The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1704: Reward heavily

Gu Xiaowan looked at the person who was talking, and sure enough, she saw Academician Lin next to Lin Jingru sitting right aside, looking at herself with a smile on her face.

The white-bearded academician Lin, although his hair and beard are all white, his eyes are still piercing and energetic, quite a bit of Confucianism.

No wonder Lin Jingru's manners are dignified, gentle and generous, just looking at the Lin family, they are like green pine arrogant things, people dare not profanity.

"Does Lin Qing's family have to make things difficult for a little girl today?" Shu Tianci said with interest when he saw Academician Lin also speak to Gu Xiaowan.

Academician Lin stroked the gray beard and smiled: "Where do the ministers dare to make things difficult for Anping Princess, I just heard that Anping Princess wrote lyrics at the poetry and song meeting. I really like Anping Princess's literary talent. Today I want to discuss ."

Academician Lin did not in the slightest belittle the old because he was an old man, nor did he underestimate it because Gu Xiaowan was a little girl.

Academician Lin compiled books throughout his life and read countless books. Today, he came to make things difficult for a little girl, fearing that Gu Xiaowan would not be able to pass it so easily.

Shu Min was originally upset just now, and of course there is no such thing at this moment. Originally thinking that Lin Jingru and Gu Xiaowan looked at each other, I was afraid that seeing her so pushy, she would also be anxious.

Lin Jingru is the world's number one talented woman who was personally canonized by the emperor!

It happened that a talented woman in the world was eclipsed by a village girl. Thinking of this, Shu Min became more relaxed. The Lin family made a move, afraid that Gu Xiaowan would not be easily let go, so let them fight!

She can sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight, the best, and she can also reap the benefits of the fisherman!

Seeing Academician Lin's expression of kindness, Gu Xiaowan really wanted to explore literature with him, so she smiled slightly: "Master Lin, Xiao Wan is not talented, let's make a fool of yourself in front of Academician Lin! That Xiaowan is ugly."

"Well, today, let's see if the words made by a fifteen-year-old little girl can win the eyes of the first scholar of the Qing Dynasty. Today is the Queen Mother's birthday, so let's ask the Queen Mother to write the question. "Shu Tianci respectfully looked at the mother-in-law, and saw the mother-in-law nodding lovingly and saying, "Why don't you just focus on the situation today?"

What is this situation today?

After Lin Jingru listened, she also remembered.

The people in the hall were a little startled. Today is the Queen Mother’s birthday. Doesn’t the Queen Mother want to take today’s birthday as the topic?

Everyone was still thinking about it, they saw Gu Xiaowan condensing her eyebrows and thinking, walking around to the study room, just a few steps away, saw her standing in front of the four treasures of the study room, then picked up the wolf's hair on the table and filled it with ink. , The wild and unrestrained cursive script suddenly appeared on the paper:

Fenglou is Yu Yucheng Jiarui, descended to the four descendants of Saint Tan Enyan.

The sky in Jiaotai’s cave is strict at night, and the flute is boiling in the early morning at the public banquet.

Baosheng wine advises that the peppers are fragrant and greasy, and the life extension is thin.

A few rows of grebes look at Yaoyun, and Qi Gong Nanshan calls long live.

This is the Yulouchun written by Liu Yong, which reflects this situation, which is really good.

After Gu Xiaowan finished writing, she wrote down, turned to kneel, and shouted: "Long live my emperor, long live long live, long live the empress dowager, thousand years old, thousand years old."

The old man with white beard hurriedly stepped forward, looking at the mad grass flying like a dragon with a look of disbelief, vigorous and unrestrained.

I saw the wild grass as vigorous as an eagle spreading its wings, as unrestrained as a galloping horse, arrogant, unruly, and brilliant, not to mention how the word was done, just this wild grass has already convinced Lin Haitian: "Wonderful. Wonderful, it is simply wonderful, wonderful, good writing, poems, Fenglou is full of gloomy, Jiarui, descending to Saint Qin Enyan, a few lines of grebes and heron looking at Yaoyun, Qi Gong Nanshan Hu Long live well written, this situation and this scene , Should the situation, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful!"

Academician Lin, who has been obsessed with literature, even looked at this little girl with admiration? When everyone heard the praise of Academician Lin, they realized that this little girl from the countryside completely crushed all the famous ladies in the entire Qing Dynasty.

Academician Lin praised Gu Xiaowan so much that he was afraid that Lin Jingru, the granddaughter sitting next to him and the world's most talented woman, had never seen him praise so generously!

Even Shu Tianci and the empress dowager were very happy when they saw it. After the empress dowager clapped her hands three times, the emperor immediately said, "Reward, reward, reward!"

The emperor and the empress dowager have also agreed. The people in the hall immediately rushed to say yes. No one dared to show disdain. Although Gu Xiaowan is from the countryside, this little girl is full of money, piano, chess, calligraphy and painting. !

Who did she learn from and who she studied with? In the countryside, she can produce such an amazing talent. This little girl is not simple, not simple!

Shu Tianci looked at Gu Xiaowan and Longyan Dayue: "I think there is such a talented person in Daqing. It seems that the reward I have given you just now is not enough, and it is not enough for me to think about it. What reward should I give you!"

Indeed, just now Shu Tianci gave Gu Xiaowan another promise, that is hard to buy for a thousand dollars and hard for ten thousand dollars. That promise can be exchanged for high-ranking officials and fortunes, as well as gold and silver treasures.

Gu Xiaowan already had three such promises. No wonder, now that Long Xin was happy, she didn't know what kind of gift to give Gu Xiaowan.

Seeing Shu Tianci thinking hard, Gu Xiaowan hurriedly knelt and said: "The emperor, Xiaowan doesn't need any rewards. Xiaowan only asks for the health of the queen mother and the emperor's dragon, and I hope that the whole world will rise to peace, the country and the people will enjoy peace forever! "

"Okay" I heard Lin Haitian first clapped his palms, and laughed: "Okay, okay! Anping princess had a world in his youth, no wonder that there was drought in all parts of the country. Only Ruixian was a place of well-being. A refuge for the people of the whole country, the girl has the world in her heart, and the world in her heart, let the old man marvel!"

Lin Haitian also gave Gu Xiaowan a thumbs up, and a thin cheek looked at Gu Xiaowan approvingly.

Lin Haitian is a great Confucianist, and he has always been praised by others. He has never praised others. Even if he did, it was implicitly unbelievable.

Nowadays, not only did he set the stage for the first time, but the river that opened was still facing a little girl, and the people above the hall were surprised.

After Shu Tianci and the empress dowager heard Gu Xiaowan's begging, the smiles on their faces became more intense.

She doesn't want it, then she has to reward it more heavily.

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