The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1724: Don't blame me for being ruthless

The look in Fang Zhengxing's eyes immediately became straight.

It seems that for more than ten years, Liu Nianrou hasn't left any furrows on Liu Nianrou's face, and her face is ruddy, as bright and moving as it was ten years ago.

"Master, are you up?" Liu Nianrou walked in with a basin of water, and saw Fang Zhengxing had already sat up.

"Rou'er, you are so beautiful!" After a good night, Liu Nianrou's complexion was so good, it was hard to look away.

Liu Nianrou put down the copper basin in her hand and came to serve Fang Zhengxing and got up. When she heard what he said, her face flushed with shame: "Master, you know to make fun of Rou'er! Rou'er is fat."

Fang Zhengxing took a closer look, and sure enough, Liu Nianrou's slender figure was indeed slightly fatter, but this did not affect her beauty. On the contrary, because of the flesh, it became softer to the touch.

Thinking of Fang Zhengxing’s sinking time and time again last night, there was a feeling of emotion in his heart. Seeing that she was waiting for her to get up, it was the master of the family who was still doing the things the maids did. He couldn’t help but feel a little distressed: "I told you long ago, you are Master of Fang Mansion, don't do anything about serving people in the future!"

Liu Nianrou didn't listen, and continued to dress Fang Zhengxing, and said: "Rou'er can still serve the lord now, lord let Rou'er serve you!"

"What do you mean?" When Fang Zhengxing heard this, he felt that Liu Nianrou's words contained deep grievances. He couldn't help but feel a little worried. He hurriedly took Liu Nianrou's hand and said softly, "What's wrong with you?"

Liu Nianrou tried her best to squeeze a smile, as if the grievance in her tone just now did not exist, she said shyly: "From now on, the new lady will come in, and the old wife is in her arms. Maybe you don't need Rou'er to serve!"

Speaking of the new lady, Fang Zhengxing's face looks much better, with a smile on the corners of his mouth, Liu Nianrou helped him to tie the buckle, and saw that his face was soft, with strong expectations in his eyes, and his head hurts. Deep resentment.

She had been with the master for more than ten years, but in the end it was nothing.

I thought that after Lu Wenxin was squeezed away, I would be able to be the lady above. How did I know that I was paving the way for another beautiful young woman.

She became a woman with a yellow face, but Madam Fang became a beautiful girl. Guessing with her toes, she knew how sad her life would be in the future.

After Fang Zhengxing laughed, she saw that Liu Nianrou had not spoken, knowing that she was unhappy in her heart, but she could give whatever she wanted. This is the position of Mrs. Fang.

The position of Mrs. Erpin’s life can only be reserved for women with identity and family, and she

It's okay to be a concubine, and being a madam in the main room is not a shame.

But, after all, Liu Nianrou has been with herself for so many years, and if it weren't for her, she wouldn't have divorced her so early!

This credit must be counted on Liu Nianrou's head.

Seeing Liu Nianrou's expression unhappy, Fang Zhengxing felt a little guilty in his heart. He took Liu Nianrou's hand and said affectionately: "Nianrou, don't worry, although you have a new lady, you will always be my favorite!"

Liu Nianrou smiled after hearing Fang Zhengxing's words. She didn't believe what he said, but instead she held his hand with a touch of expression on her face, hoping to ask: "Then master, what if Rou'er gave birth to a son for you? "

When Fang Zhengxing heard this, he immediately smiled: "Then the feeling is good, you gave birth to a son for me, I will satisfy you for whatever you want!"

"Then what if Rou'er wants to be a flat wife?" Liu Nianrou looked at Fang Zhengxing's smile and continued to ask boldly.

Fang Zhengxing's face suddenly froze, he did not speak, his face was frozen.

Liu Nianrou felt a chill in her heart, and her heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

Fang Zhengxing seemed to have made a lot of determination and said, "If you give birth to a son, and she hasn't given birth to a son within three years, I will treat you as a normal wife!"

"Master, are you serious about this?" Liu Nianrou asked with surprise on her face!

Fang Zhengxing nodded, Liu Nian Rouxi threw herself into Fang Zhengxing’s arms and beamed her brows: “Master, don’t worry, the new lady will come in. Rou'er will serve the new lady well, and let her get to know the family as soon as possible. Everything! Rou'er must also work hard to open branches and leaves for Fang's family!"

"You can think so, that's the best!" Seeing Liu Nianrou's general knowledge, Fang Zhengxing was very pleased in his heart: "If she is still young, and if she doesn't understand by then, teach her more! "

"That's Miss Huang's family, Rou'er is just a concubine, how can I teach her!" Although these words were only polite, Liu Nianrou was still very useful after listening.

After all, she has followed Fang Zhengxing for more than ten years.

"Although she is new here, she is the hostess of the family after all. You will have to suffer more in the future!" Fang Zhengxing reminded softly with her arms around Liu Nianrou. Suddenly, at the moment she lowered her head, he saw Liu Nianrou's charming face. , I don't know why, Lu Wenxin suddenly flashed in his mind.

Lu Wenxin was in such a good body before, and suddenly became bedridden. If there was no accident, Fang Zhengxing would not believe it!

What Liu Nianrou did to Lu Wenxin, Fang Zhengxing knew everything she did. He opened one eye and closed one eye. After all, Lu Wenxin was just his springboard. After the springboard lost its value, he didn't use it. Worth it.

A person who has no use value is no different from a dead person in his mind, Liu Nianrou does what he wants, he doesn't care.

But Huang Ru is different.

She is young and beautiful, and her father is a member of the court. Marrying Huang Ruye is equivalent to winning over Huang Jian. With Huang Jian’s help, Ming Wang will have an extra helper. !

He also asked Huang Ru to seal the position of the second-ranking madam, and Huang Jian is now more affectionate to him. These are all things Fang Zhengxing expected.

Huang Ru played a much bigger role than Lu Wenxin. When she married, there were more members of the Huang family behind King Ming. So how could he make Liu Nianrou treat her like Lu Wenxin?

There are so many concubine rooms, but the madam, the very useful young and beautiful madam, but Huang Ru is the only one!

Thinking of this, Fang Zhengxing held Liu Nianrou's hand tightly, and said sharply: "She is the wife of the Fang family, you must respect her and love her, you must not be the same as before! If you let me find that you have treated her in the slightest It's unfavorable, don't blame me for turning my face ruthlessly!"

Liu Nianrou's raised smile instantly froze.

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