The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1662: you are mine

Gu Xiaowan ran out, seeing her happy appearance, Qin Yizhi also smiled happily, and hurried forward.

Gu Xiaowan flew in front of him, and threw herself on him like a tree kangaroo. Fortunately, Qin Yizhi stood firmly, hugged Gu Xiaowan who was flying, and turned around twice. After the circle, it stopped.

The sleeves of the two were fluttering, like a good card of blue and white butterflies, flying in the sun.

Qin Yizhi didn't avoid suspicion, and directly picked up Gu Xiaowan, and hugged Gu Xiaowan all the way into the room in the eyes of everyone.

The two returned to the house, the two of them still hugged one another, Qin Yizhi hugged Gu Xiaowan in his arms, both of them were lying on the soft collapse, whispering in detail.

"Brother Yizhi, I am the princess now! I entered the palace that day and looked at the emperor. I wanted to find you, but I saw so many guards in the same clothes, I couldn't find it at all. Where are you!" Gu Xiaowan at this moment, chattering like a child.

Nowhere was she as powerful as she said when facing Gu Fangxi just now.

At this moment, she is like a weak woman, nestling in the arms of her beloved, telling her thoughts.

"I see you too!" Qin Yizhi looked at Gu Xiaowan and said softly.

"What? Did you see me too? When?" Gu Xiaowan hurriedly crawled out of his arms when she heard it, her expression full of excitement and excitement.

"On that day you went to the palace to thank the Queen Mother and the emperor! I was far above the steps and saw you!" Qin Yizhi said lightly.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's cry, I immediately thought that when she was standing on a high platform and looking into the distance, she had seen several teams of guards patrolling. If she wanted to, she should have seen it at that time!

The two were chattering. Qin Yizhi held Gu Xiaowan with his arms around the world. I don’t know why, the scent on her body made him feel at ease. He hasn’t slept well for a long time. At this moment, he is holding his beloved one and smelling it. With the reassuring fragrance, Qin Mozhi closed his eyes and fell asleep deeply.

Gu Xiaowan spoke for a while, and when she saw that no one responded to her, she raised her head and saw Qin Mozhi tightly closed his eyes and fell asleep deeply.

His face is a bit pale, and his eye sockets are black and blue, which is obviously caused by lack of sleep!

Seeing that he was asleep, Gu Xiaowan didn't dare to move, for fear that she would disturb him.

He came early in the morning last night and left without staying for three hours.

Where is the time to rest.

Thinking of what her aunt said, Gu Xiaowan felt another tingling in her heart.

The one who really worked the most was him!

Gu Xiaowan felt more uncomfortable in her heart because she couldn't help him.

Now that he has become the princess, maybe she can help him too?

It must be very difficult for him to kill his father's hatred, such a **** hatred!

Gu Xiaowan thought, without knowing why, she fell asleep too, and when she woke up, a big red lantern was already lit outside.

She opened her eyes and went to see Qin Mozhi. She saw Qin Mozhi propping her head, nestled on the soft half, looking at herself with a smile: "Awake?"

He didn't know when he woke up, but how long he looked at himself.

Seeing how she was sleeping, she was so utterly seen by this person, Gu Xiaowan only felt her skin burn, and hummed shyly.

The transparent skin, as white as white jade porcelain, seemed to be coated with a layer of pink, and it looked beautiful like a peach blossom in March.

Qin Yizhi stretched out his hand and touched the white jade face that had turned thousands of times in his dream but was so real.

The soft touch in his fingertips, so clear and real, made him sink.

"Wan'er" He lowered his head and put on the cherry red lips directly.

After he woke up, he saw the kitten in his arms comfortably nestled in his arms and was also asleep.

The cherry-red lips, half open, exhaled like orchids, like poppies that attracted him to kiss Fangze.

But seeing the blue in her eye sockets, he couldn't bear to wake her up.

So he held his head and lay aside watching her, not even daring to move.

The soft lips, the ears and temples rubbed together, the lips and teeth blended, and from time to time, he made a reddening swallowing sound.

Under the kiss, Gu Xiaowan let go of all her thoughts, what Jinfu Tower, what Yuege Pavilion, everything about it, left her mind.

In her mind, there is only one thing now, one person.

Hold him well and kiss him well.

She stretched out her hand, put her arm around the neck of the person in front of her, and pressed herself closer to Qin Mozhi.

Her actions deepened the kiss.

He hooked her lilac small tongue, squeezed in his lips, a room of spring fragrance, the autumn wind was fierce outside, but inside the house, it was warm and full of spring.

The two didn't know how long they kissed and how long they held each other. Gu Xiaowan only felt that when all her bones were about to melt away, Qin Yizhi let her go.

The misty eyes were slightly half-open, and the Ye Mingzhu wrapped in black cloth had been uncovered, and everything in the room had been illuminated.

She could see the person in front of her at a glance.

Still the same, so Qingjun, so fascinated her.

Suddenly, Gu Xiaowan frowned in pain, Qin Mozhi was startled, and blurted out: "What's the matter? Wan'er?"

There was a deep concern that could not be hidden in the voice.

Gu Xiaowan put her arms around the neck of the person in front of him. Because of his height, even if both of them were lying half-lying, he was still much higher than himself.

Gu Xiaowan hooked his neck to bring herself closer to Qin Mozhi, and buried her head deeply into his neck. The warm breath made Qin Mozhi who had finally calmed down suddenly feel like her body is again. A stiff.

"Brother Yizhi, you are mine, you are mine! No one can take you away, and I won't! No!"

Gu Xiaowan said such a sentence as if outrageously, it seemed to be out of order.

But Qin Yizhi who heard Gu Fangxi's words didn't know what Gu Xiaowan was talking about!

Although she persuaded Gu Fangxi, there was no blame in her heart, but there was still fear!

She was afraid of the person she loved, and turned to fall in love with someone else.

The thought of Gu Fangxi saying that a man's heart is unpredictable, Gu Xiaowan only feels cold in her heart.

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