The Farmer Girl Gets Rich

Chapter 1557: tease

"Didn't you say that if I return late, don't let the girl wait?" It's getting late, and Gu Xiaowan usually rests early. I'm waiting for him now, I'm afraid it will be an hour longer.

"The girl said you will come, saying that she will be waiting for you more night!" A Zuohui reported.

Qin Yizhi didn't say a word, gently opened the door, and walked in.

The light in the outer room is very bright, and the entire outer room under the light of Ye Mingzhu is bright. On the chaise couch on the right side of the window, a woman with dark hair and black eyes is lying reclining, looking at him with her dark eyes.

Qin Mozhi's footsteps stopped.

Ye Mingzhu took a clear and elegant picture of the little girl in front of her.

The little girl lying reclining on the soft couch, her black shiny hair was just washed, and it was completely draped behind her head. There were a few strands of satin-like black hair hanging down on her side with the night breeze coming from outside the window. .

Crescent-like beautiful eyebrows, a pair of beautiful eyes looking forward to brilliance under the light of the night pearl, straight and petite nose, peach cheeks slightly dizzy, dripping cherry powder lips slightly pressed, and cheeks like goose eggs It is as smooth as jade, like a flower, and like fat.

The white jade bracelet on the wrist lined the skin like snow, and the white clothes mopped the floor like snow, embroidered with butterfly dark patterns, revealing petite jade feet, and ten cardamom-colored toenails were also shining.

Seeing the people coming in, I saw the people on the soft couch smile shyly, Qianqiansu put a green silk together in her hands, and the white jade bracelet on her wrist slid down the wide white sleeves robe, revealing the white jade arms and the corners of her mouth. With a slight smile, but without words, her eyes looked like two gems under soft light, looking at him shiningly.

Qin Mozhi is wearing a black brocade dress with a fine pattern tonight, and large lotus patterns are visible on the black dress. A white hosta bundles more than half of the ink-like hair, with long eyelashes sweeping the faint shadows under the halo, and the long and narrow black eyes resemble a mass of ink too thick to dissolve.

The self-cultivation jade stands with picturesque eyebrows, like a jade figure cast from a piece of flawless beautiful jade. Even standing there quietly, it is full of beauty and charm, giving people a sense of nobility and elegance.

Qin Yizhi looked at the people in front of him fascinated, only feeling that his heart was soft and unreasonable.

The two looked at each other quietly, with shining stars in their eyes.

Gu Xiaowan grinned, revealing her white jade teeth. She got up, stepped on the thick carpet with bare feet, and rushed towards him.

Qin Yi was stunned for a moment. When he saw the behavior of the kitten in front of him, his heart was as soft as a puddle of clear water. He hurriedly stepped forward and picked up the kitten who was running halfway. Qi rolled down on the soft couch.

Qin Yizhi pressed firmly on Gu Xiaowan's body.

The light of Ye Mingzhu is bright and transparent, as bright as the day.

The clear and beautiful face under his body was imprinted into the scorching gaze, and the little cherry red lips in front of him seductively kissed him with almost no hesitation. The black and white figures are intertwined on the couch, Rumo's hair is intertwined in one place, and the bright light of the bright pearl that night illuminates the overlapping human shadows on the couch.

Qin Yi put one hand on the soft couch, saving himself crushed the people under him, and the other hand wrapped Gu Xiaowan's back and kissed her deeply.

The deep kiss, evil charm and wanton, Gu Xiaowan was almost breathless from being kissed, she opened her eyes and looked at the handsome and familiar face of the person in front of her, just wanting to drown people in the gentle sea.

Gu Xiaowan slightly raised her hand to hook Qin Yanzhi's neck, slightly lifted her body, pressed her body tightly to him, and constantly adjusted her breathing following his deep kiss.

Suddenly, while swallowing his breath, Gu Xiaowan seemed to think of something interesting, and a trace of cunning flashed in her slick eyes.

The cherry-like pink lips raised a charming arc, and Qin Yizhi was fascinated by it. In a moment, the pearl-like teeth opened and closed, and he bit Qin Yizhi in an instant. Lower lip.

Qin Yizhi was in pain, and the deep kiss stopped instantly.

"Wan'er" Qin Mozhi was biting his lower lip by Gu Xiaowan, and the blur in his eyes gradually fainted. After adjusting his breathing, he asked with difficulty.

Gu Xiaowan blinked mischievously, took another bite between her teeth, then let go, and smiled triumphantly in her eyes: "I haven't come to see me for so long. I will kiss me as soon as I see me. I haven't given permission. You kiss me!"

Gu Xiaowan smiled triumphantly, then tilted her head to another place as if angrily, not looking at Qin Mozhi's shallow low smile.

After hearing these vivid words, the anxiety and fatigue were all gone. Qin Yanzhi supported his body, grinned and looked at the people under him.

The white skin has a seductive luster, and the outline of the face is as delicate as jade.

The two were very close to each other, and they could hear each other's breathing clearly, and even the reflection in each other's eyes could be seen clearly.

"Wan'er, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed your lips without your permission!" Qin Yizhi's magnetic voice rang in Gu Xiaowan's ears.

"Hmph, you still know that you are wrong." Gu Xiaowan snorted. As soon as her voice fell, she felt that her body became heavier. Qin Yizhi's hot body clung to her without hesitation, and did not give her any escape or gasping. Opportunity.

"You are wrong, you are still" Gu Xiaowan was anxious, holding her hands between the two, opening her mouth to say something, Qin Yizhi's next movement caused her to swallow all the words she had to say, and she felt a slight tremor. Suddenly froze.

A flexible tongue ran across his neck and landed on his earlobe. Qin Yizhi squinted his eyes slightly, tilted his head and opened his mouth, and his lips firmly held Gu Xiaowan’s earlobe. He stretched out and licked and made a provocative gesture. Between her sensitive earlobes, Gu Xiaowan only felt like a ball of cotton, softly losing her bones.

"Wan'er, you said you can't kiss your lips, but you can't say you can kiss other places!" Qin Yizhi picked up the flaws in Gu Xiaowan's words, sucking on the delicate earlobe, gently beside her ear Sneered.

Gu Xiaowan instantly understood that she had been tricked, she wrinkled her face, and resisted the tingling anger all over her body and said, "You lie to me"

The numbness from her ears caused her to breathe quickly, and her voice was filled with heavy gasps. Qin Yizhi smiled and took a bite gently. The stimulus from her ears, like an electric current, made her lose her anger in an instant.

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