The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1575: The identity of the deceased

Not long after I left, I finally arrived.

Ni Bing asked his servants to open the cell door, and then stood outside and said: "The princess, the county owner, this prisoner has four homicide cases. This matter is not trivial. I hope that the princess and the county owner will finish the question as soon as possible. !"

"Master Ni, don't worry, we will be soon!" Gu Xiaowan nodded and said, getting short, and entered the cell.

The cell was very dark, and only through the faint candlelight in the aisle I could see a person sitting in a corner of the cell, leaning against the wall and closing his eyes.

Tan Yushu looked back at Ni Bing and heard Ni Bing say: "This person hasn't been sentenced yet, and there is no injury!"

Gu Xiaowan was relieved: "Uncle Li, Uncle Li"

Li Fanxu really fell asleep. It wasn't until Gu Xiaowan yelled for the third time that Li Fan woke up: "Xiaowan? Why are you? Why did you come here?"

Gu Xiaowan saw Li Fan leaning against the wall. Except for some dusty puffs on her face, the clothes and exposed skin on her body did not see any injuries. She hurriedly lowered her voice and asked anxiously, "Uncle Li, What is going on today?"

Li Fan talked about what happened in Jinfu Tower today. He was also full of doubts about this matter: "All the ingredients in Jinfu Tower have been tested by a special person. It stands to reason. , It can't be poisonous!"

Li Fan sighed, "Xiaowan, I'm sorry, if something like this happens, Jin Fulou will probably have it in the future."

Gu Xiaowan said hurriedly: "Uncle Li, the most important thing now is to rescue you. If Jinfu Tower is gone, it will be gone! The most important thing is that you are safe! Uncle Li, tell me, do you know those four people? What hate do those four people have?"

Li Fan thought for a while, and then said firmly: "Xiaowan, Uncle Li and those four people never know each other, that is to say, they are treated like ordinary guests. They are greeted with smiles and make them feel at home. If there is any hatred, I No one even knows their surnames or first names, so why do we harm them?"

Gu Xiaowan naturally believed Li Fan's words, but she believed, but the people of the Five Cities Soldiers and Mars didn't believe it!

There are so many people in Jinfulou. They saw that the four people died on the spot. They also found poison in the food. Such iron and personal evidence, Jinfulou's suspicion, will not jump into the Yellow River. Can't wash it!

"The treasurer Li, who do you offend in the capital?" Tan Yushu asked.

"Never, I opened the door to do business, and the most taboo thing is to grudge against others! I would rather suffer a loss for myself than let others suffer!" Li Fan said firmly.

After coming out of the cell, Ni Bing and Chen Meng stood not far away waiting for them. Seeing them come out, immediately a jailer took the key and locked the cell door.

When I saw Chen Meng, I saw that his face was very bad, frowned, looked inside the cell, and went out with Gu Xiaowan and the others without saying a word.

After thanking Ni Bing, he left the Five Cities Soldier Mars and sat in the carriage. Gu Xiaowan was still puzzled about this incident. Over there, I heard Chen Meng tell Tan Yushu what he had just inquired.

"Princess, those four dead, do you know who is one of the dead?" Chen Meng's face was gloomy.

"Who?" Tan Yushu felt uneasy when he heard Chen Meng's question.

"A concubine of Junior Brother You Tai! Concubine and nephew of Concubine You Gui!" Chen Meng said, frowning.

"What? Are you from the You family?" Tan Yushu was flustered when he heard it, his expression changed, and he took Gu Xiaowan's hand in a flustered expression, and said with some anxiety: "Sister, that Master You is especially protective of shortcomings. Especially for the people in his family, it really protects the shortcomings!"

"Master You?" Gu Xiaowan frowned.

"The emperor’s elder brother’s enlightenment teacher, who taught the emperor’s elder brother to study since he was a child, later, his granddaughter entered the palace again and became a noble concubine, now you are the concubine. Look at her, you can actually be a concubine with your own surname. The title, one can imagine, her popularity in the palace!" Tan Yushu described the matter to Gu Xiaowan: "Then Master You Tai is over 60 years old this year, and there is a younger brother next to him. His younger brother is almost 6 years old. I'm ten years old, and I've always been raised by Master You Tai. Because of the love of Master You Tai, even if both of them are in their sixtieth years, they have given birth to a son for the first time, the son has a grandson, and the grandson has a great grandson. , But the two of them have not separated yet, and they still live together. On weekdays, I heard that the relationship is also with Meimei. This Yutaishi is quite affectionate, even if the person who died is not his grandson, but depends on him The longing for the luxuriant branches of the You family is afraid of the death of this grandson, he will not let it go!"

In Youtaishi’s generation, only he and his younger brother were the only people. Later, in order to strengthen the Ye family, they gave birth to a lot of children, and the sons gave birth to many grandchildren and granddaughters. Living together, the number of people in the capital family is huge!

In particular, Master You Tai is the teacher of the current sage, and the grandson and daughter of them are the noble concubines of the sage. You family is very popular in the capital!

"Uncle Li doesn't even know what the identity of the person who died!" Gu Xiaowan frowned, "Even if he knew the identity of this person, he would never kill this person! What is the problem!"

Gu Xiaowan's mind turned quickly, and she asked Chen Meng, "General Chen, what about the other three dead?"

"The other three deceased, I heard that no one has come to the Soldiers and Mars to recognize people. And the faces of these three are relatively unfamiliar. They don’t seem to be walking back and forth in the capital. The identities are still being confirmed. !" Chen Meng said.

When he asked Ni Bing at the time, one thing felt strange.

The deceased Youqian belonged to the You family. Although the You family is not one person with more than 10,000 people, but with the status of You Taishi and You Guifei, how many people can shout in front of the You family, say one more thing.

Whoever sees the You family is not a respectful person for fear of offending the You family!

The You family is so popular, it is the wind and the wind, the rain and the rain. Although the You Qian is just a grandson, but the status is the same noble, how can he sit in the Jinfu Tower with a few ordinary people? How about eating on the table?

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