The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1706: Queen to punish

I saw Princess Mingdu bit her lip from the very beginning and when he saw King Ming’s face full of anger, he immediately became aggrieved. Everyone in the hall looked at him in time. When did Shu Min suffer from this Feeling wronged, pretty stood there without kneeling.

Until King Ming said again: "Naughty girl, kneel down!"

Immediately afterwards, I saw King Ming stood up from his position and knelt down while pressing Shu Min.

King Ming was so angry that even his beard was shaking. After watching Shu Min kneel down, he fell to his knees with a thump: "The emperor, the wicked girl is slanderous. Please also see the emperor for the sake of Min'er's young age. one side!"

Questioning the decision of the current emperor, Shu Min really had enough.

King Ming is dying and hates his daughter, but he hates Gu Xiaowan, the culprit, even more.

A little peasant girl actually let Min'er fall into her trap with one sentence. Min'er had the upper hand. It was the effort of that sentence. This little peasant girl changed the limelight all at once.

Moreover, Shu Min put on a disrespectful hat. It's horrible, horrible!

King Ming knelt down, and his original arrogant body was still there now. If anyone reads it correctly, he could see that King Ming's body was still trembling, as if he was terrified.

At this moment, the hall was treacherously quiet, and it was so quiet that it was scary.

At the moment, the Ninth-Five Lord, who was sitting on the dragon chair, looked at King Ming and Princess Mingdu in this light, with inexplicable expressions in his eyes.

For a long time, just when everyone was too frightened to come out, suddenly, the empress mother said: "Emperor, today is a happy day, let this matter go!"

As soon as the Queen Mother's voice fell, the Concubine Wang on the side immediately took over and said: "Yes, the emperor, Min'er is still young, the girl's chattering, this Anping princess said this matter is so serious. "

Wang Guifei is wearing a complex crimson palace dress today, with an eight-tailed phoenix hairpin stuck on her head. The golden silk fringe spit out from the phoenix's mouth hangs in front of her forehead, and her face becomes more delicate.

At this moment, looking at the swords in the main hall, Wang Guifei looked at Gu Xiaowan a little angrily and said: "Princess Anping, today is the birthday of the Queen Mother, don't spoil the passion of the Queen Mother!"

After finishing speaking, she looked at the queen dowager aside obediently, with a face full of kindness. The queen mother smiled slightly and gave Wang Guifei a shallow smile.

Seeing that the Queen Mother actually smiled at herself, Wang Guifei became more excited. She looked at the empress who was sitting on top of her, wearing a red complex palace dress, sitting in her place, the red queen court dress, nine tails. The phoenix hairpin is exquisite and exquisite, but it is much more beautiful than the phoenix hairpin on his head.

The queen is the queen, and the red clothes she wears are better than the crimson clothes she wears.

Seeing that the empress dowager had spoken, the Leng Empress still did not say a word, and Wang Guifei could not help but snorted.

This dead wood has been sitting all night without saying a word, cold words, cold words, you really have the same name as yours, cold as ice. is such a great opportunity to please the queen mother, you don’t even say a word, it is really a piece of ice.

The Queen's behavior was naturally seen by the Queen. However, Queen Leng dismissed her provocation, still sitting in her place, looking at the kneeling King Ming and the Princess Mingdu.

"What do you think of the queen?" Shu Tianci, who had never spoken, suddenly asked Xiang, the empress who had never spoken.

Empress Leng was worthy of putting down the tea cup in her hand, and without looking at King Ming and Shu Min, she looked at the emperor respectfully and said: "Today is the Queen Mother’s birthday, and indeed should not be punished. However, disregarding the emperor’s decision is a crime that cannot be ignored. My concubine courageously, why don’t you let the Princess Mingdu copy the Daqing admonitions a hundred times and keep my Daqing admonitions in your heart. What does the emperor think?"

Gu Xiaowan looked at the current queen, and heard that the queen’s surname was cold and she was a daughter of the family. But she had a deserted temperament. However, everyone said that the queen had a clear love and hatred, rewards and punishments. The queen like a mirror.

The Queen Mother said she would not be punished, and Wang Guifei also said she would not be punished.

After listening to Empress Leng's suggestion, Wang Guifei was about to sneer, but fortunately, she covered her grinned lips in time. Otherwise, it would be really not fun to ridicule the mother of the country in the public.

Is this cold expression deaf? Today is the Queen Mother’s birthday, and the Queen Mother says she will not be punished.

When Wang Guifei looked at the empress dowager, she saw that she looked inexplicable, faint, and could not see the happiness, anger, sorrow, and joy. Her heart also became happy.

The queen is unlucky, but she has benefited!

A hundred times of Daqing admonition, although it is not a punishment, but that is not a small book of Daqing admonition, the county in front of me copied it a hundred times, three or four months of work does not need to go out. Up.

King Ming knelt on the main hall. After hearing the words of the empress dowager and Wang Guifei not punishing, he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, but when he heard Queen Leng said that Shu Min would copy the Qing admonition a hundred times, he was even more relieved.

It's just a hundred times of Daqing admonition, it's not a punishment.

After listening to the Queen's advice, Shu Tianci glanced at the Queen and then at Wang Guifei.

Concubine Wang did not expect that the emperor would look at her, and she smiled at herself, thinking that she had just agreed with the emperor to make the emperor happy, and immediately showed a smile that she thought was the most charming, and looked up at the emperor affectionately. go with.

After taking a look, Shu Tianci smiled again. This smile made Wang Guifei's heart beat faster and her cheeks reddened.

"Today is the Queen Mother's birthday. I thought that Mingdu was young and had no intentions, so I followed the empress's wishes and went back to copy the Daqing admonitions a hundred times." Shu Tianci said with great respect.

Since the emperor has spoken, it proves that this matter has passed.

Gu Xiaowan smiled embarrassedly at Lin Jingru. She really did not expect that Shu Min would provoke the separation of the two of them.

Lin Jingru smiled faintly all the time. Seeing Gu Xiaowan looking at her, she also showed a sweet smile, indicating that she didn't care about the matter just now.

When everyone saw that the emperor didn't pursue it anymore, they all sat in their place.

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