "Is she showing off, showing off her ability to be the master of these things?"

"I don't know either!" Fang Peiya said helplessly.

Thinking of the two old people don’t want to go to the ex-son-in-law to get back their dowry, this

Seeing Fang Peiya’s helpless look, Gu Xiaowan immediately understood, but

She looked at the list in her hand, shook her head and said, "It seems that Liu Nianrou wants you to make trouble!"


"What are you making?" Both of them looked at Gu Xiaowan curiously, not understanding what she meant by making trouble.

Gu Xiaowan pointed to the two lists in her hand, "Don't worry, I'll talk about it later, Zuo, go and help me sort it out!" Zuo led the order and went with the two sheets. According to the request of the caregiver Xiaowan, together with Codan, the two people checked it out within a quarter of an hour.

"The amount of dowry on this old list is 68 pays in total, and the number of dowry on the new list is 88 pays in total. Among them, the amount of dowry on the new list is exactly the same as the old list. of!"

In other words, the betrothal form Fang's family gave Huang Ru was actually only 38!

The Fifty Carriers were all Lu Wenxin's home improvement back then. It was originally something that was to be taken with him when he was away. It has been used up by Fang Zhengxing for so many years in officialdom and wiped out.

But now I found it here again.

It seems that Fang Zhengxing is reluctant to give these dowries. It seems that there are other uses!

"Fifty lifts are all your mother's dowry. This Fang family is shameless. Has it reached this point?" Tan Yushu was so angry that he gritted his teeth when he heard the data. !

If this matter spreads out, I am afraid that many people will lose their teeth.

Seeing the dense list of supplies in her hand, these were all her own mother Qin’s dowry, Fang Peiya couldn’t hold back, she stood up and said, “Sister, I’ll go to the Huangfu now and get back the things that belong to my mother. !"

Fang Peiya was about to leave, and Gu Xiaowan hurriedly stopped her by saying something, "You go now, do you think Huang Ru can lose anything? The Huang family came and refused to admit it. Anyway, these things were brought back from Fang's family. Don't bother with you, let you find Fang's family, you"

Gu Xiaowan paused, and glanced at the gloomy Fang Peiya, "Since Fang Zhengxing lied to you once, he will lie to you a second time. If this matter is spread, others will only say that you are ignorant and dare Prevent your father from marrying a wife!"

"Then what should I do? Is it so good to watch them stealing my mother's dowry for a hundred years?" Fang Peiya was about to cry anxiously.

"My mother was anxious to reconcile with him at that time, except me, she had nothing. If he really used the money to plan his future, it would be fine, but how could he be able to!" Fang Peiya looked anxious. Flushing, thinking about this, it was like a throat.

If this matter is known to my mother, I still don't know what my mother will be angry!

Fang Peiya's worries, helplessness, and anger were all seen in Gu Xiaowan's eyes, but now it is not the time for indignation at all. On the contrary, this is still a good opportunity.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the gift list in her hand, and suddenly "chuffed" with a smile.

When Tan Yushu saw this, he hurried forward excitedly, "Sister, have you thought of a good way?"

Gu Xiaowan shook the offer list in her hand, "Didn't we also receive the invitation to add makeup to Huang Ru? Let's just happen to go together!"

"Go together?" Tan Yushu looked at Fang Peiya, how can we go together?

The daughter of the former wife will add makeup to the future wife of her biological father?

It sounds weird!

Fang Peiya's face was suddenly covered, "Sister, how can I go with this? She didn't post me a post!"

Besides, even if it is down, she will not go!

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