The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1630: Anping County Lord

Father Qi was puzzled at the time and didn't know what exactly was in this imperial edict. When he opened it, he opened his eyes and smiled, and ran towards Qingyuan all the way.

The mighty and mighty guards sent from the palace cleared the way, and they just stood a whole street full.

In this posture, except for the nobles in the palace, who has such treatment.

From Qi Gonggong Province, this is the emperor supporting Gu Xiaowan!

When he saw Gu Xiaowan who was also puzzled, Qi Gonggong held back a smile: "Anping County Lord, take the order!"

Everyone didn't know what happened, they all looked at Gu Xiaowan suspiciously and nervously.

Gu Fangxi was even more frightened, thinking that the inside of the palace had come to make an order to capture Gu Xiaowan, so he hurriedly pulled Gu Xiaowan's sleeves, her face was terrified.

Gu Xiaowan's brows were also lightly frowned, but she couldn't guess what was written in the imperial decree, and she didn't dare to neglect the slightest and knelt down: "Minnv takes the decree!"

Father Qi opened the imperial decree and read aloud: "Following the heavens, the emperor's edict said, here is the Gu family, Xiaowan, virtuous and virtuous, gentle and pleasant, good for national affairs, good for social affairs, safe and good, good and peaceful, and canonized. This is the lord of Anping County."

Not only Gu Xiaowan, but everyone present was shocked.

Gu Xiaowan suddenly raised her head and asked father-in-law Qi with a smile on his face: "Father-in-law, hasn't the emperor taken his life back?"

Father Qi smiled and didn't answer: "Princess Anping, don't you want to thank you?"

Gu Xiaowan knew that he wouldn't tell herself anything at this moment, so she banged his head three times and called Long Live three times before she stood up and accepted the decree.

Grandpa Qi said in a low voice: "The miscellaneous family doesn't know what the emperor meant, but the princess, you must not let down the emperor's goodwill!"

Then he just finished his decree in Ni's house and was about to return to the palace. The imperial palace sent a mighty guard to clear the way, and sent him a second decree!

Gu Xiaowan was shocked.

"The princess, the emperor also said that tomorrow I will let you enter the palace and receive the honor of the princess. From now on, you will be the princess of the second grade!"

After receiving the imperial decree, he informed Gu Xiaowan of the matter of thanking you tomorrow. Father Qi also exhorted a few more words, even if the task was completed.

Seeing Gu Xiaowan's face calm, that the kind of joy of being named the princess was appropriate and good, Grandpa Qi couldn't help but praise him in his heart again.

There is a feeling of being proud with you in my heart.

After the decree was announced, Father Qi's mission was completed, and the Guards cleared their way again and returned to the palace in mighty force.

The inside of Qingyuan exploded again.

"Sister, elder sister, you have been named Princess Anping. From now on, in this Kyoto, if you want to walk sideways, no one dares to take you anymore!" Tan Yushu laughed.

From now on, her elder sister will be the same as her, and like Shu Min, she is the second-rank princess. See that Shu Min dare not do anything to her sister!"Sister, you are now in the same position as Shu Min, so you don’t have to be afraid of her anymore! Moreover, the emperor’s brother is really saving face today, and he sent so many guards. To make a statement and make a statement is simply giving you a face. I believe that in a short while, the entire capital will spread. I will see, those people, do you dare to bully you!" Tan Yushu is a domineering and arrogant temperament. If it wasn't for Gu Xiaowan's position to be considered, she would have gone back a long time ago if she was afraid that those who claimed to be Shixun noble women would bully her sister.

Nowadays, the status of the sister, except for the nobles in the palace, no one is higher than the status of the sister.

In the future, my sister wants to walk sideways in the capital, the emperor does not care, the queen mother does not care, the queen does not care, who dares to control!

Fang Peiya was also excitedly at a loss: "My sister will be a noble girl in the capital from now on. If anyone dares to bully my sister from the countryside, sister, you just go back!"

When Gu Xiaowan saw Tan Yushu and Fang Peiya who were really happy for herself, she felt as if she had eaten honey.

I didn't expect to enter the palace today and receive two graces from the emperor. It seems that I will thank God tomorrow.

Tan Yushu walked a lot in the palace, and dragged Gu Xiaowan into the room to look for the clothes of the saint who entered the palace tomorrow and the manner instructed to pay attention to.

Gu Fangxi and Gu Xiaoyi looked at the bright yellow imperial decree and the big red seal in their hands.

Gu Fang was illiterate, pulled Zuo and read it over and over again, and knelt down again excitedly, thanking God.

On the second day, Gu Xiaowan arrived outside the Hall of Cultivation of Hearts before the prescribed hour according to the hour stated by Father Qi.

And father-in-law Qi seemed to be waiting for her. Seeing her coming, he hurriedly came forward to ask for peace: "Mijia, please peace to the princess!"

Gu Xiaowan today is a bit more grandiose than what she wore yesterday.

A gray dress, the style is not complicated, on the contrary, it is somewhat simple, but the big red flowers embroidered on the cuffs and skirt make the dress immediately shine.

The clothes were made of superior fabrics, and they even emitted waves of luster under the sun, rippling away like flowing lake water.

"The public security of Qi is good!" Gu Xiaowan did not think highly of herself because she was promoted to the status of Anping County Lord.

The attitude of neither overbearing nor overbearing is the same as yesterday.

When Father Qi saw this, he couldn't help but exclaim again.

"The princess is waiting outside for a while, the emperor is discussing with the regent in the hall! How about the princess let me go to the side hall to rest?" said Qi Gonggong.

Gu Xiaowan shook her head, her face calm, and a faint smile on her eyebrows: "Thank you, father-in-law, Xiao Wan is just standing here and waiting. When the emperor is finished, Xiaowan can't make it, and it's delayed the emperor's time!"

Upon seeing this, Father Qi didn't insist, but smiled and shook the dust, and went into the palace.

Standing on the steps, Gu Xiaowan didn't look around, but concentrated her eyes in one place, looking carefully.

Below the steps, a group of guards dressed in imperial guard clothes were patrolling the palace, walking wave after wave.

They were all black and red clothes with uniform spears. Because of the distance, they couldn't see their appearance.

Gu Xiaowan wanted to look at it seriously, but she couldn't see all of them clearly.

They all wore armors, half of their faces were covered, and they couldn't see their true faces.

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