The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1712: wait me back

And that burst of electric current, Qin Yizhi who hit directly could only move according to the thoughts in his heart.

He seemed to be mad, tearing her clothes, and after a while, the smooth carcass appeared in front of him, as smooth as jade.

As if looking at the most precious treasure in the world, Qin Yizhi's eyes were full of love and cherishment. He trembling his fingertips, brushed across the inch of smooth skin, arousing tremors after another.

He just felt like something was going to whizz out in his body. He leaned down, and the clothes on his body didn’t know when it was gone. The two of them clung to each other closely. Inside the tent, there was only one after another. The charming.

But when the charming dissipated, Qin Yanzhi was at a critical juncture, still withdrew, left the person who fascinated him, and left the bedding, like a rice dumpling, wrapped Gu Xiaowan tightly, and he, All fell into the cold.

Seeing him withdraw at a critical juncture, the gully in Gu Xiaowan's heart took a long time to calm down. Seeing him sleeping outside, in such a cold day, I couldn't help but worry. There was still the chant in her voice: "Brother Yizhi, come in! "

"That's great!" Qin Mozhi hugged her tightly, not allowing her to twist.

He is going to sleep in this icy night and make himself sober.

Qin Yizhi fixedly looked at the person in front of him, wishing to kill himself in his heart, he almost made a mistake just now.

He is so selfish that he wants her to belong only to him, but what if he can't come back after this dangerous situation?

Can he really ruin her fame and let her live in sorrow for a lifetime?

He can't do it.

Seeing Qin Mo's death staring at him, Gu Xiaowan had seen all the regret, sadness, and patience in his eyes, and guessed them all.

If it's not dangerous, why doesn't he even have the courage to demand himself.

Both of them tried and guessed with each other, but they all wanted to relieve each other.

"Wan'er, when I come back, I will welcome you in with my ten-mile red makeup!" Qin Yizhi held Gu Xiaowan's hand and said firmly.

"it is good!"

As soon as the voice fell, a knocking sound came from outside, and Qin Yizhi's eyes faded: "Wan'er, I'm leaving! Wait for me, I will definitely come back safely, Shili Hongzhuang, marry you as my wife!"

"Ok, I will wait for you!"

Gu Xiaowan also replied firmly, but did not turn around. Instead, she wrapped herself tightly in the quilt, and only an urn sound came from the quilt.

Qin Yizhi let go of the person in his arms, quickly put the clothes on, got up and left, and then fixedly glanced at the person in the bedding.

He really didn't have the courage to let the people in the bed look at him again, or, with one look, he would never leave.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, as if he wanted to **** all the breath that belonged to her, remembering it in his mind, and then when he opened his eyes, he took a fixed look at the curled up one. Man, he was cruel, turned and left.

Hearing the sound of the door being closed, Gu Xiaowan hurriedly opened the quilt covering her head and turned her head. There were still people in the room. The cool breeze that came in when the door opened just now seemed to tell her that Someone really left.

Gu Xiaowan couldn't help it anymore. She curled up in the bed and started crying, but she didn't dare to make a sound. She could only bite her lip, shaking again and again.

Qin Yizhi outside the house heard no sound coming from inside. He was worried about her, but he didn't dare to go back and take a look at her.

He went to fasten the buckle of his neckline. When he touched the neckline, it was already wet, and it became more and more cold when blown by the cold wind.

Her tears wet his clothes, but she has been holding back from letting him discover, Qin Yizhi's fastened hands paused, and hurriedly looked back, the room was quiet and there was no sound.

However, maybe it has everything.

She is still inside.

Suddenly, something cold drew across his cheeks, Qin Yizhi looked up, and snow fell on the gray sky.


Qin Yizhi stood still in the courtyard, quietly looking at the closed door, the tenderness in his eyes was like water.

Qin Yizhi turned around and strode away until his hair became snowy white and the knocking people heard another sound.

There was an unwavering sigh

Wan'er, you must wait for me to come back. It was getting colder and colder this day. Gu Xiaowan didn’t know how long she had been in the bedding. She didn’t sleep in the middle of the night. Later, at dawn, she fell asleep in a daze. When she woke up, she had a splitting headache and shouted: "A Zuo"

Zuo had been waiting outside for a long time. After hearing the sound, he rushed in and opened the door a small slit. The icy north wind was still engulfing it along the small slit. Gu Xiaowan was sleeping inside, still feeling the bitterness. Coldness.

