The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1655: bargain

"Miss, every stitch and thread of Lanyue Pavilion is sewn by the embroiderer of Lanyue Pavilion. You see, the pattern and workmanship of this doll, as well as the design of this doll, are all over Beijing. There is only the Lanyue Pavilion family. Although it is a bit expensive, there is only one Lanyue Pavilion in Beijing. Although there are many other embroidery workshops that imitate ours, it is really only this one!"

"It doesn't seem to be any different! You have bought dozens of them elsewhere!" The woman muttered, wanting to put it down, but she was reluctant.

Gu Xiaowan looked at the woman, her clothes were luxurious and beautiful, and she even wore the latest gold ornaments on her head. Her identity looked good and she would not lack this silver.

I saw that Jiang Buyi smiled and said, "Speaking of the difference, there is only one Lanyue Pavilion in the Qing Dynasty, and only Lanyue Pavilion in the whole world has such a doll. This doll is also unique in the world. Different, does the girl think it's normal?"

The girl nodded, "It's not ordinary, but it looks the same as the ones in other embroidery workshops!"

"Does the girl wear some Cuifang gold ornaments?" Jiang Bu asked, looking at the golden hairpin on the girl's head: "This golden hairpin is exquisite and elegant, and it comes from everyone!"

"Well, that's natural. All of my things come from Diancuifang. Diancuifang is the best gold shop in Beijing. Who doesn't know that you should go to Diancuifang to buy gold jewelry!" The girl sees Jiang Bu He also praised his headwear and said happily.

Jiang did not smile again and said, "Yes, the girl knows that the best gold ornaments in Beijing are from Diancuifang, and the jade ornaments are from Nuanyu Pavilion, but I should have heard that the best dolls in Beijing are from Lanyue Pavilion. Right!"

"Well, I've heard it!" The girl's tone began to soften, as if there were signs of being moved.

"The dolls of Lanyue Pavilion are well-known all over the capital. Although the price is a bit more expensive, it is worth noting how much money you spend depending on the workmanship and the design!" Jiang Budong continued to persuade, "Moreover, the real authentic. Only Lanyue Pavilion has it. No matter how cheap things are in other gold jewelry stores, it’s not as cheap as Dian Cuifang’s gold jewelry, and the jade jewelry in other jade stores can’t be as good as Nuan Yuge’s jade jewelry, the same, others. Although Xiufang also produced dolls, their one is completely different from the one in Lanyue Pavilion! Our slogan for Lanyue Pavilion is, this is the only thing that the girl bought this thing in Beijing. One, if you see the others next time, they are all imitations!"

Jiang did not return in a gentle voice, and the girl who said it kept nodding her head: "What you said makes sense, but this one. If I buy it, the only one in the capital will be mine!"

A girl dressed up as a maid beside the girl also said, "Miss, if we buy it back, the ladies will have a party in the future, and this thing will be saved!"

The young lady nodded and said with satisfaction: "Yes, this doll is only authentic from Lanyue Pavilion. Although the workmanship of dolls in other places is quite the same, but the one who holds the Moon Pavilion is the one from Lanyue Pavilion. It’s not as good as the Moon Pavilion!"

The ladies all over the capital felt shameful for being able to get a doll from Lanyue Pavilion. If someone bought other Xiufang, it would naturally be ashamed.

The girl was probably a noble person, not an ordinary person, so she asked the girl to take the silver ticket and buy it on the spot, with a look of love, as if she had found a baby.

"The shopkeeper, these dolls are all one, and they are not enough to sell. Many people's orders have been placed in half a year." Gu Hai said with a smile. "Why don't the girls make more?" Na Gu Hai asked in a puzzled manner: "The dolls in our store are in short supply, but there is only one doll of each kind. In this case, But a lot of customers have been lost!"

This Gu Hai said regretfully, with a look of reluctance.

When Gu Xiaowan saw him like this, she didn't speak, but waited for the girl to leave before she opened the curtain and came out.

After Gu Hai and Jiang Buchang sent Gu Xiaowan and Gu Xiaoyi into the carriage, Gu Xiaowan looked at Gu Hai and said quietly: "Things are rare and precious, and I hope that the ancient steward will not forget the original intention of Lanyue Pavilion!"

When Lanyue Pavilion opened the building, this was the only slogan she created. The reputation she wanted to make, that is, the scarcity is the most expensive. Gu Xiaowan didn’t care how much money she could sell, she cared about each one sold. They are all the best of the best.

She is not afraid that her creativity will be obliterated. She has seen so many dolls in her previous life, and each of them can remind her of many different kinds of dolls. Even if she is really exhausted one day, she can re-enable the doll shape before, and then go for mass consumption.

Those were all things afterwards, and Gu Xiaowan didn't think so long-term.

Nowadays, the only people who make dolls at home are Xiao Yi and aunt. They have only two people, and they can't make mass production at all. Even if they could, Gu Xiaowan would not bear them sitting at the table every day.

Money is something outside of the body, and besides, they are not very short now, and they don't need it at all.

On the other side of Kou Hai, after being sent to Gu Xiaowan and others, he drove directly to Lanqing Cloth Workshop.

Sixi, the guy from Lanqing Cloth, saw the old patrons coming, and greeted him eagerly: "Brother Kou, you are here!"

Kou Hai nodded, handed the things in his hand to Si Xi, and said, "My master wants these things, please trouble Brother Si Xi to find them for me!"

Sixi took the order and saw that they wanted so many things, all of which were of high quality and expensive, and couldn't help but be overjoyed. He smiled and said, "Brother Kou, sit down for a while, I'll go and arrange it!"

Kou Hai responded and sat down in his seat, drinking tea, and waiting for Sixi.

Sixi went to find things, but there were few things to find. I rummaged through the warehouse but couldn't find anything. I couldn't help but feel a little anxious. He hurriedly knocked on the door in the wing and heard a voice from inside: "Come in!"

Sixi went in with the order slip, and saw Li Yuan and Shen Wenjun hurriedly at the door: "Hello, Master Shen!"

Shen Wenjun waved his hand, which made him stand up.

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