The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1609: Like torture

"Brother Zi Yue, I'm so happy that you can come!" Shu Min said excitedly.

Su Ziyue never took the initiative to come to the Ming Palace unless Shu Min asked him, and this also depends on Su Ziyue's mood.

Su Ziyue took the initiative to come to the Ming Palace for the first time, and came to find her. This made Shu Min completely unable to find Bei, and she was as happy as a child.

She shyly put her hands on his sleeves, raised her head, her bright face, just looking at Su Ziyue.

Just when Su Ziyue kept her breath and didn't know how to answer Shu Min's words, Su Qianyue continued to laugh and said, "Sister Min, as soon as my brother comes, you don't care about me. Let me stay in the garden by myself. Look at the flowers, but you and your brother have a deep affection here, really envy people!"

Su Qianyue blinked at Su Ziyue.

She was a little strange in her heart. In the morning, she invited her brother to the Ming Dynasty Palace, but her brother refused with a face, showing that there was no room for negotiation or mediation.

Also, with the disgust and contempt on that face, the angry Su Qianyue stomped off and left.

If his expression angered the Princess Mingdu, it would really be too much to walk around.

This is only a half day's work, why did he come again?

Moreover, looking at the expression on this face, although it is a bit stiff, there is no dislike and contempt in the morning at all, but in half a day, how can he change so fast?

Su Qianyue was puzzled, but seeing that her brother was so affectionate to Princess Shu Min, she also allowed Princess Mingdu to approach her and grab her sleeve.

Before this, the closest distance Princess Mingdu wanted to get close to his brother, the two had to be separated by three steps!

Could it be that my brother finally got the hang of it?

Su Qianyue looked at her elder brother with excitement. If her elder brother really gets awake, it would be really a happy event!

I didn't see the smile on the face of Princess Mingdu, it was even more beautiful than the flowers blooming in the flower room!

Su Qianyue thought excitedly, and heard Shu Min grinning and cursing: "This is your brother, who is with you all day long. You still come to tease me and see if I don't tear your mouth!"

Shu Min let go of Su Ziyue's sleeves and stepped forward to fight with Su Qianyue.

The two became a group, and the intimate scene seemed to be no different from a real sister.

The moment Shu Min left Su Ziyue, Su Ziyue, who was still tight just now, instantly relaxed, and there was a somewhat uncomfortable and stiff face on his face just now, which was better.

He unconsciously shook his somewhat stiff body, his face was stiff from the beginning, and Cong Ke also smiled a little. Such a handsome and handsome man, with a jade tree facing the wind, a long body, a white brocade robe and jet black hair, is even more chic and handsome.

A gust of wind blew his hair like ink and the skirt of a brocade robe. He stayed still, letting the ink hair dance with the wind, and his handsome face had a faint smile, like that. The immortals in the world are generally good-looking, which makes people feel ashamed.

Caiyue next to Shu Min, when she saw the immortal Su Ziyue, her eyes flashed with surprise, and the shyness between her eyebrows and eyebrows made Shu Min's face suddenly sharpened when she saw him inadvertently.

"Sister, it's so lively here, oh, it turns out that Young Master Su is here!" Shu Lin's arrival broke the so-called joy here.

Su Zi saw that Shu Lin was here, so he hurriedly stepped forward and handed over: "My son!"

Shu Lin waved his hand: "Don't force me to be polite, you are my sister's guest, you are my guest, here, there are not so many polite gifts!"

"Brother, why are you here?" Seeing that it was his brother, Shu Min left Su Qianyue and came to Shu Lin's side.

"Let me tell you some good news!" Shu Lin smiled meaningfully.

Shu Min squeezed him gently, and said, "I still have guests here, brother, let me go to your yard later!"

"Well, that's okay, it just happened that I had an appointment from outside just now. I was thinking of telling you during the gap. It seems that my sister has something more important than this. Haha, my sister grew up I don't need my brother anymore!" Shu Lin glanced at Su Ziyue with a calm expression, and said jokingly.

"Where is it!" Shu Min said angrily: "Brother, I can leave someone for lunch before leaving. Don't scare them away!"

"Sister, what you said, every time you scare Master Su, it's not me!" Shu Lin seemed to be amused, and winked at Su Ziyue who was on the side, and said, "Master Su, what this world said is true. Isn't it?"

Seeing Su Zi Yue Gong, he was in a dilemma and didn't know how to answer.

All of a sudden, his face turned a little red, and Shu Lin was a little curious. This great talent with tongues and Confucian scholars would be too curious to speak, "Sister, is he blushing?" ?"

Su Zi read it, his head drooped, his brows became tighter, and clear blue veins were faintly visible on the back of his arched hands.

"Brother" Shu Min saw that his brother was going to tease others again, and pushed him out abruptly: "Don't bother us!"

Shu Lin laughed loudly: "Well, well, I won't delay my sister's meeting with her lover. If you have a lover, you don't want my brother. So sad and sad!"

Seeing that he was so rude, Shu Min stepped forward to beat him, begging him to go quickly: "You go go, go, I don't know where the fool came back from, You Fangqin has been waiting for you for half a day!"

Shu Lin strode away, and there was a sound of laughter along the way.

Shu Min's complexion was ruddy. Seeing that Su Ziyue didn't say a word during the whole process, she didn't know why, but she always felt something strange. This made her excited, and she approached Su Ziyue again, and said softly, "Ziyue Brother, don't worry about it, my brother has always been like this!"

Su Ziyue was thinking about things in her heart. Hearing Shu Min's words, he hurriedly said, "Lin Shizi is to the princess, but you can't blame it!"

"You" Shu Min stomped gently, and was anxious again: "You said you didn't take it to heart, look at you, and call my princess!"

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