The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1580: You are dissatisfied with the emperor

"Is this a heart-saving pill?" Li Miaomiao poured out one, and said in surprise: "How do you know I want this?"

"I went to the Five Cities Soldiers Marsi today and met Uncle Li!"

"See my dad?" Li Miaomiao's expression suddenly tightened: "How is my dad?"

"Miao Miao, don't worry, Uncle Li is doing well right now! He has nothing to do. I also greeted the leader of the Five Cities Soldier Ma Si, so that they should not be too harsh on Uncle Li!

After Gu Xiaowan finished speaking, she saw Li Miaomiao’s face with joy, and she took Gu Xiaowan’s hand and said, “Sister, you go, you go quickly, don’t be caught by them, if you are really caught, we will really There is no hope at all!"

Li Miaomiao held the porcelain bottle that Gu Xiaowan had given her tightly in her palm, and pushed Gu Xiaowan, her voice suddenly became louder, and his eyes were fierce: "What are you talking about? Are you coming to borrow money again? My family has already offered this If the matter is over, you don’t need to help, but you still need to borrow money from my house. No, no! Get out, get out!"

Pushing Gu Xiaowan, she walked to the outside. Gu Xiaowan knew what she meant, so she had to take a deep look at Li Miaomiao. She saw hope and expectation in her eyes, nodded and was about to leave.

However, a cold voice suddenly came from behind him: "What are you going to do? As long as the people and things related to the Li family, don't let go!"

The voice of speaking was cold as the ice in the winter. Gu Xiaowan looked at it and saw You Shuang standing up with tears on his face, but the ice under his eyes made the surrounding people feel that the temperature had dropped suddenly.

"The death of my elder brother is unknown. Anyone can be the murderer. People in the Li family, whether they are relatives or friends, can be among them. Anyone can be the murderer!" You Shuang looked at Gu Xiaowan coldly, coldly. To say.

She didn't attend the last poem and song meeting, nor did she know Gu Xiaowan, she just looked at Gu Xiaowan like an enemy.

Gu Xiaowan stood there neither humble nor arrogant, the breath radiating from her body made people feel suffocated, even the angry You Shuang at the moment felt very stressed.

Didn’t you say that this person is a relative of the Li family?

It’s a relative, it should be an ordinary person, but the aura on this person feels suffocating. With such a powerful aura, this person

Who exactly is

Not only You Shuang, Xi's family, and Lian Er also discovered that this girl is unique. Just standing there, the temperament of the whole body makes people feel oppressed, and the cold breath that exudes from the whole body is even more impressive. It feels like falling into an ice cave.

"Shuang'er is right, Qianer's death is unknown, anyone could be the murderer!" Xi's chewed You Shuang's words, muttered to himself, and then shouted: "Come on, take this A few people took it down, waiting for the master to send it off!"

"No!" Li Miaomiao hurriedly shouted when someone wanted to arrest them, "You can't just arrest people like this! She is just a friend of my family and comes to my house to borrow money from time to time. My father dislikes her very much. Just drove them away, this matter has nothing to do with them!"

"It's irrelevant? If you don't borrow money, you will kill! Little girl, maybe the person in front of me killed my son. If this is the case, your father doesn't know the inside story, maybe he will be released!" Lian Er He greeted people to come forward to subdue Gu Xiaowan, and talk to Li Miaomiao.

However, Li Miaomiao was unmoved and stopped in front of Gu Xiaowan, just not letting anyone arrest her, and completely ignored Lian Er's words.

The more Li Miaomiao was like this, the colder Gu Xiaowan was. Standing behind her, there was just a green bamboo root. All the hostility around him had nothing to do with him. Such indifference made You Shuang feel that this person is not simple. As a result, he was determined to take Gu Xiaowan down.

"Sister, go, go!" Li Miaomiao cried again anxiously, looking at Gu Xiaowan and said anxiously.

"It is rumored in the capital that the You family loves selflessness and treats all children in the family, regardless of concubine and concubine. They treat the maidservants in the family as if they are their own family members. They are very important. I always think that the You family is loyal, benevolent and courteous. The House of Germany, but when I saw it today, it was nothing short of you!" Gu Xiaowan said coldly as she looked at the angry family of You.

"You are nonsense." When Xi heard that someone slandered You's family style, he hurriedly retorted: "What are you that dare to question my You's family style! Don't be afraid that the wind will flash your tongue!"

"Since I dare to speak, I am not afraid of the strong wind flashing my tongue. Look, isn't my tongue still in my mouth?" Gu Xiaowan finished speaking and put out a small piece of lilac tongue jokingly.

"You" Xi was extremely angry, but didn't know how to refute it. With a pure white veil in her hand, she pointed at Gu Xiaowan and couldn't say a word.

"In front of your Yu family, I came to visit the Li family, that girl is kind and righteous, otherwise, I would not have to go this way, but since I have gone this way, but you have been Regarding accomplices, not to mention whether the Li family has harmed anyone. The soldiers of the Five Cities Soldiers and Masi are rushing to find the murderer for Young Master You, but you, carrying the corpse and placing it at the door of Li’s house, do not believe the five. The City Soldier Marsi still thinks that your generation of civil servants can replace the Five City Soldiers Mars, and casually break the innocence? Does You Taishi don’t know if you come or acquiesce in you? Don't let you ruin your reputation!" Gu Xiaowan pointed her teeth, and the words of You Family's appearance changed.

"What do you mean? My son's death is unclear. I'll beg my son for justice. What's up with my elder brother!" Xi's stumbling, obviously, was suppressed by Gu Xiaowan's words just now!

"Master You is in your house. You have all the affairs of your family up and down. Everything, everyone, and every word are related to the face of Master You, so you don’t take the Five Cities Soldiers into your eyes. Here, if you want to decide the case yourself, naturally you don’t believe in the ability of the Wucheng Soldier and Marsi. If you don’t believe in the ability of the Wucheng Soldier and Marsi, you just don’t believe in the will of the Holy Master, and you are not satisfied with the arrangement of the Wucheng Soldier and Horse!" Gu Xiaowan said coldly. The aura all over her suddenly chilled, and when she saw the Xi family standing standing, she was about to stand unsteadily, and fell to the ground. Fortunately, You Shuang was supporting her, so she didn't make a fool of herself!

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