The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1592: I'm not happy

"Lord, please don't get me wrong. I have no other meaning. I just know about Jinfulou. I have a message here. I don't know if it's useful for you!" Su Ziyue said, rubbing his hands uncomfortably.

He raised his head to look at Gu Xiaowan from time to time, but when he saw her cold eyes, he seemed to miss a beat, and he couldn't say a word even more nervously. He could only rub his hands and constantly raised his head and Turning around with his head down, his face was already red like that rouge.

Which young girl does not have the spring, and which boy does not expect a beautiful woman?

Gu Xiaowan's heart was as calm as water, watching the ripples drawn by Su Ziyue, swaying a circle in his heart, another circle.

She frowned invisibly and nodded in agreement: "Master Su, please!"

As long as there is a little news about the Li family, she must check it out clearly.

She followed Su Ziyue into the compartment, and Zuo followed without leaving his back. The real person almost stood in the compartment, and stared at Su Ziyue, fearing that he would make any provocative actions. Come.

Su Ziyue originally wanted to say a few words to Gu Xiaowan alone, but seeing the people next to her staring at him like a prisoner, I don’t know why, his arrogant temperament can’t give birth to half an irritation. , On the contrary, there was a third person in the room, and he was even more nervous about how to deal with himself.

"A few days ago, Jinfulou had a few new dishes, and the guests were all here to eat the new dishes this time!" Su Ziyue whispered.

Gu Xiaowan didn't respond. She knew that the few new dishes in Jinfulou were invented by her.

"Jin Fu Lou only has such a good business. A large part of the reason is that Jin Fu Lou offers new dishes from time to time, grabbing the appetite of the guests. Other restaurants want to share a piece of the pie, they can only suffer from this new dish. Kung Fu. Originally, Sui Yu Gu Zhai imitated Jin Fu Lou’s new dishes, and it would take seven or eight days, but, I don’t know what happened, when Jin Fu Lou had an accident, Sui Yu Gu Zhai even made this. The dish, and the taste is exactly the same as Jinfulou, just like what the same person did!" Su Ziyue said.

Gu Xiaowan suddenly raised her head and glanced at Su Ziyue, with surprises and surprises in her eyes. The little stars in the depths of her eyes made Su Ziyue silence in an instant, her mind was cut off, she could only look at the person in front of her, feeling at a loss. It seems to have made a mistake.

Su Ziyue's words reminded Gu Xiaowan of a person, who was the cook that Li Fan said to be trusted—Wu Tian when he was cooking at Jinfulou last time.

Every time when Jinfulou produces new dishes, for the first month, all the new dishes are made by Wu Tian alone in the small kitchen. The other cooks don’t know anything about it. After only one month, Wu Tian will leave the school. kitchen.

She, Li Fan, and Wu Tian were still working on the new dishes this time, and there was absolutely no fourth person who knew about it.

And that person with the same taste made by Broken Jade Ancient Studio, besides Wu Tian's hand, who else could there be!

Is there anything to do with the cook at Jinfulou?

Why are all the people in Jinfulou arrested and that little cook is okay?

She wants to know now, is that person who cooks Wu Tian?

"Thank you, Mr. Su, this information is very important to me. I still have something to do, so I won’t bother with Mr. Su. If this matter can end safely, I will definitely come to the door and thank Mr. Su!" Gu Xiaowan finished, handed over and walked towards Go outside.

This time Su Ziyue didn't stop him, Lai Qingman on the side followed behind and greeted him in a low voice: "The county owner, please here! It's not convenient for my son to show up, and the servant will send you out for the owner!"

After hearing this, Gu Xiaowan glanced back at Su Ziyu, and saw that he was staring at him intently. Gu Xiaowan nodded slightly at him as a gesture of gratitude.

When I came back from Qingqing, I saw Su Ziyue standing at the window, looking obsessively into the distance, the handsome back standing next to the window, I don’t know why, I came to Qing to meet, for the first time in that handsome young man. I saw loneliness and loneliness.

"Young Master" came to Qing and called out softly.

Su Ziyue did not answer, but kept her eyes on the direction where Gu Xiaowan's carriage had left. Until the carriage disappeared, Su Ziyue still stood there, without saying a word, just celebrating the error. When he thought he would not speak again, Su Ziyue murmured and asked: "She's gone?"

she was?

Lai Qing nodded: "Well, the county owner got on the carriage just now and has already left!" Lai Qing answered Su Ziyue's question.

"What did she say before she left?"

"Unexpectedly, the county lord of Anping just said that this tea is delicious, let the slave thank you son for your hospitality on her behalf!" Lai Qing repeated Gu Xiaowan's words one to one.

After listening to Su Zi, he lowered his head and said nothing for a long time, unable to see whether it was happiness or sadness: "Laiqing, why did you say she was unhappy today? Did I say something wrong?"

Su Ziyue's voice was a little sad, as sad as a child who had done something wrong and was scolded by others.

Lai Qing was startled, and said hurriedly: "My son, such a big thing has happened to the Li family, and she is kind to the county owner. Even if the county owner wants to be happy, she won't be happy."

"Yeah!" Su Ziyue said as if talking to himself: "She is not happy that such a big thing has happened! But, why do I see her unhappy, so why do I feel so painful here? "

After Su Ziyue finished speaking, he saw him stroking his chest with his brows frowning. After hearing these words, Lai Qing looked up in shock and saw his son, the proud son of heaven, his brows wrinkled. Chuan, looking at the distance in pain, looking at the direction that person disappeared!

"Young Master You" was uncertain before coming to celebrate, but now, seeing Young Master's obsessive and affectionate appearance, all the mysteries in his heart have been opened up, he also stared at Su Ziyue in a daze, with a face of disbelief.

Su Ziyue stroked her chest with her right hand, and put her left hand on the edge of the window, resting all the weight of her body on the window sill. He looked so lonely, as if the whole person was lifeless, as Gu Xiaowan left. His whole person also lost the slightest anger.

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