The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1650: Return

"Girl, I think we have the help of gods and people this time. Otherwise, how can we solve the case so quickly? If the case is solved, Jinfu Tower can be opened, and there is a plaque given by the emperor. It is such an honor. Daqing is afraid that there is no second one!"

Gu Xiaowan nodded, yes, such an honor, I am afraid there is only the first in the world.

She, the county lord of Anping, also walked from the back to the front in Jinfu Tower. Since so many people knew that she was the second treasurer of Jinfu Tower, she didn't have so many worries.

Tonight, thinking of what she said to Li Fan, Gu Xiaowan only felt that her shoulders sank, and her little face was suffering again.

"After I go back, I will go to the Xiaoyi courtyard!"

Zuo responded, and after returning, he followed Gu Xiaowan to Gu Xiaoyi's yard.

Gu Xiaoyi was still embroidering the Baifu picture that he gave to the Queen Mother. There was only one month left before the Queen Mother’s birthday, and only the last finished part of the gift remained.

"Didn't you let you stop embroidering at night? You are still young now, but what if your eyes are broken when you are old?"

As soon as I saw the room, I saw the bright Ye Mingzhu illuminating the whole room. Gu Xiaoyi buried his head and was working under Ye Mingzhu, with some semi-finished dolls on the side.

"Sister, you are here!" Seeing Gu Xiaowan here, she hurriedly put down her work, and greeted Gu Xiaowan to sit down: "Kou Dan, help sister get a stewed bird's nest with rock sugar!"

"Sister, you just went home so late, why don't you go back and rest!" Gu Xiaoyi said distressedly looking at Gu Xiaowan's tired look.

Gu Xiaowan pointed angrily at the embroidery frames on the side, and said angrily: "I'm going back, but I can't see you embroidering things!"

"Sister" Gu Xiaoyi knew that her sister was doing her own good, so she hurriedly said with a smile: "Sister, I won't do it this evening, okay?"

"What you said is nice. My sister has told you so many times. When you come tonight, you are still like this! My sister knows that you love this, but you have to think about your eyes. No matter how bright Ye Mingzhu is, it is after all At night, doing such exquisite embroidery work at night can easily damage your eyes!" Gu Xiaowan said with a worried expression on her face.

Gu Xiaoyi nodded, hurriedly pulled Gu Xiaowan's hand, and said coquettishly: "I know, sister, don't worry, I won't be anymore!"

"Really not?" Gu Xiaowan didn't believe it, and asked again.

"Really not!" Gu Xiaoyi took her sister's hand as if she swore it, and then asked: "Sister, why are you here at this late hour? Did something happen?"

Gu Xiaowan nodded: "It's not a big deal, just to tell you that Lanyue Pavilion is an industry under my name from tomorrow!"

Gu Xiaowan scooped a spoonful of bird's nest with rock sugar, and said lightly: "Jin Fu Lou had such a big incident, and Uncle Li had suffered a lot in it. I thought of Lanyue Pavilion. This shop was originally ours. Everything is ours. Uncle Li just puts a name on it and manages it for us. I just thought, this Lanyue Pavilion should be put under our name. If something really happens, it won’t hurt Li. uncle!" Nowadays, Lanyue Pavilion is also a thorn in the eyes of many cloth houses, and they do not know what nasty things these people will do.

Hearing what her sister said, Gu Xiaoyi also nodded: "Sister, shall we go to Lanyue Pavilion from time to time after this is over?"

"Well, since I have transferred it to my name, we must take good care of it. Uncle Li has taken care of us for such a long time. We should learn to do things by ourselves! I came to you today because I want you to have a mind. Prepare, we will be busy in the future!"

Gu Xiaoyi nodded and said firmly: "Sister, don't worry, I will definitely learn to do well!" Seeing Gu Xiaoyi's calm and firmness, Gu Xiaowan was also relieved.

Nowadays, there is only this sister beside her. Everything depends on each other, which is also a happy thing.

The two sisters talked for a while, and Gu Xiaowan went back to the room. By the way, she took the remaining bird's nest with rock sugar, warmed it with hot water, and put it on the table.

It’s already a month and a half tonight, and I don’t know if he will come back tonight!

Thinking that she hadn't looked at him for a long time, Gu Xiaowan felt a strong miss.

During this period of time, after busying himself, I can't even miss him, and I don't know how he is now.

Even Bai Xue had fattened a lot because he hadn't let it fly for a long time.

Thinking of the reopening of Jinfu Tower today, Gu Xiaowan felt happy.

I have many things to tell him, and I don't know if he will come tonight.

She thought about it, she was not sleepy after all, put on her coat, sat at the table and read.

At this moment, Ah Zuo and Ahmad outside the room also looked at each other worriedly, and Ah Zuo, even his fingertips trembling lightly: "Why hasn't the master heard the news yet?"

"Ah You followed the master to go south to investigate the sale of illegal salt. They have been there for so long. Logically speaking, he should be back!" Ahmad said worriedly as he looked at the night.

"The master went south to investigate the salt smuggling case secretly, and to find out the real culprit who killed the four dead. Both sides must be busy. This time the master, I am afraid that it will reduce a lot!" Zuo worried. Said.

"What are you worried about?" Seeing Zuo worry, Ah Mo joked: "Don't think about it, the master has a strong martial arts, and it will definitely be fine! Besides, you didn't look at the girl, and brought a bowl of rock sugar bird's nest without drinking it. , Let you warm it up with hot water, I'm afraid I think the master will be back tonight!"

"Will the master come back?" Ah Zuo asked Ahmad, and he looked at the light in the room and the shadowy figure by the window, and he was worried.

"Why don't you go in and persuade the girl to rest first, I'm afraid the master won't come tonight!" Ahmad looked up at the sky and said worriedly: "It's going to be fast. If you go on like this, I'm afraid of the girl's body. It will be too much. She hasn't slept well all this time!"

"If I persuade me to be useful, why am I standing here? You don't know, the girl is the same as the master, and they are all stubborn. It is useless for others to persuade them if they think of themselves!" Zuo sighed.

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