The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1613: Siblings insidious

"You are not as long as I am!"

"You are not as close as me!"

"I have a long time!"


"I have a long time!"

"Dead Ahmad, you are looking for death!"

The two of you said something to me. At the end of the quarrel, they drew out their swords and drew their gestures in the yard. Gu Xiaowan felt better when he heard the voices outside.

When I came to the window, I saw the two of them competing in martial arts. It seemed that she was standing aside like this many years ago, watching Qin Yizhi's teacher Gu Ningping learn martial arts.

She held two veils in her hand, one for Qin Yizhi and one for Gu Ningping.

When she wiped the sweat on Gu Ningping, Qin Yizhi looked at you with a pair of eyes faintly, like a wounded puppy. Gu Xiaowan looked at you with a soft heart, and couldn't hand out this other veil.

Because Qin Yizhi put his hands behind him and looked at her sadly, but didn't reach out to take it.

Gu Ningping laughed when he saw it, grabbed the veil in Gu Xiaowan's hand and wiped it casually. He wiped it and laughed loudly and shouted: "Sister, you wipe it for Brother Qin, I'll do it myself."

Then, there was no shadow.

In the huge yard, there were only two of them left. They met and smiled.

The days at that time were quiet but cozy, leisurely and comfortable.

Sitting on a hundred acres of fertile land, owning a house and a car as the landlord, living arbitrarily and unrestrainedly, that was the day she wanted!

Gu Xiaowan sighed lightly, and settled the matter of the capital as soon as possible, and went home to the local master!

You Fangqin, this person is talented and has amazing talents. How can such a person feel at ease in the mountains and the wilds, but he was ruined by his own uncle after he won the sage. I am afraid that it is not only him, but the whole You family second room will hold a grudge!

So, to help Shu Lin collapse the Jinfu Tower and the Suiyu Guzhai to be the No. 1 restaurant in the capital, is this the ultimate goal, or is it just a small conspiracy for the ultimate goal?

No matter what the result is, no matter what Shu Lin's calculations are, she will not allow Jin Fulou to be destroyed in this person's hands.

After the Su brothers and sisters were gone, Shu Lin sat on Shu Min's soft couch, holding a plate of golden oranges in his hand, and eating with joy.

Seeing her younger sister come back with great glamour, Shu Min spit out the seeds in her mouth and joked, "So Su Ziyue got awakened?"

"Brother, I said it a long time ago. Big brother Ziyue just doesn't realize that I like him now. When he realizes that I love him so much, he will definitely fall in love with me!" Shu Min held her red face , Said excitedly.

"A girl from a girl's family, who keeps her love and love on her lips all day long, where is the reservedness of a girl's family! Then Su Ziyue can still find that you are good, and I really think this person is not scared away by you not simple!"

"Brother, I am the princess, and I am an unparalleled status. He is not someone who knows nothing. I am in love with him. That is his blessing!" Shu Min said proudly.

"Don't let him know what you said. If you are a vigorous man, no one can stand it when you say this!" Shu Lin patted the debris on his body, stood up, and said with a serious face: " Did you know that Gu Xiaowan was the second shopkeeper of Jinfulou?"

Shu Min nodded: "I bought a maid beside Tan Yushu, and the maid said that Gu Xiaowan told her personally!"

"Oh!" Shu Lin nodded, touching his chin with his hand, as if lost in thought.

"Brother, this woman has always been attracting the attention of Zi Yue, I want this woman to disappear forever!" A trace of killing intent flashed in Shu Min's eyes, which made people shudder.

Regarding the cruelty of this younger sister, Shu Lin only took it to the next level, only more cruel than her.

"Min'er, this person can't be killed now!" Shu Lin thought for a while and said.

"Why can't you kill it? A little village girl, but she was in the limelight. In Su Mansion that day, you didn't see the eyes of Ziyue's brother looking at her. At that time, I wanted to take off her face!" Shu Min Gritted his teeth angrily.

"This person is still useful!" Shu Lin smiled and patted her on the shoulder: "If Suiyu Guzhai wants to endure for a long time, he needs this person!"

"Need this woman? What can this woman do?" Shu Min asked dissatisfiedly: "Let's say that we will kill that woman when the dust settles? Anyway, it is a village girl from the countryside. It's easy to kill her without relatives and no reason in the capital!"

Seeing Shu Min's fierce appearance, Shu Lin smiled.

"Jin Fu Lou's new dishes do you think is strange?" Shu Lin did not answer her, but asked rhetorically.

Shu Min didn’t know why my brother was still talking about Gu Xiaowan just now. Why did he mention the food again, but seeing his brother’s excitement, he nodded: “Jin Fu Lou can become the number one restaurant in Beijing. Because their new dishes are endless!"

Shu Lin nodded, and Shu Min realized it immediately, and said in astonishment: "Brother, you mean, she is the one who came up with the new dish?"

"Yes, someone has already confessed it. We tried our best. The Wu Tian we snatched back was just a picture of a gourd. The real person behind the scenes is Gu Xiaowan!"

"It turned out to be her? How could she do anything! Why!" When Shu Min heard it, she became more jealous. Such a woman, with her humble status, has been cast down as a county head from the sky, as well as her full of poetry and book talent. The key is

The long one is so elegant and beautiful, so beautiful and unparalleled, such a face is not necessarily so brilliant, but standing there so quietly, it makes people unable to look away, all the ladies of the family around him are caught by this person. After the comparison, it seemed that she was the phoenix who could only be proud of the sky, and the other people became the grass chickens to foil.

Shu Min refused, absolutely refused!

She is the proud daughter of heaven, the princess of the Ming Dynasty, and the only cousin of the Qing emperor. How could she lose to a village girl from the countryside!

Shu Min was still a little dissatisfied with Shu Lin's proposal to keep her.

"Brother, people who know how to cook have things all over the world. If you want, my sister will go to all over the world and find ten for you!"

"Min'er, but this is the person who thinks about recipes, this is the whole world, maybe this is the one! If Suiyu Guzhai wants to last forever, it must rely on this woman, at least, it depends on this woman!" !--rm-->

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