The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1559: Twosome

"Yeah!" Touching her beloved's hair, smelling the scent on her hair, smelling the scent from her body, I only feel that the whole person is complete.

She is still young, he has to wait!

However, this time will not be too long.

The midnight snack in Codan's hand was about to be cold, and the door opened. After she called the door wittily, she never knocked on the door again. Instead, she stood far away and listened with her ears upright. When I was moving, I thought about waiting to see if the door would open.

Just when she thought the door would not open, the door still opened, and Gu Xiaowan walked out.

As soon as she appeared, Zuo didn't know where she came out, and Gu Xiaowan asked directly, "Where is the supper?"

Zuo yelled, and Codan came over with the supper: "Miss, it's a bit cold, do you want to get it hot?"

In order to prevent the supper from getting cold, Codan later warmed it with hot water, but it was a long time since the hot water was a little cold.

Gu Xiaowan took a sip, it was still warm, and shook her head: "No, the temperature is just right, the night is getting late, you all hurry up and rest, there is no need to wait here!"

Gu Xiaowan entered the house and locked the door. It was already late tonight, and Brother Yizhi would not leave tonight.

Thinking of the way he begged to let him stay just now, Gu Xiaowan became red in her ears.

In the end, there was still a bargain, and the two took a step back and let him rest on the collapse of the back room, and the deal was made!

After bringing the supper over, I saw Qin Yizhi laid a layer of quilt on the soft top, and when he turned around, he saw Gu Xiaowan coming in with the supper.

"This is the bird's nest porridge I asked the kitchen to prepare for you tonight. Get hungry, eat it!" Gu Xiaowan put the bird's nest porridge on the table, opened it, took a spoonful with a spoon, and passed it over.

Originally Gu Xiaowan was going to hand it to Qin Mozhi, so the gesture was much lower.

Still waiting for him to reach out and take it, who knows, Qin Yizhi came over, bent over, opened his mouth, and swallowed the bird's nest porridge with a spoon in his stomach.

Astonished, Gu Xiaowan's eyes opened wide, and she looked at Qin Mozhi with aversion.

With those eyes, Qin Yizhi was in a good mood, and then teased her again: "I promised you to fall asleep just now. Now, you should promise me to feed me something!"

"Hey, you want to stay, not what I asked you to stay! There is no condition to talk about!" Gu Xiaowan just finished her voice, was hugged, and she sat on his knees. The two cuddled together in this posture


Gu Xiaowan struggled a few times, but Qin Yizhi who was struggling to embrace her vigorously, her face flushed, thinking of the lingering feeling of the two on the outside, at this moment, it was like an aphrodisiac, making her face red. Feeling hot all over, I want to leave this fire source to make myself feel better: "Brother Yuzhi, you let me go!"

"Okay, I will let you go, then you promise to feed me!" Qin Yizhi's abacus is very good, leaving Gu Xiaowan speechless.

"Brother Yizhi, you put your arms around me, not me who asked you to embrace me!" Gu Xiaowan couldn't laugh or cry.

What he did himself, turned out to be a bargaining chip with himself! I have seen a rascal, I have never seen such a rascal!

Gu Xiaowan pursed her lips and looked at Qin Yizhi angrily.

The cat's innocent eyes made Qin Yizhi's mouth closed, and he rubbed his mouth and said, "If you don't agree, it's okay. I'll take a bite and kiss you, how about?"

When Gu Xiaowan was kissed, she almost turned her back, and realized that the person sitting on her lap could not breathe well, and Qin Yizhi let her go.

It's just that the mouth is let go, and the hand has not been let go.

Gu Xiaowan held her numb lips, looked at Qin Yizhi, who was imperative, and then at the big bowl of bird's nest porridge.

Suddenly I felt that I was digging a grave with a shovel and burying myself in the end!

"I'll have another bite." Qin Yizhi saw that Gu Xiaowan hesitated to answer, so he grabbed the spoon in Gu Xiaowan's hand and went to scoop the porridge in the bowl.

Gu Xiaowan doesn't want to be kissed again like just now, her lips are about to swell, what if tomorrow is seen by someone at home!

Gu Xiaowan rushed over, admitting that she had lost, and raised the white flag: "Okay, I'll feed, I'll feed!"

After speaking, holding a spoon in one hand and a bowl in the other, he scooped a spoonful of bird's nest porridge and handed it to Qin Yizhi's mouth.

The long and narrow Danfeng eyes smiled, but he didn't have a fan, but he was fascinatingly gorgeous.

Qin Yizhi obediently let go of Gu Xiaowan in his arms. Gu Xiaowan immediately sat on another chair, holding the spoon in her hand, and kept it on Qin Yizhi's mouth.

Qin Mozhi opened his mouth and looked at Gu Xiaowan affectionately in his eyes.

Gu Xiaowan was immersed in such gentle eyes, she only felt that the temperature of her whole body was getting higher!

At first, Gu Xiaowan fed Qin Yizhi, but then I don’t know what happened. Two people feed me a spoonful and I feed you a spoonful. They were so busy. The big bowl of bird's nest porridge was long gone.

Gu Xiaowan usually doesn’t eat anymore after dinner, but when she slept late tonight, she felt hungry. He ate half a bowl of bird’s nest porridge and was full again. At this moment, she was touching her stomach. Sit comfortably in a chair.

The moon slanted to the west, shining into the room through the edge of the open window, shed a radiance.

Gu Xiaowan was a sleepy person when he was full. Besides, it was really late at night. Gu Xiaowan yawned. She lay on the table and propped her head with her hands. She opened her eyes and looked at the direction of the wardrobe.

Qin Yizhi went to the closet to change clothes.

Knowing that he was staying here tonight, Gu Xiaowan took out the clothes she had prepared for him and asked him to change it.

His clothes are also snow-white, the same fabric as the clothes on Gu Xiaowan, and even the style is not much different.

This is a couple's underwear she made in the cloth shop.

When she was holding the ready-to-wear clothes, she imagined in her mind what it would look like when she put on this couple underwear with him, so she waited for the day to wear it.

Unexpectedly, this day came so quickly, and it came so suddenly.

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