The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1640: Wife vs. Enemy

Jingniang was also dumbfounded at first, staring at the people in amazement, until the bedding on her body was lifted, she appeared smoothly in front of the men, the lustful light of men, and the door from being kicked open. The cold wind blowing in suddenly awakened her.

"Ah" Jingniang yelled hysterically, hurriedly pulling at the clothes scattered on the ground, but she didn't have a fig leaf on her body, but she couldn't match a dozen eyes with her hands.

Covering the top cannot cover the bottom, and covering the bottom cannot cover the top.

White-flowered meat dumplings dangling outside, watching a group of big and thick men grinning lustfully.

When Xiang Yuanlin saw the visitor, the lofty aspiration that had just risen beside Jingniang was like Qiu Shuang hitting the fallen leaves.

"A Jin, A Jin, I am wrong, I am wrong. I am not a human, I am not a human!" Xiang Yuanlin was naked, kneeling in front of Guo Jin, shaking his face, snapping, crying bitterly Tears.

Seeing Xiang Yuanlin's bearish behavior, Guo Jin thought that this fellow had said that he was going to divorce himself. His heart surged over his head, and he kicked it directly: "I want to divorce my mother, Xiang Yuanlin, I Guo There are too many good days for you at home. How dare you to leave my mother!"

Guo Jin kicked and kicked Xiang Yuanlin just like kicking a dog. The person who was kicked by Xiang Yuanlin didn't even dare to make a sound. He covered his face and let Guo Jin kick angrily.

It wasn't until Guo Jin kicked that she was tired that she retracted her foot, looked at Xiang Yuanlin, and took a sip: "Why don't you put on your clothes and go with my mother!"

When Xiang Yuanlin heard that, he thought Guo Jin was forgiving himself, and responded hurriedly, so he went to look for clothes to wear. Apparently, he had forgotten Jingniang, who was still naked and seen, to the country of Java.

Until Guo Jin took Xiang Yuanlin out, Guo Jin said, "This woman is pretty good, I will reward you."

When Xiang Yuanlin heard this, he realized that Jingniang was still there.

This can't work, this woman can't move: "A Jin, this woman can't move, can't move!"

"Huh? Can't move?" When Guo Jin heard it, his eyebrows raised again, his hands on his hips, he looked more terrifying: "Xiang Yuanlin, you can bear it, a woman, you still won't let me move? I won't move, you Move, are you going to take her into the door of Guo's house or something? Or are you going to divorce my yellow-faced woman and marry her into the door?

Where did Xiang Yuanlin dare to give up Guo Jin, that Guo Jin's momentum was compelling, and he was oppressed by her for many years. With her words, Xiang Yuanlin was too scared to say a word, let alone give up Guo Jin. .

"Ajin, Ajin, don't be angry, no, no!" Xiang Yuanlin squatted a little, seeing the white and naked body, someone went up and touched it. Xiang Yuanlin said it was no, if not, it was no. Anxious like an ant on a hot pot, look at Jingniang, and then at the fierce Guo Jin. Just about to speak, Guo Jin yelled at him wherever he was. Huh? Dare to grab the old lady's man? Give it to me, and sell it to me in the cheapest kiln. She wants men, so she won’t need men every day!"

"A Jin" Xiang Yuanlin heard this, sweating from fear, and hurriedly went forward to pull Guo Jin.

"Who dares? I'm the son of the world, who dares to move me!" Seeing that disgusting man's hand stretched out to his body, and Xiang Yuanlin seemed like a pustule and wouldn't stand out for himself, Jing Niang Couldn't help it anymore, shouted loudly.

When I heard that the son of the world, everyone around was stunned, and turned to look at Guo Jin.

When Guo Jin turned his head and looked at Yuanlin, he nodded, lowered his head and said, "A Jin, she is the son of the world!"

In the whole capital, there is only one elder son.

Shu Lin, the son of King Shu Ming, the current emperor's prince.

The relatives of the emperor and the relatives of the country, the heavenly crown is noble.

Where is the high status that their group of merchants can compare!

Jingniang is the son of the eldest son, no matter where Guo Jin dared to move, if this Jingniang ran to the eldest son to file a complaint, it would not be too much to eat.

Guo Jin died immediately, begging everyone to leave.

And she immediately took out the letter someone had sent her and gave it to Xiang Yuanlin.

Looking at Xiang Yuanlin, his brows suddenly frowned.

What was written in the letter was nothing more than telling Guo Jin that her husband was hiding in the golden house outside.

And this place where Jin Wu hides the Jiao was carefully selected by Xiang Yuanlin. Apart from him, only Jingniang knew. Who was it that could find this place?

"Someone is following me?" Xiang Yuanlin crumpled the letter in his hand and said angrily.

Jingniang had already put on her clothes at the moment, and she went outside and saw Xiang Yuanlin standing next to Guo Jin, laughing and talking constantly.

Where are the courageous and heroic things that I said by her side today.

It seems that Xiang Yuanlin's reputation for being afraid of his wife is more real than stone.

Jingniang gracefully came to Xiang Yuanlin with a glass of water, and handed the tea cup in her hand to Xiang Yuanlin, and said diligently: "Master, there is water here. Are you thirsty? Drink water! "

Guo Jin, who was so angry, was completely ignored.

Guo Jin looked more and more anxious with the lordotic figure, the small waist that was gripped with a full grip, the delicate voice, and the deadly eyes.

She was about to have a seizure, wanting to slap to death the little fairy who was not half as wide as her.

As long as she slaps her over, this little fairy will break her bones if she doesn't die!

Guo Jin thought, this hand was squeezed into a fist, the veins were exposed, but he didn't dare to hit it anyway.

Jingniang had already known that Guo Jin would not dare to fight, so Yaowu gave her a majestic look, and Shi Shiran sat down on the side. The arrogant and rude attitude made Guo Jin almost knocked Yuanlin's hand. The tea in the cup.

"This tea cup was given by Shi Ziye, sir, when you drink it, be careful. Don't smash what Shi Ziye gave!"

Guo Jin silently withdrew his hand, but he dared not move.

Jingniang looked at Guo Jin's angry appearance, and her heart became more and more proud.

She just wanted to see Guo Jin's faint anger but didn't dare to look like her.

"Xiang Yuanlin, follow me!" Guo Jin couldn't see Jingniang's majestic appearance, and walked out with his foot, shouting.

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