"Why is it so cold today?" Gu Xiaowan was lying in the bed, still frozen, without the warmth of Qin Yizhi, the bed suddenly became cold again.

"Girl, it snowed last night!" Zuo quickly replied.

"No wonder!" Gu Xiaowan murmured, and saw Zuo go directly into the tent and waited for Gu Xiaowan to get up. After Gu Xiaowan felt the cold wind blowing in with the tent, she realized that she hadn't put on clothes yet.

However, she had already sat up, and Zuo also walked in.

The smooth body and the bruise hickey on his body fell into Zuo's eyes.

Zuo looked at the bruise on the girl's body, charmingly, even without personnel, but he knew what the hickeys meant.

Gu Xiaowan was a little embarrassed, her face turned red, she covered her body with a bedding, and looked at Zuo as if she hadn't seen it. Then she felt that she had overreacted a bit, and she pretended to take the hand from Zuo as if nothing had happened Obscene clothes and pants, began to wear clothes.

When everything was ready, Gu Xiaowan stood by the window looking at the snow scene outside the house before breakfast.

It really snowed.

I saw heavy snow like goose feathers on the outside, and the entire courtyard was covered in silver, and it was a beautiful scenery.


Thinking of the person choosing to drive in this weather, I don’t know whether he wears thick clothes, whether he has anything to keep out the cold, and whether he takes care of himself.

Her thoughts fluttered, looking at the sky full of goose feathers and heavy snow, her thoughts had already gone to nowhere.

"Girl, have dinner." Seeing Gu Xiaowan's expression a little worried, Zuo called out hurriedly, knowing that she was worried about the master.

Before the master left, the girl knew that he was going to be dangerous. Her task was to make the girl feel relieved and could not always worry about the master.

Zuo saw the girl's worried look, but he didn't understand. Since he knew that the girl was so worried, why should he tell the girl the truth?

However, this is what the master meant, and it is difficult for her to ask, so she can only act according to the master's will!

Gu Xiaowan came back to her senses and nodded: "Hmm!"

This time, she had a very simple breakfast meal. After eating casually, she lay on the soft and read a book.

Zuo saw her lying down and resting, knowing that she must have not slept well last night, so she rushed to fill up several soup ladies, put them in the soft bedding, and put a thick cotton wool on it again, for fear that Gu Xiaowan would be cold. .

Gu Xiaowan saw that she had taken ten soup ladies, one on her hand, two on her waist, two on her feet, and other places where she was soft. They also put the soup on her. Seeing that Zuoguan was like this, the whole quilt was all Lady Tang, Gu Xiaowan was a little bit dumbfounded: "What do you do with so many Lady Tang?"

Zuo seriously replied: "Girl, it's cold, and you are chilling again. Put a few more soup ladies to keep warm. If any one is cold, you tell me and I'll change it again!"

Before leaving, the master confessed to her that she must give the girl more soups, and remember to change the soups in the middle of the night, otherwise, the soups will be cold and the girl will catch a cold again.

Seeing Zuo being so serious, Gu Xiaowan was a little bit dumbfounded to cry or laugh, but after a while, everything in the bedding was warm. She was a person who was afraid of the cold, and she warmed up all at once, even if she was tired from not sleeping last night. Coming up.

After reading the two pages of the book, Gu Xiaowan fell asleep. Seeing that the girl was asleep, Zuo carefully covered her with the bedding and went to the door to guard.

Seeing Ah Zuo’s cautious look, Ahmad was a little strange: "How are you different today from the past?"

I always feel that Zuo's performance today is a bit too cautious.

Zuo turned his head and glanced at him, and said firmly: "The master said a word before leaving. If there is something wrong with the girl, let's raise our head to see him!"

The master said this is still easy, the master's original words are: if there is something wrong with her, you will get three hundred dollars.

Someone once invented a penalty called three hundred knives. Knives are not fatal, but knives kill you.

The two hundred and ninety-nine knives in the front are not fatal injuries. They will only make you feel the fear of death when the blood dries out. Then, the last cut, straight into the heart, will let you experience the flow of blood in the body. , Watching his own blood dying, such a scene is far more terrifying than the death method of directly raising the head.

Seeing Ah Zuo said this, how could he not know that the master told them that the girl's fate is the first! So busy should arrive: "Even if it kills me, I have to protect the girl!"

"Me too!" Zuo said with a cold eye, categorically, his eyes deep, looking at the scenery outside the courtyard wall, full of coldness.

At this moment, a team of caravans had quietly left the capital and galloped towards the south.

The southern border is Nanling Kingdom.

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